Thursday, March 5, 2020

Tutorial Throwback Thrusday - Kings Crossing

So the other day, my kids were randomly flipping channels and found the end of the first Harry Potter movie.  And of course, we all love Harry Potter, so we watched to the end of the film.   And as Harry, Ron, and Hermoine all stood in King's Cross Station, I was reminded of this Kings Crossing Quilt, that I named after it, because the quilt kind of reminded me of railroad tracks and train turntables.   So I figured for it would be fun to share Kings Crossing for today's Tutorial Throwback  Thursday!!! 

Kings Crossing is a wonderful geometric pattern that has some awesome secondary patterns.   And while this looks a little complex, it really is suitable for beginners with lots of strip piecing to speed things up.    And it is a great way to learn to make On-Point quilts.   The block sizes are large, so you don't have to sew to many together in a row, which means you  don't have to worry about stretching to much.   Also, the blocks also have sashing, which is awesome to learn how to do on point.    So really, it is a great quilt to start with if you have never made an On-Point quilt before!!!   It finishes at 72" x 72" so it makes a great snuggle up or picnic size quilt ;)

And you all now how much I love making these classic  3 Color Quilts for my Alma Mater.  This Kings Crossing Quilt  was donated to SUU a few years back ;)   The great thing about 3 color quilts is all you have to do is pick 3 pieces of yardage and you are ready to get cutting!!!   And there are endless 3 color combinations that this would look great in.    And I used a small dot, but really any basics including  Solids, or even Grunge would work.    And you could totally do a print as well, I would just keep it on the smaller scale ;)   

And when it came time to quilt my Kings Crossing Quilt I went for some super fun custom quilting, since I knew it was going to be hanging in a booth at Quilt Market.   But this quilt would look just as great in an all over design as well.   Anything with lots of curves always looks fun with a good geometric pattern!!  

And that is my Kings Crossing Quilt   I hope you have enjoyed today's Tutorial Throwback Thursday!!!    To make your own Kings Crossing Quilt  just click on any of the project name links for the free step by step tutorial.    And when you are done,  I would love to see your Quilts!!  You can email me a picture at, post it to social media with #happyquiltingwithmc  or or add it to my flickr group here ;)  I can't wait to see your Kings Crossing Quilts!!!!!

Thanks for popping in today!!!   I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Day!!!!
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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Dream Big - Daisy Mae Fabric Tour

I absolutely adore Poppie Cotton Fabric by my good friends Jina and Lori and so I was super happy to jump in and make a little something for their newest line Daisy Mae's Fabric Tour ;)    And I decided to make up something from Charming Baby Quilts, but with a twist I will share in a bit!!!   So, here it is, My Dream Big quilt from my new book Charming Baby Quilts!!!! 

 I really do love working with Poppie Cotton's!!!  The fabric is wonderful and the prints and colors in this Daisy Mae line is just so pretty!!!   I decided right away to pull the navy's out to make a scrappy binding so that all of the super soft pinks, whites, and yellows will just pop on the Country Confetti Basic Background.   And they did indeed just pop, and I love that!!!

And just like all of the quilts from Charming Baby Quilts, this Dream Big quilt is made with Charm Packs and goes together super quick.   In fact, because of some shipping delays, the background fabric didn't arrive until Tuesday evening.   Yup, I put this entire quilt top together yesterday, (and I even got the laundry done too :)    That is just how fun and fast these Charming Baby Quilts are.  And doesn't this Dream Big quilt just look so great in Poppie Cotton's!!!!

And remember how I mentioned twist . .  . Well this Dream Big quilt is going to get even Bigger!!!   I decided it would be fun to show how you can turn the Charming Baby Quilts into Charming Big Quilts ;)   So I plan to make 3 more Dream Big Baby Quilts and then sew them all together into one Dream Big Big quilt!!!   Won't that be so fun :)    I will share the quilt when it is all finished as well as the fabric requirements for a Dream Big Big quilt :)      It is going to be so pretty!!!

And since this quilt is getting bigger, it hasn't been quilted yet.   And that means I finally got to do one of those cool "stained glass window" effects picture ;)  Isn't it just so pretty!!!!   And I just love how it shows the wonderful contrast of the soft  Daisy Mae fabrics on the Country Confetti Basic Background. Makes me wish I  had a giant window for when this becomes a Dream Big Big quilt top ;)

And that is my Dream Big (soon to be bigger) quilt in the beautiful Poppie Cotton's.   I hope you love it as much as I do, and maybe make your own Dream Big quilt as well!!!   Just grab a copy of Charming Baby Quilts and you will have it whipped together in no time ;)    And I would love to see it when you do!!!    And if you want to make your's in Poppie Cotton's just like me, here is where you can find them ;)

Thank you so much to Jina and Lori for allowing me to play with these fantastic Poppie Cottons fabrics!!!   And for more  Daisy Mae fabric fun, be sure to Hop over to the Poppie Cottons blog  to check out more blogger goodies from this wonderful fabric blog tour :)

Thanks for popping in today and every day.  I am just so grateful to have this space to share my love of quilting!!!

I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Day!!!

Oh, and one final note . . . I just wanted to thank you for all of the Pattern Love for my new Nordic Nights Pattern !!!   And just as a reminder, the Pattern and Templates will be on sale until Friday, so you still have 3 days to save :)    And wouldn't this Nordic Nights quilt look so pretty in this Daisy Mae fabric!!!!   

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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!

It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!! Let's have some fun :)

First, we need to announce the winner from last Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!  
The winner of the Modern Farmhouse 10" Stacker from Fat Quarter Shop is . . .   Number # 390. . . Congrats vduersch!!!   I have messaged you :)    


And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by Shabby Fabrics!!   Shabby Fabrics has an amazing selection of Fabrics and  so many cute BOM's and Clubs!!!  And don't forget, Shabby Fabrics  also has an amazing  Clearance Section, you are sure to find some amazing deals, and have also just added a whole bunch of  Laser Cut Kits on Sale as well!!  Super fun!!!   

And speaking of Laser Kits . . . for the Terrific Tuesday Giveaway  Shabby Fabrics is giving one lucky winner a A-Door-Naments  Pot of Gold Laser Cut Kit!!!!!   How cute is that and just perfect for this month ;)

You have two entry chances here on the blog, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me which do you prefer, Gold or Silver??

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Shabby Fabrics love. You can follow them on FacebookTwitterYou TubePinterest, or Instagram.  You can Sign up for the Shabby Fabrics Newsletter (top right hand corner) or Follow their Blog,  or you can Visit the Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Shabby Fabric Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, March 10th, when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

You can also pop over to my Instagram and/or Facebook to enter there as well :)  

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Sunday, March 1, 2020

Bloom-Topia Quilt Along - Release 3

Hello March!!!!    And a new month means new "bloom" blocks!!!! Today is the Third Block Release of the Bloom-Topia Quilt Along hosted by the Fat Quarter Shop :)   These blocks are both super fun and easy, and the alterations are super simple this time!!!

So for Block 4, I simply made two of the 4-B Large Duckling Blocks.   I also changed out the fabric in my center square, just to add some variety :)    You won't need to make any of the 4-A blocks for my alternate layout.   

And for Block 5, these will actually be the first inner border, rather than blocks.   The great thing is, you make them the same way only G is a 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" square rather than a rectangle and you want to make 8 Matchstick Blocks total.   So fun!!!!

So are you joining in the Bloom-Topia fun???  If so, you can download the block pattern  and it is requested for each pattern you download to donate $5.00  to the Make a Wish Foundation :)  This is Fat Quarter Shop's annual charity QAL that is raising funds for an amazing organization.  What a wonderful way for us all to make a difference !!  And there are new finishing patterns being released today for reaching the next donation goal!!! 

And just as a reminder, if you are new to finding the Bloom-Topia Quilt Along, this is the layout I will be making and are the alterations referred to above ;)     I am using a Breeze Fat Quarter Bundle by Zen Chic for Moda Fabrics with Gris Grunge as the background!!! And there are still a few Bloom-topia Quilt Kits and Backing Sets available if you want to make your's like the original ;) 

And like always, Fat Quarter Shop has made an awesome  You Tube video tutorial that walk you through making the blocks.  There are some great helpful hints and you can see it put together step by step!!!   

Be sure to share all of your Bloom-Topia progress on social media with #bloomtopiaquiltalong and check out Fat Quarter Shops post for Release 3 for lots more Block Inspiration!!!

And that's it for the third release in the Bloom-Topia Quilt Along!!!!   I will continue to share a new set of blocks on the 15th and 1st of each month. So what do you say, want to come Bloom-Topia Quilting Along??  You are going to have so much fun!!!

And just to make it easy to find . . .Here is a list of all the places to find my alterations

Layout Fabric Requirements Alteration
Release 1 - Block 1 and 2 Alterations
Release 2 - Block 3 Alterations

Thanks for popping in today ;)  I hope you have a very Happy Quilting Day!!
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Saturday, February 29, 2020

February Sew Sampler!!

I can't believe how fast February blew by.   The whole 29 days in a month shouldn't make that much of a difference, but just wow!!!   Between the release of my new Charming Baby Quilts Book and Finishing up our Remodel, February was just here and gone.   But oh so fun!!!   And speaking of fun. . . My February Sew Sampler Box also arrived a few days ago!!!  This month's box theme is Lucky Charm and you how how I just love Charm ;) 

And right out of the box Charm Packs, and you so know they are my favorite!!!!    There were 2 gorgeous Mackinac Island Charm Packs, and a beautiful exclusive pattern by Lissa Alexander ;)    Wouldn't these be the perfect table runner for the 4th of July!!!   Another on my ever growing list to make!!!  

And I love that Fat Quarter Shop always gives you everything you need to make the pattern!!!   That exclusive Meet in the Middle Template will be awesome ;)    And you never can have enough Aurifil Thread!!! And have you seen this Diagonal Seam Tape???  It is so awesome!!!   I have been using the Clearly Perfect Angle for some time so you don't have to draw lines.   This Diagonal Seam Tape does the same thing, and will work even if you don't have a big table :)

And of course, there is a Goodness Grows Block!!!  This month the block is called  Speak Lovingly  and it was a fun block to make!!!  I so love applique, and orange peel applique is always beautiful :)

And I can't believe this . . . but when I went to look up my January Box, I realized I never posted it.   I guess that month was super crazy as well :)   But I didn't want to miss sharing the January block with you.  It is called  Live Abundantly  and yippee for more applique!!! I even did a little hand stitching on the block ;)  

Can you believe, only 1 more block to go!!!!    I can't wait ;)    And if you are wanting to make a Goodness Grows quilt in the same fabrics I am, there are still a few Sugarcreek Goodness Grows Quilt Kits in stock.

And that is my February Sew Sampler box  :)

 Oh, and FYI, the Sew Sampler Box membership has open spots so you don't have to get on the wait list!!!!

And that is all for today ;)  I hope you are all having a Happy Quilting Day!!
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