Monday, June 14, 2021

Sewing with Barbara and Jessi (and Isaac)

We had such a fun weekend at the Panguitch Quilt Walk!!!  Jessi, Barbara and I all took a class together on Thursday afternoon, and it was just so wonderful to be able to sew with 3 generations all laughing together.  It truly is a dream come true for me, and I am so glad that Jessi gets to share this love with Barbara and I.   It is just moments of bonding and lots of memories made.   I wish I would have gotten a picture of the three of us together, but I barely remembered to snap this one at the end of class.   I just get so in the zone of sewing, tee hee hee.  

Jessi and I finished 4 Log Cabin Blocks and 4 Star Blocks (2 each) for the first part of class.   We then turned our focus to some serious chain piecing and have the remaining 28 Log Cabin Blocks over half way finished.    So hopefully it won't be long before we can share this all finished up :)   And speaking of that, thanks for all of your comments on the PDF vs Quilt Along post.    The general consensus was a PDF with multiple size options now, and a Quilt Along more towards the fall when life slows down.   So I will start working on the PDF and release it with the finished quilt ;)

After the class we took, I taught 3 more classes.  I was hopeful that Jessi would sew in the back of my class and continue to work on the log cabins, but quickly realized that wasn't going to happen.   You see, our classroom also doubled as a Beginning Medical Class at the High School, so there were beds in the back of the room, and one even had a friend in it :)   Jessi named him Prince Isaac the Third and he was super kind to display my quilts as there was no where to hang them.   Jessi also took full advantage of the empty bed taking lots of cat naps, watching movies, and reading her book.  She just loved it and all of the gals in my class got a kick out of it.  Ahh those teen years when you can just be perfectly content chilling all day ;)  

And speaking of my classes, they went wonderful as well!!!  I always love teaching and it was so nice to get together with friends that I missed seeing last year.    I will share of my students work in another post soon.   Just wanted to pop in and say it was a wonderful weekend, and it is great to be back home.  

How about you??   Any planned retreats in your upcoming future??

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Thursday, June 10, 2021

Charming Tote for Josie!!

 Yup, it's another Charming Tote!!!  I have totally lost track of how many of these I have made, but they are just so much fun to make and whip up so fast.   If you haven't made one yet, you can pop over here for the free step by step tutorial to whip one up ;)  All you need is a Charm Pack and 2/3 Yard of a coordinating print.  But fair warning, you can't make just one ;)  

This particular Charming Tote is for Jocelyn.  She started piano lessons and wanted a tote just like her siblings.   I let her go through my Charm Pack  Stash (which has quite a few to choose from :)  and she decided on the Modern Farmhouse 5" Stacker by Simple Simon and Company for Riley Blake Designs.  I think she really liked the Rose Gold in it ;)  And didn't it make just the cutest tote . . . held by the cutest girl, I might add :)  

I quilted this tote with an all over Curly Q design.  I liked how it repeated some of the vines in the prints.   Jocelyn picked a Black Blossoms Basic by Christopher Thompson for Riley Blake Designs for the lining and handles.  It was a super great match!!  

And now she is enjoying getting to take it back and forth to Piano Lessons.   These are just the perfect tote for music lessons, in fact, they are a perfect tote for just about anything, hence why I have made so very many of them ;)   I hope you enjoy making them as much as I do.

I am off to the Panguitch Quilt Walk (And yes, I have a few Charming Tote's packed with quilting goodies :)  and will post about it as soon as I get back.   I will try to remember to post on social media while I am there, but I always seem to get so wrapped up in class, I never grab my phone ;)  

I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting (and Charming) Day!!! 

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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!

 It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!! Let's have some fun :)

First, we need to announce the winner from last Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!  
The winner of the $25.00 Gift Certificate from Olie and Evie is . . .   Number #100 . . . Congrats Barb!  I have messaged you :)  


And on to today's

And now . . . Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by Kimberly's Fabric Stash.    You will find so many amazing fabrics over at Kimberly's and everyday low prices!!!  And be sure to download Kimberly's Fabric Stash App  for more great deals :)    And another fun freebie for Happy Quilting Readers . . .  for all your purchases in June, get Free Shipping with coupon code FREESHIP .    

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is for some amazing quilting goodness!!!  Kimberly's Fabric Stash is giving one lucky reader a $25.00 Gift Certificate!!   Then you can get just what you want ;) 

You have two entry chances here on the blog, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me If you could instantly play an instrument, which instrument would you choose?? ;)  

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Kimberly's Fabric Stash  Love!!!!   You can  You can follow them on   Facebook(where Kimberly Hosts her Facebook Live every Friday at 7 EST) TwitterPinterest, or You Tube.  Or you can visit The Shop  and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Kimberly Fabric Stash Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, June 15th,  when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

You can also pop over to my Instagram and/or Facebook to enter there as well :)  

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Monday, June 7, 2021

Thanks & Tidbits

 Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments and emails on my Sawtooth Stars and Log Cabins quilt design that I shared last week.  I am just thrilled with how much you all love it!!!  I have had so many of you ask about the Pattern I sketched up in  EQ8  saying you want to stitch along ;)   So now I am debating . . . Would you like to do this as a Quilt Along with multiple size options . . .  or would you just like a Free PDF Download of this Queen Size version.   Just let me know what you are thinking ;)      The Panguitch Quilt Walk is at the end of this week, and as soon as I get back I can get a quilt along started or a download ready ;)  

And speaking of teaching . . . .The Utah Quilt Guild just opened up registration for the 2021 Quilt Fest Retreat!!!!    I am teaching 3 classes, my Wishes Pattern, my Nordic Nights Pattern, and my Desert Rose Pattern.   I would love to see ya in class if you are in the area or want to make a special trip out ;)   If you are making a trip, and want to really capitalize on the week, you can do like me and be at the Utah Quilt Fest in the beginning of the week, and then just travel down the I-15 for an hour to be at the Garden of Quilts for the end of the week.   September 14th - 18th is just going to be so much Quilting Fun!!!

Oh, and just as a random note . . . I made up my Thimble Blossoms puzzle up at the Cabin :)   This was so much fun and a wonderful way to spend my morning while the kids were all still dozing.   Ya, when I am up the Mountain, I always wake up with the sun, and that is still pretty early, but I didn't mind one bit with this cheery puzzle to keep me company.   I can see myself making this one over and over in the early mornings ;)  

So now I am off to go pack up my teaching bags for the retreat later this week :)  I tell you, it is crazy how much I pack up for 3 days of teaching but it is oh so much fun!!

Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!

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Thursday, June 3, 2021

Busting some Scraps!!

The Panguitch Quilt Walk is next week and I can't wait to go and teach!!!   I am also super excited that my daughter, Jessica, will be joining Barbara and I as she is now out of school ;)   She agreed to take a class with me, providing that it "wasn't to hard".   So I figured, you can't go wrong with Sawtooth Stars and Log Cabins ;)    We sketched it up in EQ8 and changed the layout slightly to make it a little more "modern".  Jessi and I discussed a lot of fabric options, and in the end we decided on an all neutral quilt broken out in lights and darks. 

So that meant it was time to bust open the scrap drawers.   I was so happy to pull out some scraps from my brown, black, and grey drawers.   They were at the point where they would barely close ;)  We tag teamed the prep work, having Jessi press and me cut.   It really went pretty fast considering we were cutting all from scraps for a queen size quilt :)

And now, we are all set, and I can't tell you how excited I am to see this quilt come together when I see all of these awesome stacks!!!  It is just going to be amazing ;)    The only hard part now will be not starting until class next week.   I keep trying to justify to myself that  "I should just go over the process with Jessi of making 1 Star Block and 1 Log Cabin block."  But I know myself, if I start, I won't be able to stop, please tell me I am not the only one with this issue, tee hee hee.    

So I packed this up in a project tote, and thank heavens for Alphabitties for keeping all the pieces straight.   Now I am just anxiously awaiting class.   I just love sewing with Jessi and Barbara, it is oh so much fun.   What a wonderful weekend it is going to be ;)  

I hope you are all having a very Happy Quilting Day and hopefully get to sew with some friends and/or family as well!!

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