From your Month #5, Grandmother's Flower Garden Bag, cut the fabrics according to page 2 of the supplemental cutting list. Also, cut at least 7 stiff paper templates of the Hexagon shape.
And now we get to move onto some new blocks, starting with the . . .
From your Month #5, Present bag, cut the fabrics according to page 1 of the supplemental cutting list.
Start by making 4 two patch units. To do this, simply place a yellow square onto a teal square with right sides together and stitch 1/4" seam. Press the seams open.
Now, draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of 4 Yellow squares. Place a Marked Square onto each of the 4 multicolored Fabric rectangles with right sides together as shown and pin them in place. Sew a seam directly on the drawn line. Trim 1/4" over the stitched line and scrap the excess. Press the seam allowances upwards towards the Yellow Triangle.
Now we repeat on the opposite side. Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of 4 Teal squares. Place a Marked Square onto the opposite end of the 4 multicolored Fabric rectangles with right sides together as shown and pin them in place. Sew a seam directly on the drawn line. Trim 1/4" over the stitched line and scrap the excess. Press the seam allowances upwards towards the Teal Triangle.
Layout the two units you have made as shown. Place the top row units onto the bottom row units with right sides together. Align and pin. Stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge of all the 4 units. Press the seams open.
Layout the 4 Present Units as shown.
Place the right hand column units onto the center right hand column units with right sides together. Align and pin. Stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge of both units.
Press the seams open.
Place the top row onto the bottom row with right sides together. Align and pin/nest the seams and you can use the
Pin Trick for the center seam. Stitch a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge, stitching through the base if the Fabric V at the center. Press the seams open.
And just like that, you have a Present Block with perfect points that should be measuring 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" unfinished.
And now we get to move onto another fun new block, the . . .
From your Month #5, Four Links bag, cut the fabrics according to page 1 of the supplemental cutting list.
Pair each of the Print Squares with a Background Square. Also pair each Print small rectangle with the matching background rectangle.
Place the Print pieces onto the Background pieces with right sides together. Stitch a 1/4" along the edge of each pairing.
Press the seams towards the Print Fabrics. Layout the 8 units you just sewed matching the prints as shown.
Place the Bottom row pieces onto the top row pieces with right sides together for each of the 4 pairings. Stitch a 1/4" along the edge of each pairing.
Press the seams towards the Print Fabric rectangle. Layout the large rectangle matching the prints as shown below.
Place each large rectangle onto the 4 pieced units with right sides together. Stitch a 1/4" along the edge of each of the 4 pairings.
Press the seams towards the Large rectangles. Layout the four 4 Links Units as shown so the prints "link".
Place the right hand column pieces onto the left hand column pieces with right sides together. Align and pin. Stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge of all the units.
Press the seams open.
Place the top row onto the bottom row with right sides together. Align and pin. Stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge of all the units. Press the seam open.
And now you have made a Four Links Block that should be measuring 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" unfinished.
So now it is time for one of my favorite blocks, the . . .
From your Month #5, Dresden Plate bag, cut the fabrics according to page 1 of the supplemental cutting list. You will need to use the small 1 1/4" Circle Template and the Small Dresden Plate Template.

Now you are ready to start making your Dresden plates. Fold each plate in half with right sides together and stitch a 1/4" seam along the widest top edge. Chain stitch all 12 plates along the widest edge. Then clip the threads between all of your Dresden plates.
Finger press the seams open. If you desire, you can clip away a little of the excess fabric at the point to help it lay flat, but just be very cautions not to clip your seam. Turn the wedge right side out so that the seams are now hidden on the inside. You can use a turning tool to help press out your points so they are nice and crisp. Then press the edges.
When pressing, take care to keep the seam centered in the plate. They may want to shift on you a bit. Try to make sure the seams are lined up :)
And now that the plates are all sewn and you are ready to start sewing them together. We will sew the plates into 4 quadrants. Layout your plates as shown below.
Lay the first plate onto the second plate with right sides together in each of the four quadrants. Be sure to line up your folded edges along the top. Sew a 1/4" seam along the 4 side edges.
Then place the third plate onto the second plate with right sides together in each of the four quadrants. Again, take care to line up your folded edges along the top. Sew a 1/4" seam along the 4 side edges.
Now you want to press the seams. I like to press the seams open, but you can also press them to one side, just make sure to press them all in the same direction.
Now place the right hand quadrants onto the left hand quadrants with right sides together. Align and pin. Stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge of the two units.
Press the seams in the same manner you pressed the previous seams.
Place the top quadrants onto the bottom quadrants with right sides together. Align and pin. Stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge taking care to clip the threads between the two seams so it doesn't pull on the second seam. Press the seams in the same manner you pressed the previous seams.
And now, we are going to add our Dresden Plate into a block. Fold your Gold square in half twice and finger press the crease. Align the creases in the Gold Square with the points of the Dresden Plate. Pin the Dresden Plate in place, I like to pin around the center of the plate so the pins won't get in the way when I secure stitch.
Align the Center applique circle on the center of the Dresden plate. Dab some applique glue or just use a little glue stick or a pin to secure the Circle Applique in place.
And all that is left is to secure stitch your applique to your block. I start with the center circle applique. I used a grey neutral thread so it would match with all of the colors. And as always, you can hand stitch or machine stitch using your favorite stitch.
When secure stitching around the Dresden Plate, you only need to stitch around the outside of the plate. you do not need to secure stitch down the side seams.
Almost there, we are just going to frame it now. Layout the center Dresden square and the 4 purple rectangles as shown below.
Place the small rectangles onto the top and bottom of the center square with right sides together. Align and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edges.
Press the seams outwards towards the black rectangles. Place the longer rectangles onto the sides of the center square with right sides together. Align and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edges. Press the seams outwards towards the black rectangles. Press the seams outward again.
And now you have a beautiful Small Framed Dresden Plate Block that should be measuring 8 1/2" x 8 1/2" unfinished.
And so now, it's time to move onto the . . .

From your Month #5, 8" Courthouse Steps bag, cut the fabrics according to page 1 of the supplemental cutting list.
Layout the center square and the 4 smallest (yellow) rectangles as shown below.
Place the 2 short rectangles onto the sides of the center square with right sides together. Align and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edges.
Press the seams outwards towards the rectangles.
Place the 2 longer rectangles onto the top and bottom of the center square with right sides together. Align and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edges.
Press the seams outwards towards the rectangles. Now layout, the 4 medium size (white) rectangles.
Place the 2 short rectangles onto the sides of the pieced center square with right sides together. Align and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edges.
Press the seams outwards. Place the 2 longer rectangles onto the top and bottom of the pieced center square with right sides together. Align and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edges.
Press the seams outwards. Now layout, the 4 large size (purple) rectangles.
Place the 2 short rectangles onto the sides of the pieced center square with right sides together. Align and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edges.
Press the seams outwards. Place the 2 longer rectangles onto the top and bottom of the pieced center square with right sides together. Align and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edges. Press the seams outwards.
And now you have made a Courthouse Steps Block that should be measuring 8 1/2" x 8 1/2" unfinished.
And now the next block is easy because it is the same only it is a . . .

From your Month #5, 10" Courthouse Steps bag, cut the fabrics according to page 2 of the supplemental cutting list.
Using the above 8" Courthouse Steps Block tutorial and the below picture for a fabric reference, stitch the Center Courthouse Steps Unit. Layout the remaining 4 Black rectangles as shown.
Place the Courthouse Steps Block onto the Dresden Block with right sides together. Align, pin, and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge. Press the seam open.
And your Group 2 - Section 3 is complete. It should measure 16 1/2" wide by 8 1/2" high.
So now, we can move onto . . .