Friday, September 8, 2023

Fields of France Quilt!!!

 I was so excited when my good friends at Riley Blake Designs asked if I wanted to make this new Fields of France Quilt Kit!!!  I mean, how can you not get excited about all of that fall goodness in happy sunflower blocks!!  This quilt is designed by Sandy Gervais for her new fabric line Fall's In Town and I just love everything about it!!! 

This really was such a fun quilt to make!!!  I love that the blocks are big, so they went together pretty fast with some simple Stitch and Flip.   And I think my absolute favorite part of this quilt is the sashing, how cuter are those little x's tied into the plus sign.   Just such a creative way to sash the blocks!!!  

And I just loved working with all of these beautiful fall colors!!!   It is making me wish for the leaves to start falling and for the temperatures to cool off ;)    The prints in this line have such a fun fall flair to them as well.   I love the florals, little towns, and my favorite is the plaid!!!   This quilt finishes at 89" x 89" so it would work perfect for a queen size bed!!!  

And when it came time to quilt it, I decided to do a feather border and then loose feathers in the piecing to highlight the border.   And as soon as I quilted it, I realized how much loose feathers has a falling leaves look to it.  Which of course, made me smile :)   Good ol' 402 Pearl blended perfectly in all of these light and dark colors, my go to for the win every time!! 

And this quilt is actually on it's way to Garden of Quilts to be hung there.   So fun!!!  I can't wait to see it blowing in the breeze ;)  And now it is your turn to make your own, all you need is a Fields of France pattern, a Fall's In Town Fat Quarter Bundle, some Texture Yardage, and a Border print and you are set to sew :)  You are so going to love making this quilt!!! 

And that is it for my Fields of France Quilt ;)  I truly loved working on this project and am ao grateful to my friends at Riley Blake for making such cute kits!!!  

I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Day!!

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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

How They Shine Quilt - Pattern Coming Soon!!!

Today I am thrilled to be sharing my newest quilt finish with you featuring the gorgeous Petal Song Fabric Collection by Corri Sheff!! Corri is so amazing with prints and color, and I just love her work!!! I used her Sonnet Dusk fabric in my Treasured Quilt, and knew I just had to create with her new Petal Song fabric ;) So I went back to a favorite quilt from years past . . . How They Shine!! And the fun news is, since this was made for a compilation book and the publishers have now closed their doors, I can turn it into a Happy Quilting Pattern!!! That will be coming soon, but for now, I get to teach this quilt design at Garden of Quilts and I am so very excited!!!

This How They Shine quilt pattern is so much fun to make and it is Fat Quarter friendly, so you can just grab a Petal Song Bundle ( or a favorite Fat Quarter Bundle stashed away) and get to cutting and piecing in no time!!!   All you need is to add some background fabric and binding fabric. I used Blossom on White Rose Gold Sparkle for my background fabric and I just love how it adds a little pop in all of that beautiful white space! And for the binding I used Bee Cross Stitch Raisin and it was the perfect compliment to all of those gorgeous colors!!!

And while this might look a little complex, it truly is a great beginner quilt with some easy to learn techniques.   It is made with Half Square Triangles, Stitch and Flip units, and a few angled seams, but don't worry, I help you nest them ;) You make half the blocks in one layout and then do the other half in the reverse layout which creates all kinds of awesome secondary designs. So fun!!!

And when it came time to quilt mine, I opted for a favorite of mine. The all over wavy arch free motion design. This is always a favorite to do when I have a "square grid" in the piecing. And the way the grid worked out, it combines blocks to make the square, which pulls the blocks together all the more and highlight the secondary patterns. Double bonus!!! I used my favorite 402 So Fine thread as it blends perfectly into the white as well as the prints.

And just look at all of that yummy texture. I quilted a simple figure 8 "border" around the outside of the quilt to make the "square grid" work, and I just love the way it frames up the quilt. This quilt is so ready to be snuggled in!!! And the nice thing is, the How They Shine pattern will have multiple size options, so you can make whatever size you need. The pattern will be released on Sept 18th and will be on sale for it's debut.  (Along with a few more new patterns!!)    I would have loved to have them in my shop already, but between the Quilting Cruise that I am currently on and Garden of Quilts next week, I just can't get them listed until then . . . but soon!!! 

And that is my How They Shine quilt! I hope you have enjoyed this post and consider making your own How They Shine Quilt very soon!!! And if you do, I would love to see them! You can share your projects with me on social media with the hashtags  #happyquiltingwithmc and #howtheyshinequilt and tagging @happyquiltingmc or email me a picture at I can't wait to see your How They Shine Quilts!!

Thank you so much for popping by and sharing this finish with me!! 

I hope you have a very Happy Quilting Day!!!

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Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!

 It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!! Let's have some fun :)

I usually pick a winner right now, but I am quilting and cruising, so I will pick a winner next week ;)  , 

And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by Fat Quarter Shop.   Fat Quarter Shop is amazing and they never cease to amaze me with everything they have going on at their shop!!!     And did you know they have a 24 Hour Flash Sale  and Precuts of the Week!!   You can also save big on the Basics of the Month!!!!     This month Bee Basics by Lori Holt  are on sale.   Also, Clover Products are on sale for the Notion, and all  Prairie Grass Patterns  are on sale for the Pattern.   Save 20% off of all of them for the whole month of September!!  So great ;)   

And for today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway  Fat Quarter Shop is giving away a brand new Bountiful Blooms Layer Cake by Sherri and Chelsi for Moda!!!     This is such a great new fabric line full of summer goodness ;) Good Luck to you all!!!  

You have two entry chances here on the blog, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me your favorite flower??  (I am all about roses!!)  

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Fat Quarter Shop love.   You can follow them on   FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestYou Tube or at their Blog.  You can Sign up for their Newsletter which will ensure you catch all of their amazing sales, or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Fat Quarter Shop Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, Sept 12th when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

You can also pop over to my Instagram and/or Facebook to enter there as well :)  

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Saturday, September 2, 2023

Upcoming Teaching!!!

So right now, I am actually teaching on a quilting cruise to Alaska!!!  You can follow along on Instagram, and hopefully I will remember to post some pics ;)  I know I said things were slowing down with school starting, but I just looked at my calendar and realized, things are not slowing down at all ;)  I am teaching at 4 different quilting venues in the next two months and it is going to be oh so much fun!!!  So . . . . I figured I better share where I will be and maybe you can come quilt with me!!! 

     First up . . . 

Date - Sept 13-16, 2022
Place - Lehi, Utah 

This will be right after I get back from the quilting cruise and I am so excited!!!!Garden of Quilts is an experience unlike anywhere else I have taught :)   This is the third time I will be returning to teach at Garden of Quilts and I am just thrilled.  Something about combining the love of quilts with the beauty of the gardens is just refreshing to the soul!!!    There is still room in some of my classes, and you can still sign up!!!   I will be teaching my soon to be released Crossing Paths pattern on Wednesday morning and my also soon to be released How They Shine pattern on Wednesday afternoon.  Then on Thursday morning it's Summer Breeze (class sold out)  followed True North (class sold out)  and both of these older patterns have had a major overhaul.  I will be sharing more soon!!!  Friday morning I will teach my Braided Irish Chain pattern (only 2 spots left), which has also been updated, and then Treasured from my Fast & Fun Lap Quilts Book on Friday afternoon.   Finally, on Saturday morning I will teach Puzzle Box, also from Fast & Fun Lap Quilts.   It's going to be so much fun!!!  I hope you can come and join in, it is so worth the trip ;) 

Crossing Paths - Sep 13 - 9am     How They Shine - Sep 13 - 2pm   Summer Breeze - Sep 14 - 9am

True North - Sep 14 - 2pm                             Braided Irish Chain - Sep 15 - 9am

Treasured - Sep 14 - 2pm                  Puzzle Box - Sep 16 - 9am

Then as soon as I get back from Garden of Quilts it is the 

Date - Sep 18-21, 2023
Place - Cedar City, Utah 

This is always fun because it is local.  This quilt retreat is mainly a "work on  your own projects" quilt retreat, but I will be teaching two classes this year, just to add to the mix!!  I am teaching Nordic Nights and Summer Breeze and both are favorites to teach!!!  It should be an amazing group of quilters to work with!!!


Then I have a couple of weeks to catch my breath, before heading to the . . .

Date - Oct 5-7, 2022
Place - Richfield, Utah 

I just love this quilt retreat!!!  I have taught there once before, and have been trying to get back for several years but there was always a conflict of dates.  I am so excited to be able to return this year!!!   I will be teaching Aurora from my Fast & Fun Lap Quilts Book, Blossoming Stars, and Swirling Leaves.  Only the Swirling Leaves class has spots open for sign ups ;)   It is going to be such a fun filled weekend with so many amazing quilters, and if you have never been to Richfield, you will just adore it's small town feel ;)  

And then a few days later it's  . . .
Date - Oct 10-14, 2022
Place - Layton, Utah 

 I have taught at this retreat many times, and it is always super fun!!!   Quilt Fest held by the Utah Quilt Guild, is such a wonderful time with so many people coming together ;)     I will be teaching 4 classes at this retreat . . .  my soon to be released How They Shine pattern on Wednesday morning, followed by  Jacks from Fast & Fun Lap Quilts on Wednesday Afternoon.  Then on Thursday, it is more Fast & Fun Lap Quilts fun with my Aurora class taught in the morning and my Puzzle Box class taught in the afternoon.   It's going to be so much fun!!!        
How They Shine - Oct 11 - 8:30am                            Jacks - Oct 11 - 2:30pm
Aurora - Oct 12 - 8:30am                             Puzzle Box - Oct 12 - 2:30 pm

And then, before I even go home, I am stopping on my way down the I-15 to . . . 

Date - Oct 13 - 14 , 2022
Place - Springville, UT

Cornwagon Quilts Co. is such a wonderful quilt store.  And super fun for me, they have a retreat center, so I get to come and share a trunk show and classes!!!  I am so very excited ;)  I will be teaching 3 classes and I will also be sharing a Trunk Show on the evening of Oct 13th!!!   Before the trunk show, I will be teaching my Nordic Night class on Friday Morning.  Then on Saturday, I am teaching my Summer Breeze class in the morning, and my Moroccan Lullaby 2 class in the afternoon.     I am so super excited!!!!  
Nordic Nights - Oct 13 - 12pm                                   Trunk Shown - Oct 13 - 6pm

Summer Breeze - Oct 14 - 10am                             Moroccan Lullaby 2 - Oct 14 - 2pm

And then . . . I am taking November and December off from traveling.  But you better believe 2024 is going to be hitting the ground running.  I am already booked for Moab, UT, Grand Junction CO, New Braunfles, TX, Tucson, AZ, and of course, all over Utah all year.  It's going to be a year of so much fun!!!

Oh, and one other booking for 2024 . . . Just in case you are wishing you were on the Alaska Cruise with me . . . You can still come cruise with me in May 2024!!!  It's going to be so much fun ;)  


I hope I get to see some of you in class!!!!   Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!!
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Thursday, August 31, 2023

August's Sew Sampler Box!!!

Well, here we are at the close of another month.  Man, summer sure does fly by.  But I am excited for things to slow down a bit now, as everyone is back to school and I have full day's to sew!!   And August's Sew Sampler Box has lots of goodies to sew with for sure!!!     I can't wait to get to my machine!!! 

I was so excited to find this gorgeous Sunray Day in the Life Fat Quarter Bundle!! Echo Park makes such fun designs, and this Day in the Life Fabric  is just so happy and full of life.   And how cute is that Sunray pattern!!!   Those blocks just burst and I love the pops of yellow and pink!!!  It truly encompasses a summer picnic :)   

And the notions for this month are fun!!!! This Scribbles Petite Tear away Quilting Paper is new to me, but such a great idea for new quilters learning to free motion quilt.  I think it will be a great technique builder!!!   And how adorable is that 1 1/2" Creative Grids square ruler.   I think I want to display it more than use it, it is just so cute!!!   And of course, I always love thread, and this Mettler cotton silk finish thread is just so fine!! So much quilty goodness!!

And yes, another month is coming and going in the Pressed Flowers Quilt Along!!!!  I still really want to do this quilt. maybe now that school has started I will have time to get caught up.  Here is hoping next month I will have lots of blocks to share!! 

And just a note, there are currently some openings for  Sew Sampler boxes so you can jump right in and start having this lovely little aqua box arrive at your doorstep too!!!   

And that is August Sew Sampler Box and I am so looking forward to September's Box, but I am also making a goal to sew the Pressed Flowers blocks before it comes ;) 

Happy Quilting!!! 
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