Friday, December 9, 2011

Giveaway Day with The Intrepid Thread!!!


First off, if you are new Welcome!!!   I hope you find lots to be happy about here at Happy Quilting :)

On to our second Christmas Extravaganza Giveaway Sponsor and it sponsored by Julie from The Intrepid Thread!! Julie carries an amazing selection of fabrics from Andover, Free Spirit, Westminister, Northcott and more.  And you will always find fabulous prices and great sale selections at The Intrepid Thread.  And hold on to your Santa hats because you aren't going to believe the giveaway Julie has in store for you!!!!

So let's get to it.  Wouldn't you just love to find an entire Fat Quarter Bundle of Power Pop under your tree??  I know I would!! These colors and prints are fabulous and oh so much fun!!!  And yes,  That is 29 Fat quarters equaling 7 1/4 yards!!!!  

You have two chances to win, and please, leave a separate comment for each (for a total of 2 comments max :) 

1 - Be A follower of my Blog, Happy Quilting, and leave a comment.  How about you share with me your favorite thing about Christmas and then add "Follow" to the end of your comment :)   (I might be bias but this is a pretty fun place to follow along with, lots of quilting fun, free tutorials, and of course, fun giveaways, including 2 more this month :) 

2 - Be a follower of The Intrepid Thread Blog and leave a comment.  How about you share with me something about the Intrepid Thread, (why you love it, if you just found it, ect.) and then add "Follow" to the end of your comment :)  (Julie's blog is fabulous and keeps you totally updated on everything in her shop, and oh ya, she has a giveaway each Friday, Yippee!!!)

So that's it :) The giveaway will close on Thursday the 15th and I will announce a winner shortly after.   And Don't forget to stop by next Friday for our third Christmas Giveaway!!!  Good Luck to all and Happy Quilting!!!

Pin It!


  1. Are you kidding? What an awesome giveaway! I just love laying on my couch in the evenings staring at my Christmas tree twinkling. And all the Christmas hymns in church :) - Follower!!!!

  2. WoW! When I walk the dog I love looking at everyone's decorations and especially the Christmas trees in the front windows - so pretty and different. I follow!

  3. I follow Julie's blog and like all the projects that she shares with us and how excited she gets with each new fabric line.

  4. I am also a follower of the Intrepid Thread and I love all their fabric selections. That gorgeous set of turquoise white and grays are too die for!!!

  5. Fantastic giveaway!

    My favorite thing about Christmas is the family time - it's crazy busy but so much fun!

    I'm a happy follower!

  6. I'm an Intrepid Thread follower. I love her pictures of fabric stacks! Yummy!

  7. I love going to pick out our tree and then decorating it :)


  8. I just found the Intrepid Thread, and now I Follow there too

  9. Love to decorate with Christmas quilts and wallhangings. Thanks and I follow.

  10. What a great giveaway !!!

    I'm already following your blog.

    My favorite thing about Christmas is all the parties where you get to see everyone.

  11. I'm already following Julie at The Intrepid Thread !

  12. I am a follower of your blog, my favorite thing about Christmas is the coziness of being together with family and friends.

  13. Julie always sends a personal note and reall lovely packages. I follow her blog.

  14. I am a follower of the Intrepid Thread, I love their fabric selection they have fantastic taste!!

  15. I follow Happy Quilting! my favorite thing about christmas? Time with family. follow

  16. I follow Intrepid Thread. Love their great selection. Follow.

  17. There are two things I love about Christmas. The first is my collection of Department 56 houses. At night, we turn off all the lights and then light up the houses. It is so festive. The second thing I love is December 26, when everything is over and our only job is to spend time as a family. (follow)

  18. I love getting up Christmas morning and playing Christmas music while the kids open their gifts. Follow

  19. I follow Intrepid Thread. I love their selections.

  20. I love The Intrepid Thread. Not only is Julie super nice, but she has the best prices around! (I follow her, too!)

  21. Favorite thing about Christmas is looking at all the lights with my girls...that and hard candy.

    Oh and I follow you.

  22. I love the lights and time off with family. I follow you through Google Reader.

  23. My favorite part of Christmas is the wonder on my kids' faces! I follow.

  24. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. My favorite thing about christmas is spending time with my family. I follow.

  25. My favorite thing about Christmas has to be the music. I start to play it the day after Thanksgiving until the day after Christmas. Thanks for the great giveaway. I am a Follower.

  26. I'm an Intrepid Thread follower. I love their fabrics have beautiful colors.

  27. Wow! What a giveaway!!! I am, as always, your loyal follower! :)

  28. Fun giveaway! I love the Spirit of Christmas in everyone. "Follow"

  29. I am also a follower of Intrepid Thread! THey are wonderful!

  30. My favorite thing about Xmas is my daughter's excitement about the whole season. Follow!

  31. Julie at Intrepid is always a generous with her giveaways and the selections.... "Follow"

  32. What I like best about the Intrepid Thread is her bundling. Makes selecting fabric so easy. Follow!

  33. My fave thing about Christmas is that more people seem happier and it's nice to see. FOLLOW

  34. Hi Melissa, My favorite thing about Christmas is seeing the little ones so excited. Follow

  35. I've read her blog thru Reader for awhile now, and what I like is that she's so engaged in what's going on and it comes thru in her writing. Her shop is as enthusiastic as she is, well put together and fun. She is so generous with giveaways all over blog land. Follow

  36. The decorations! I love them. I love driving thru town and night and looking at them. I love turning off our house lights and looking at the it....follower :)

  37. I'm a recent follower of The Intrepid thread. She has some lovely fabrics!

  38. I follow this blog. something I love about christmas - watching my girl get excited about it! follow

  39. I love the holiday lights! And I AM a follower!

  40. I just found Intrepid Thread and enjoyed looking at all the fabrics (and beautiful jewelry). Follow

  41. My favorite Christmas thing is gift wrapping! Follow you and love it.

  42. I follow the intrepid thread and love drooling over the new fabric lines. follow

  43. Just found it and intend to follow!

  44. I follow the happy quilter
    Google reader is such a time saver

    My favorite thing about christmas is buying presents

  45. I also follow intrepid thread but just started a couple of weeks ago -- I like to see the new fabrics

  46. My favorite thing about Christmas is getting together with family and friends that you might not see but once a year. Follow.

  47. The Intrepid Thread keeps me drooling with all of the eye candy she shares. Follow.

  48. I am looking foward to some time off work - more sewing. I'm a follower

  49. My favorite thing about Christmas is children's laughter - sitting around the tree with family. I follow through Google Reader!

  50. I've followed the Intrepid Thread in Google Reader for a while - and it really is following, since she leads us to great deals and giveaways! Follower!

  51. I love watching my children's excitement on Christmas. They are still young (5, 3, and baby!) and they believe in the magic of Santa with all of their hearts! Delightful. And yes, I follow! Of course!

  52. I'm one of your followers. :)

    One of my favourite things about Christmas is making fresh homemade pasta with my girlfriends or my mom & sister. It's so much fun, the kids can participate and it tastes so good! (It's a Christmas tradition in my family from when I was little - an homage to our Italian roots)

    Infact, my girlfriends and I have our Christmas pasta date scheduled for Tuesday! Woo!

  53. What's not to love about the Intrepid Thread? The pricing is ah-mazing, the shipping rates to Canada are super reasonable, and she has fabulous selection. I follow Julie's blog too, for sure!

  54. I'm also an Intrepid Thread follower.. I love Julie's blog, and she has some fabulous things in her etsy store.. I'm waiting on fabric mail from her atm :) (Some divine "Delighted" by The Quilted Fish)

  55. Hmmm, what do I love about Christmas???? My favorite new tradition is spending the night at our daughter's Christmas Eve so we're there when the g-babe wake up. We've done this for the last 3 years and last year our son joined us. What fun!!! Merry Christmas.

  56. I've been following Intrepid Threads for some time now. They have great fabric and are so generous with their giveaways.

  57. My favourite thing about Christmas is everyone is more cheerful, even supermarket shopping doesn't seem as bad with the Christmas music. I follow you x

  58. I follow Julie and have for quite a while, she is just the nicest person, and, of course, she has some great giveaways :-)..... xx

  59. Hi Melissa,
    thanks again wonderful giveaway. I´m a happy follower here ☺
    Liebe Grüße
    Bente - Germany

  60. The past few years my favorite thing about Cmas has been finding new ornaments to make each year. This year I have tried 3, though one is more of a different take on previous years' ornaments. Cinnamon apple ones! Oh, they smell so good. And we even got my husband to help us paint some last night.

  61. And a foller to The Intrepid Thread Blog too!
    Liebe Grüße
    I like to QuiltBlog

  62. My favorite part of Christmas is on Christmas Eve we have a party for family and friends that have no where to go. When our kids were small my husband would wake them up at 5:30 in the morning and tell them Santa had come and there were presents. He would make a huge breakfast. I miss those days. I am a follower

  63. thank you for sharing The Intrepid Thread blog. I always love a new blog and love reading all the way back to the first post. Will be so much fun to read this one. I am a follower

  64. It may be corny, but I love spending Christmas Day with my family. It seems like we don't see that much of each other during the year. I'm already a follower of yours.

  65. I can't remember how long ago I was turned on to the Intrepid Thread. She gets a lot of fabric in it that I don't see elsewhere (especially local). I like the projects in her tutorials and she seems to have tons of giveaways! I've been a follower for a while now.

  66. I am a follower of the Intrepid Thread. The fabric is gorgeous, there are so many wonderful giveaways and Julie's projects are great.

  67. Sweet giveaway! I follow you and love Christmas because of all the wrong reasons....cookies, food, and presents. I wish I could say spending time with family, giving, and the spirit of it all, but I would be lying to myself. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and do enjoy spending time with them and giving them gifts, but I REALLY love to indulge in all the yummy food and rip open presents like I'm 5 years old again.

  68. I love listening to my children talking about Santa. Follow. Fan4may at aol dot com

  69. My favourite thing about Christmas is the family getting together. I am a follower. Happy Holidays and thank you for the generous giveaway.

  70. I follow the IT blog. Love the shop. Has great prices and very reasonable shipping fees. Plus, they get things shipped out right away and communicate very well!

  71. My favorite thing about Christmas is spending time with my family and friends. They are scattered far and wide so I don't get to spend nearly as much time with them as I want to. Follow!

  72. I love seeing all the new fabrics. Follow Fan4may at aol dot com.

  73. I would love to have this give away under my christmas tree! Love your site !

  74. We don't celebrate Christmas here at our house, but I love the fabrics and wanted to enter the giveaway. : ) I follow. : )

  75. I am a follower by email of Intriped. I love the fabrics, the tutorial links, and the simplicity of the blog. Wonderful site. : )

  76. I just subscribed to the Intrepid Thread's newsletter and ma happy that you introduced them to me. Follow!

  77. I love the IT! (And I just realized if you include the "t" from the "The" in their acronym then they are "TIT!") In fact, when I first read about your giveaways for this month and saw that site listed, I was so excited. I have been more excited for this one than all of the others combined! They have great giveaways.
    *Follow TIT!*

  78. I follow the Intrepid Thread! She has the best giveaways! :)

  79. I love so much about Christmas - the manger scenes, the smells of pine, the colored lights, the foods, the Christmas carols, family get togethers...etc. Follow

  80. I have always found Julie to be a great help and has fast and friendly service. Follow.

  81. my favourite thing about christmas is the break from school! :) or maybe it's the fact that my grandmother visits from jamaica around christmastime... always a plus!


  82. Oh My god - Julie is beyond generous!! I follow your blog

  83. I follow Intrepid Thread also, Julie's fabulous!

  84. I follow Intrepid Thread's blog and get her newsletter. I've ordered from her a couple times, SUPER fast shipping! Love her shop. :)

  85. My favorite thing about this Christmas is having both my children here. It has been several years since that happened and I am so excited!
    Following you!

  86. I follow IT blog. I like the shop, lots to choose from and fast getting out the orders. ONe of the best things is the photography! You can really see what the fabric looks like and see the size of the prints in relationship to one another. I think we've all been surprised a time or two when we've bought fabric online and discovered upon the unpacking that the prints were much larger or smaller than we thought. Not much of a problem with IT!

  87. I love watching my two children get excited about Christmas. They make it magical for me. :) I follow (and am happy to do so!).

  88. I love reading the Intrepid Thread blog - Julie always showcases the most beautiful fabrics. She enables me to window shop from my blog reader! I follow her to (and happily!). :)

  89. My favorite thing about Christmas is spending time with family and friends. We love to open our home and invite people over for a meal and fellowship. I am a long time follower :-)

  90. I am a follower of the Intrepid Thread. Julie's blog is so fun and I always love seeing the new fabric lines.

  91. One of my favorite things about the holidays is the FOOD. Duh! :) Follow!

  92. I can't remember how I found Intrepid Thread, but I've been following it for about a month or two, I think. I really like the photos of the fabrics and, well, everything! Follow.

  93. My favourite thing about Christmas is wrapping all the presents and seeing them under the tree. I'm a follower.

  94. I've just received an order from the Intrepid Thread in today's mail and didn't know Julie had a blog - I've just become a new follower!

  95. My favorite thing about Christmas is being with family and connecting with friends. I am a follower of your great blog!

  96. My favorite thing about Christmas is watching my children's excitement grow every year. I follow your blog.

  97. I follow Intrepid Thread and love to see what's new in the fabric world. So many great ideas.

  98. I'm a teacher, so Christmas means unlimited time to quilt! I love following your blog ever since I saw it on Pinterest!

  99. I'm a follower of your blog! Thank you for the giveaway!

  100. Wow! What an amazing giveaway! My favorite things about Christmas are baking with my daughter and spending time with my family. I'm a follower!

  101. I LOVE the Intrepid Thread! I love seeing all the new fabrics and the gorgeous photos of the bundles - makes me want them all! Also love the great service - Julie put together a custom bundle for me very quickly and I received it so fast too. I'm of course a follower of the IT!

  102. I love baking with the family - getting together tomorrow to make a bunch of pie crusts to put in the freezer. I am a follower!

  103. I follow the Intrepid Thread - love the fabric!

  104. My favourite thing is seeing all the trees on the local roundabouts lit up with fairy lights - so pretty! I'm a follower!

  105. I love the excitement/pressure of getting all of the gifts and stocking stuffers in time. I have been following this blog for a long time and truly enjoy it. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway! I can see it under my tree now! Follow.

  106. I follow Julie's blog and love it - her passion (obsession?!) for fabric comes through loud and clear and I love seeing all her new stock!

  107. I love the excitement of Christmas morning and being with my family. And the fact that we aren't expected to get dressed until noon :) I follow.

  108. I follow Julie's blog and enjoy all that she shares with us! Fabric selection is awesome! Thanks for this giveaway! Follow.

  109. My favorite thing about Julie's shop is that she wraps your purchase like a gift before mailing it off to you (and the prices). Follower

  110. My favorite thing about Christmas is the music. I love Christmas music! Follower

  111. I follow your blog and my favorite thing about Christmas is my families Christmas eve party!

  112. I follow the intrepid thread as well. Love her fabric!

  113. One of my favorite things about Christmas is Winter break from school, I love having extra time with my kids and family! Thanks for the great giveaway! I'm a follower :)

  114. My favorites thing is being in my family room with my family, the lights twinkling on the tree and a fire going in the fireplace.

  115. One of many things I love about the Intrepid Thread is the photos! Not sure how she does it but they always show off the fabric beautifully! I follow The Intrepid thread :)

  116. My favorite thing about Christmas is sitting in the living room with just the tree lights after everyone's in bed and enjoying the quiet beauty of the season, snow falling outside. Follow.

  117. I'm new to the Intrepid Thread, but from what I can see, it's going to be a tempting blog to "follow"!

  118. I like Intrepid. Julie is wonderful, I've ordered fabric from her and it's always been a pleasure!

  119. I already follow you!! My favorite part of Christmas is how everyone (well most) people are so happy and walk around with smiles on their faces.

  120. I also already a follower of the Intrepid Thread. I love ordering from her. She is so speedy and the fabrics are always gorgeous.

  121. I love the Intrepid Thread blog and all the eye candy.

  122. Hi, my fave thing about Xmas is the cosy feel of a Xmas tree in the room with lights twinkling:) Follower:-D

  123. My favorite thing about Christmas is the traditions that our family do every Christmas like making Christmas cookies and decorating them and making Stein Candy which is a family recipe that has been done for 4 generations now. FOLLOW

  124. I'm a follower of Intrepid Thread, that's how I got here! Look forward to browsing around:)

  125. I like their choice of fabrics. They have beautiful fabrics. I have been following The Intrepid Thread for a while now. FOLLOW

  126. My favourite thing about Christmas is to see the look of wonder and happiness on a child's face on Christmas morning. Follow :-)

  127. I love baking! Frosted sugar cookies, molasses cookies, Chocolate chip with peppermint chips added for christmas, chocolate fudge, peanut butter fudge... see why I'm a runner, too? (Follow!)

  128. My favorite thing about Christmas is the days after Christmas, when the rush is done and we can enjoy our gifts and family time. I'm a follower...actually quilting the STARS quilt right now!

  129. The Intrepid Thread has a great shop. Follow.

  130. My favorite thing about Christmas is watching my kids decorate the tree and talking about each ornament as it goes up, all ornaments are handmade. (Follow):)

  131. I am a follower of Happy Quilting ;)

  132. although it takes tremendous self control, I really enjoy sharing the preparations for Christmas with my kids; the simple pleasure of licking spoons, rolling dough; they are so proud to serve special foods they helped make, and presenting gifts they wrapped themselves. it reminds me of the true meaning. happy to be following your blog!

  133. I really like The Intrepid Thread. Follow.

  134. I love Christmas snow but I don't get any in florida.
    I follow both blogs as I found them linked to other blogs. I love Intrepid Thread due to the creativity & COLORS - so many beautiful vibrant colors are used there.

    Thanks for the fun ;)

  135. uhhh these are SO nice I follow your blog

  136. I also follow intrepid..... I'd really love these FQs....

  137. I have been enjoying Jewel's creativity on the tread for awhile now; she is so talented, and generous too! thanks for another awesome giveaway!

  138. Oooh, yummy fabric! I'm a follower of your blog.

  139. I follow Intrepid Thread as well.

  140. So happy to have found your blog! My fav thing about Christmas is the cookies! Follow.

  141. I love the fabric that the Intrepid Thread features. Also the fabric in her shop is pretty fab. Follow.

  142. I am a new follower of your blog. I love to see and covet new fabrics! LOL


  143. I am struggling to get through my to do list before Christmas. My favorite fabric from this year was European Taupe by Daiwabo.

  144. Intrepid Thread has Art Gallery fabric. Love it.
    I already get their newsletter.



  147. I love Julie at Intrepid Thread because she addressed a "thank you" note with my order to "Mistress Duff" I couldn't stop giggling!!

  148. I follow you! :) Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize!

  149. I've also been following the Intrepid Thread for a while. I've ordered from Julie and she has fantastic customer service. Definitely will be coming back!

  150. I love spending time with family, the food, the games, I love all of it :)
    and I follow.

  151. I love the selection at the Intrepid Thread, the good international shipping rates, the quick response and great customer service, and the package comes wrapped so pretty :)
    and I follow.

  152. I'm a follower and have been for some time. Awesome giveaway!

    For he's a jolly good follow!

    Ha! Get it? Fellow? Follow?

    I know. ::groan:: But, the last word is and shall be follow.

  153. My favourite thing about Christmas is the whole family gets together and the Christmas Spirit surrounds us!
    follower :)

  154. I love Intrepid Thread. Only found her a month or so ago, but her giveaways are awesome. I like how she leads us to other interesting blogs, too.

  155. I love your site and have been a follower for some time. Thank you for a great giveaway. I would keep my fingers crossed but I have lots of Christmas sewing left todo. So I am cossing my toes.

  156. My most favorite thing about Christmas is having all of my family around.

    Follow YOU!

  157. Really love Jeanean Morrison prints, awesome giveaway! I'm a follower

  158. I follow intrepid thread too :-)

  159. I have been one of your followers for quite a while. :)
    I love Xmas Eve when most of the preparations are all done, but there is still excitement and expectations of Xmas Day. :)

  160. I am also a follower of The Intrepid Thread, I love the way Julie puts together all the bundles of her gorgeous fabrics. This is an awesome giveaway.

  161. Happily, I am one of your many followers - what an awesome giveaway!

  162. I love Christmas Eve too when everything is done and you can sit with your family and laugh and spend time together knowing you have a lovely day ahead of you. Follow.

  163. Interpid Thread is a good source for great fabric - the pictures Julie takes are right on, and you know what you're getting - great service too. I have been a follower for some time.

  164. Oh my! I'm a follower! What a great give-away!

  165. I celebrate Hanukkah and love eating latkes! I am now following your blog. Mangelnsm(at)aol(dot)com

  166. I love Christmas Eve when everything is done and you can kick back with the family and look forward to the day to come. Follow!

  167. I follow the Intrepid Thread and just love the inspiration I get! (forgot to leave what I love about Christmas on other post--I LOVE it all but I guess my favorite is making things for the ones I love!)

  168. I also follow Intrepid Thread. Love her photos of fabric bundles . Mangelnsm(at)aol(dot)com

  169. I love Julie because she is great fun, super efficient, puts together fabulous FQ bundles (my Echo arrived today!) and her prices are incredible. What`s not to like? I`ve been following Julie and IT for a while now.

  170. My favorite thing about Christmas is probably the FOOD! I am a FOLLOWER!

  171. My favorite thing about Christmas is spending time with my kids doing fudge and Christmas lights together. Follow. Happy Holidays.

  172. I have been a follower/fan of Julie at IT for a while. Love her selection and prices. Plus, I get my beautifully packaged order all the way from California faster (and neater!) than a certain on-line ginormous .com fabric company right here in my hometown! LOVE!!

  173. I am a follower of Julie at IT. Love her fabrics and the way she puts things together.

  174. I am a follower of your blog. Thanks for the chance to win!

  175. I just added myself as a follower of Intrepid Thread. On looking around, I love her pictures on her blog of what is coming and what she is up to. Follow.

  176. The thing I love most about Christmas is that I get to spend more time with my family. I am a follower of your blog.

  177. My fave thing about Chrisas is my kids anticipation as they come down the stairs to see what Santa brought! Following you :-)

  178. family and time together. Follow. :)

  179. I love how she keeps her blog updated! I have been a follower of The Intrepid Thread Blog for a while now.

  180. Julie's very generous. Follow :)

  181. I follow Julies blog. I ordered from her a couple of weeks ago for the 1st time and thought her service was brilliant - so friendly and efficient! And super quick shipping to me in Ireland, bonus!

  182. Favorite thing about Christmas? The traditions.

    I'm a follower.

  183. I love Julie's enthusiasm for fabric; I feel the same way, and when she writes about it, she tells me things I care about. Yesterday's post about the Elements fabrics is a good example; hearing how soft they are, I now want them even more and they have leapfrogged over a couple of other lines that I have found a little scratchy.

    I'm a follower of the Intrepid Thread.

  184. My fav thing about Christmas is the kids, and the food, and church..FOLLOW

  185. My fav thing about Intrepid Thread is Julie, FOLLOW HER TOO!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
