Friday, August 23, 2013

T-Shirt Memory Quilt Tutorial and Giveaway!!!

So this quilt has been on my to do list for a long time and I am so excited to finally get to share it!!!   Here's the scoop.  About a year ago my wonderful MIL, Barbara brought up a box of my husbands old High School shirts.  Isn't that cool that she saved them!!!  I put them in a drawer and planned it to be the next project, and then the next, and then the next.  You know how it goes.

Then when I was at Spring Market I popped into the June Tailor booth as they were demoing a T-Shirt ruler.  This totally perked my interest as I knew I still had those T-Shirts sitting in the drawer :)  And it all led to today, finally getting to share this T-Shirt Memory quilt, a special finish for my sweet husband ;)

Okay, so how many of you have one of these on your bucket list??  Well excellent, because I took some pictures on the way to show you just how easy these quilts can be :)  So let's get to it.

To start, you will need a pile of T-Shirts, and then the tools that makes life easy, The June Tailor T-Shirt quilt kit which includes a T-Shirt Transformation Ruler, T-Shirt Interfacing, and a T-Shirt Pressing Cloth :)

Grab your first T-Shirt and cut it along the side seams, shoulder seams, and neck seam.

Now you have just the design and it will lie nice and flat.  Smooth all the wrinkles out with your hands.

Now, take your T-Shirt Transformation ruler and lay it over your design.  This is where I decide what size I want to cut the design.  The ruler has 3 different size guides (10 1/2", 12 1/2", and 15 1/2")  and you could cut all your designs square to make them easy to sew together, but I wanted to just cut around each design, so I will use combinations of sizes.  For instance, on this shirt, I decided to use the 12 1/2" guides on the top and bottom and the 15 1/2" guides on the sides.

So before I do any cutting, I want to add some interfacing to the back of the shirt so it doesn't stretch like crazy when I am sewing it.  I decided on 12 1/2" x 15 1/2" rectangle so I will cut a piece of interfacing 1" larger than that so 13 1/2" x 16 1/2".  Now center the interfacing over the wrong side of the T-Shirt and give the interfacing  a super lite press just to stick it in place.  Don't hold it long as you don't want to melt the design on the front of the T-Shirt.

 Now flip the shirt over to the right side and lay your pressing cloth over the shirt design.  Press adhering the interfacing to the shirt and ensuring the safety of the design with the pressing cloth.  I like to press from the front so that I can be sure it is lying completely flat as some of those designs really want to crinkle, especially if they are a bit older and have been crumpled in a box forever ;)

Now, back to your cutting mat.  Lay your ruler over the design once again.  Using the diagonal lines ensure that your design is centered.  I also like to use the gridlines to help me center the design.  Once your ruler is in place you are ready to cut your design.  Since I am using the outside of the ruler on the sides I can simply just cut along the sides of the ruler.

For the top and bottom, simply mark the guidelines in the groves using a water soluble pen.

Then remove the T-Shirt ruler and place a long ruler along the edges of the markings.  Cut along the edge of the ruler.

And your perfectly cut t-shirt design is done.  And with the wonderful T-Shirt interfacing adhered to the back you won't have to worry about your design stretching when you go to sew it into a quilt ;)

Repeat this process for your entire stack of quilts.  Like I said before, I wanted to cut right around the designs, so I used a whole lot of combinations of sizes, for instance, this one uses the 12 1/2" along 3 sides an the 10 1/2" along the left side.

And I even did a few perfect squares in the mix.  Like this 12 1/2" square :)

Now their were a few that because of their small size or super skinny nature that I had to pull out my quilting rulers for.  But I just used the same concepts I had with the t-shirt ruler taking care to line things up well.  They are a little easier to line up as they are smaller ;)

Once you have cut up all your T-Shirts you are ready to start making your quilt top.  First, decide about what size you would like your quilt top.  I went for a nice lap top size of about 60" x 75".  Using a tape measure, mark this on your work surface, either the floor or a design wall ;)

Now play around with your T-Shirt designs until you have a layout that you like.

Once you have a layout in place, do a little mental calculating of where you are going to make squares and how you plan to sew them together.  I  used little pieces of tape to help keep track of these mental caculations.  I plan to sew 1,2,3, & 4 together.  Then do 5,6,7,&8.  Sew 9 to the side of that.  And then 1,2,3,&4 (the top) to 5,6,7,8,&9 (the bottom).

So, now to fill in the holes.  And to do that, we need lots of scrappy goodness!!  I love a good scrap busting project!!  I choose to use 4 color scraps, the ones most used in the T-shirts.

So, staring at grouping number 1, simply start adding around the designs.  Always use a 1/4" seam to add pieces.  This is totally improv piecing.  Don't stress to much about a plan, just add a slab and keep adding until your piece is large enough.  Trim as your go to keep squaring up your design.

And you can work on more than one design at a time.  Since I plan to sew these 2 together, I want to make sure I make them about the same width.  I don't want them to line up perfectly, so I will add big sashing to opposite sides.

And no one says you always have to add a sashing strip.  I threw in a few pieces here and there that were pieced and then added.  Just adds another little scrappy dimension.

And once you have your two pieces about the same width, go ahead and sew them together.

And then, take the new piece to your mat and square it up.  This is super important!!  If you want your quilt to lay flat, be sure and square up each piece when complete.

Now lay your nice piece back in it's designated spot and make sure it is close to the size you planned.  If it isn't add a little more, if not, move on to the next piece.

Just keep adding sashing and bits of piecing to each of your designs, incorporating a mixture of your scraps.  Here I am finished with the units that will make up my "top".  (I split the original 2 into 2 and 3).    So now I just put 2 and 3 together and 4 and 5 together to make 2 rows.  Sew those 2 rows together and then add 1 to the side.

And the top of my quilt top is all done!!  Now I am ready to move onto the bottom pieces.  Just keep sashing, and piecing, adding and trimming and before you know it. . . .

You have a completed quilt top filled with wonderful T-Shirt memories and scrappy goodness!!!

Now to finish your quilt just Baste it, Quilt it, and Bind it.  I know, I make it sound oh so simple.  If you are new to quilting you might find these Video Tutorials on the basics of finishing a quilt helpful :)

I decided to quilt around the T-Shirt designs with a scallop and in the scrappy areas I did this fun design that kind of reminds me of pom-poms.  It is just a back and forth zig-zag in quarter, half, and circles.  Seriously, so much fun to quilt!!

Now just sit back and enjoy your T-Shirt Memory Quilt!!!  The fun thing about this is that my husband loves it because it has memories of High School and I love it because the scrappy goodness has memories of so many other projects I have made.  Double bonus!!!

So that's it.  I hope you have enjoyed the tutorial and I have inspired you to pull out those old T-Shirts and get quilting.  And if you do, I would love to see them in my Flickr Group!!!

And I have one last little thing to help inspire you ;)  The wonderful folks at June Tailor have been so kind as to send me 2 T-Shirt Quilt kits with the ruler, interfacing, and pressing cloth to giveaway to two readers!!!  Yippee Skippee!!!

So what do you have to do to win this ruler . . . Simple

1 - Leave a comment here of whether you have a drawer, box, or closet, stuffed with old T-Shirts :)

 2 - For a bonus entry you can follow Happy Quilting (any way you choose, bloglovin, email, facebook, ect.) and then leave a comment here of how you follow.  

That's it.   2 entries max per person please.  I will leave the giveaway open until August 29th and then announce 2 winners shortly after.  Good Luck!!!

Have a Happy Quilting Weekend!!!

Linking up to Amanda's and Sarah's
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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Almost There

I finished up all the corners and sides for my Star Surround top last night.  To say I am happy about how well the Star Surround QAL is going would be a vast understatement.  It is just so wonderful to have so many great friends to Quilt-A-Long with and I am so totally excited that it is nearing the end and I will get to see everyone's finished projects.  It's my favorite part of hosting a Quilt-A-Long!!

So this weekend, I will be taking all of the pieces and turning them into these beautiful blocks and the blocks into a quilt top in order to have the tutorial ready for Monday Morning.  Seriously, I can't believe how quick this has gone.  I mean, the last tutorial of this series is Monday and Grand Prize Linky will be opened.  I can't wait, and then everyone gets them quilted and the parade,  Oh, I am getting ahead of myself.  One week at a time :)

Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!  I know I plan to, that is, right after I clean my bathrooms ;)
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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Out with the Old . . . In with the New

So to say I am excited about the new cutting mat I got for my birthday would be a vast understatement.  It is so absolutely fantastic.  The old one had a huge bubble in the center from one of our moves where it didn't quite stay laying flat which made it such  pain to cut in the middle.

And because of that, the side lines started to look less like lines and more like gorges.  Seriously, I start to wonder how I cut straight lines on some of these :)  But never fear, this good old friend won't be tossed out.  It will now be my traveling mat that I will use when teaching.  Then I won't be near as stressed about trying to keep it laid out on the seats flat which is impossible with seat belts ;)

Seriously, I keep rubbing my hand over the new one because I love how absolutely perfectly smooth it is :)

But it won't stay like that for long.  I was so excited I whipped out some new projects.  A quick fun project using solids from Bonnie and Camille's Scrumptious line.

And a not so quick project to cut out using Sweetwater's Road 15 line.  I can not wait to start putting this quilt together.  I am so totally excited about it!!!

So now that I am all cut out, its back to the sewing.  Have a Happy Quilting Day!!
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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Thank You and Winner

Thank you all for your wonderful birthday wishes and your sweet comments on Petal Pop.  I had a wonderful birthday filled with quilting, family, and fabric shopping.  Doesn't get much better than that in my world :)  So now, I need to pick some birthday giveaway winners.

The following three will get to choose 4 of my patterns for their giveaway prize :)  And the winners are . . .

Who are . . .

Congrats GranChris, Julie and supersara20!!!

I am off to bind a new quilt that I hope to share soon.  Have a Happy Quilting Day!!

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Monday, August 19, 2013

Star Surround Quilt-A-Long - Surrounds

**  NOTE  - This post is part of a series of posts for the Star Surround Quilt-A-Long.  If you would like to join (and have a chance to win one of 4 of the $75.00 Gift Certificate grand prizes sponsored by The Intrepid Thread and Fat Quarter Shop ) you can find a list of the post links here :)  Here is the schedule

Aug 19 - Building Block Surround
Aug 26 - Piecing Top and Grand Prize Linky
Sept 16 - Star Surround Parade and Grand Prize Winners

It's time for a winner from the Star Center Assignment.  And I have to say, I am so excited about how many of you are quilting-a-long with me.  Normally people start falling off as you get father into one of these but I am seeing the opposite, we keep growing.  It is just awesome and oh so much fun.  So thank you!!!!

The Star Center Assignment winner who gets  a  8 Fat Quarters from Parson Gray's new line Curious Nature from  The Scarlet Thread Quilt Co.  is #53- Kate!!! - Congrats :) 


Alright, it's Another week and another new assignment.  This weeks assignment is building the pieces for the Star Surround.  Yes, were just building the pieces.  I know a lot of you were planning on seeing your whole block come together in this assignment but that is actually part of next week, mostly because it evens the work load and gives those people doing a 1 x 1 layout something to do next week.  (But, if you are so excited and just can't wait, I won't mind if you work ahead :) 


So, here is where we use up all the pieces that you have left.  For each block in your project you will need to have 12 Flying Geese and 12 squares all of the same print.  You will need 8 background squares.  And finally, you will need 2 HST's.  Now, which HST's you choose is your choice.  I personally am using 2 of each print from the star that will be inside this particular surround.  You can choose to lay yours out this way, or you can just randomly pick any HST's to mix it up a bit.  Totally your decision.

But if you do decide to follow my lead and use the prints from the stars, I suggest matching each surround print to a star, just so you make sure you don't end up with any repeat prints in the end :)

This weeks assignment is broken into 2 parts the Corners and the Sides.  We will start with the Corners.


For each corner you will need 2 background squares, 1 HST, and 1 print square.  You will be making 4 corners per block.  Lay your 4 squares out as follows.

Place the right hand side squares onto the left hand squares with right sides together.  Sew a 1/4" seam along the edges aligning as you go.  Press towards the background fabric in both sets so your seams will nest.

Now, this part is pretty easy to chain stitch if you so desire.  Simply make a big stack of print and background squares and sew them all in a big chain.  Do the same for the HST and the background square, just take care that your HST is always facing the right direction.

Lay your top row onto your bottom with right sides together.  Nest and pin your center seam in place.  Sew a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge.  Press your seam open.  Once again, I liked to pin all of my pieces for all of my blocks and then chain stitch them.  Just take care that you are adding the right tops to bottoms if you are not doing a random layout ;)

And you are done with a corner.  If you haven't been chain stitching you will need to repeat the process to create a total of 4 corners for each block in your project.


And now, you are ready to move onto the sides of the surround.  For each side you will need 3 flying geese units and 2 print squares.  You will be making a total of 4 sides per block.  Lay your pieces out as follows.

We will be sewing the pieces into rows.  For the top row, place the right hand side onto the left with right sides together.  Sew a 1/4" seam along the edge and press seam open.  For the bottom row, place a print square onto either side of the geese unit.  Sew a 1/4" seam along each edge and press towards the print square.

Once again, this is another step that I found really helpful to chain stitch.  I know, you are a pro at this now!!!  For the top row, I sewed 4 sets of flying geese of each print in a row followed by the next 4 sets and sew on.  When sewing these, I just aligned as I went, lifting the corner of each flying geese to make sure that my seams on the geese were aligning.  That is what will give you the perfect point.   I then chain stitched the second row adding the left hand square to the geese unit for all of my units and then clipping threads and going back and adding the right hand square. 

 With your two rows pressed, place the top row onto the bottom row with right sides together.  There won't be any seams to match, but I still pin this in place to keep it from shifting.  Sew a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge and press open.

When sewing your 1/4" seam, take care to sew directly along the bottom of the print "v" when sewing across the seam.  This will give you a nice perfect point.

And your side is complete.  If you haven't been chain stitching, you will want to repeat these steps to create a total of 4 sides per block in your project.

And that is this weeks assignment all completed.  4 Corners and 4 Sides for each of the blocks in your project.

And here are my pieces all done :)  So get sewing and when your pieces are complete you can enter to win the weekly prize :)

The Weekly Prize is sponsored by Southern Fabric. and a huge thanks goes out to Aubrey for her support of the Star Surround Quilt-A-Long.

This weeks  prize is $25.00 Gift Certificate to Southern Fabric!!.  Yup, so you basically get to pic your own prize, so exciting!!!

So what do you have to do for a chance to win these fat quarters?  Simple . . . Just link up your Surround pieces at the end of this post :)  You can link to a blog post or a flickr picture, or whatever.  Just make sure to link up by next Monday morning as I will be announcing a winner in next weeks post :)

If you don't get your Surround Pieces done by next week you can still link it up :) (just not in time for the prize :) The linky will remain open until the end of the Quilt-A-Long.  So if your out of town, or just had a busy week, no worries!!!  Just link up when you can :)

And don't forget to add your Stars to the Happy Quilting Quilt-A-Long Flickr group!!!  I am just so excited, we are nearing the end!!  

So let's get sewing!!!  And if you have questions, don't hesitate to email me at  Have a Happy Quilting Day!!
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