Thursday, January 5, 2012

TNT Thursday with A Video Attempt

EDIT - I think you should be able to view the video now, if not, please let me know and I will work on it some more.  Oh what a learning experience :)

So I tried it . . . . I attempted to make a free motion quilting video.  Now I will be the first to say, it isn't great.  But it was a definite learning experience.    Here is what I learned.

1 - I am not so good with words.  I kept tripping over them and even after 5 attempts I still said things that sound absolutely silly.  Hopefully with more practice I might be a little less nervous and actually be able to say what I am thinking.  

2 - There is a huge give and take of what you quilt on.  I love seeing an entire quilt worked on instead of a little square because I can get a better sense of how the quilter handles the bulk of their fabric, however, as this video demonstrates, it is a whole lot harder to see the quilting when it is done on a quilt instead of a little  solid dark square with high contrasting thread.  I am thinking about how to solve this.  Maybe a solid quilt made just for quilting videos???

3 - Trying to locate the best position for the tripod while still being able to reach your quilt to work on is not the easiest.  Maybe I need to get a partner in crime to do the filming??

4 - I wish I could figure out a way to do the sound after.  Is the sound of the sewing machine in the background to loud to understand??

5 - And this is an important one.  Never Ever, Ever, try to upload a video using blogger.  I had it uploading for 8 hours and nothing.  Seriously, has anyone ever used blogger to upload a video??  YouTube was only a mere 45 minutes.  (But I kept it private as I really don't feel like this work is worth publishing :)  

So it is back to the video camera for me.  Hopefully in the future I will be able to show some better quality free motion quilting videos.  But, you got to start somewhere, right :)  Please feel free to give any suggestions. I would love to hear what you would like to see in a free motion quilting video :)

So that was my Try :)  Let's see yours :)  

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  1. I have wondered about machine quilting and (as a quilter-wannabe) can't picture how it is done - I wasn't able to see your video, I got a private message. But to me, just being able to SEE it, even without any sound, would be useful. And I suspect that light thread on dark fabric would make the process more visible.

  2. You are brave trying to video by yourself. I can barely take photos as I work!

  3. When I click on your video it says; 'This video Is private' and won't play. =(

  4. I'm sure you are being too hard on yourself! We tend to be our own worst critics. I see you have over 1,000 followers - I would have made it private, too, I think, but good luck next time! Would love to see it as I am always striving to be better at it. As they say, practice makes BETTER! (Only One is Perfect :-)

  5. I had the same trouble as Quiltingdaisy - when I tried to play the video it says it is private. I think you are very brave for even attempting something like this. You will NEVER see me making a video - lol!

  6. I have the same problem, the video says private, and I can't see it. :(

  7. I hope you can get this to work. I was excited to see it, but couldn't.

  8. I thought that was really good! YOu didn't sound silly at all! The only problem I had was that I couldn't see the flower. I could see how to do it, and could tell what you were doing, but I couldn't see the thread, so I couldn't see what the flower looked like on the quilt. Maybe show a picture after? Good first video though!! Happy TNT! I wish I had something to link today!!

  9. Awesome, being a new quilter, I need all the help I can get!

  10. I agree with Linz - I thought it was easy to follow and understand, but I don't think I would rely on this video unless I could see what the flower looked like at the end. If, when you finished a flower, you could bring the camera in and focus on just the single flower that you quilted so that we could see it, then I think I would try this! (I'm just a visual person...)

  11. I think you had a good idea, a solid quilt for just videos would be awesome! Either a dark color and light thread or a light quilt with dark thread, either would work I'm sure.

  12. Oooo I can see it now, Thanks!! I feel your enthusiasm and talent beginning to inspire me. ;D

  13. I think you did a great job.


  14. I actually like hearing the sound of your machine in the background as i can hear how fast you have to have the machine going in relation to how quickly you move your hands. I cant make out your quilting design at all which is a shame but I do love your idea of using a large quilt to demonstrate how you handle the bulk, well done and thankyou for the video- much appreciated.

  15. Would love a tutorial on the steps leading to the actual quilting. Basting. Dropping feed dogs. New supplies for your machine, etc. thanks for this one. I thought it was great.

  16. Nice job Melissa! I think your idea of a solids quilt next time would be good...with contrasting thread. I'll have to try your flower next time I quilt, I'm usually just a straight line or meandering gal...

  17. you did a great job! thanks for replying to my email so quickly

  18. it is cool to see how you do flowers - i always do the middle circle and then the petals but i think your way might be easier. i'll give it a try sometime!

  19. You might have thought you sounded silly but I totally disagree! You sound great and everything you said made perfect sense. I can't see your quilting at all though :( I think the angle worked fine but solids and contrasting thread would be much better. The noise of the machine wasn't too bad and I have no idea how to do the sound separately, sorry! You're brave putting out there and apart from the fabric issue it was really good :)

  20. Awesome job on your very first video, Melissa! :)

  21. Your voice! I got to hear what you sound like!! The video is great. I think I'm going to have to try this. Where'd you get your gloves?

  22. It is so nice in a video to put a voice to the face. Excellent job on your first video.

  23. I did think the machine was a little loud. But I could understand you. I know that it is possible to use a separate audio track, I just can't remember if i saw that in Windows movie maker, or as an option on YouTube.

  24. I concur, It is great to put a voice to a face! I think you did a studendous job! I loved that you worked on an actual quilt vs a scrap piece. My only suggestion, is to show a close up in the end. I absolutely loved it!!!

  25. Awesome! I am just about to start my first big free motion quilting project and it was nice to see some FMQ action!

  26. I thought the whole video was great!

    I enjoyed hearing the machine in the background as I was able to gauge your speed,you did make it look easy!
    Thank you
    Rebecca (NZ)

  27. I think you did a very good job! You didn't sound silly at all. But I think we all feel that way any time we hear/or see ourselves recorded. I am sure it is something you would get used to. But kudos to you for going out of your comfort zone to offer us this special feature (even when you weren't happy about it yourself). I think it was very helpful, and you do a fantastic job explaining what you are doing as you go. A pic of the flower that was made would definitely be a big help (or possibly, you could even show a drawing of what it looks like, especially before you begin so that we can better understand what you are doing as you go). It does seem that true beginners may also need more instruction, as mentioned above, like how you got set up to this point, but personally, I am fine without it, and you certainly wouldn't need to do that every time (maybe a post you could refer them to)?

    I would love to see more videos of other FMQ patterns! So, please, keep it up!!!

  28. Just ran across your blog and have posted a button to mine. I will def. try to share what I have done that is new. I have a lot of new things I'm trying this year. : )

  29. You were far too quick on the sewing, we couldn't keep up with you. The fabric you were using on your quilt was far too busy and dark for demonstrating any fmq. We couldn't see the sewing of the flower and the lighting was appauling. The sound of the sewing machine was too loud. You need more practise for this kind of demo. 4/10

  30. Just what we all like, a little constructive criticism. Wasn't this for the Try something new post? Not the "this is my 50th try and I won't show anything until it is polished and perfect" post. I figured this was a test run, to see how it would all work and when you're ready to really do a demo you will correct all the things you already mentioned you did not like about the video. I'm so impressed with all you continue to try, just keep it up.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
