Friday, July 27, 2012

Lost and Found

So it has been a bit crazy around here trying to manage without a camera and without my Flickr account.  You don't realize how important those things are for the daily functioning of a quilting blog, but ya, they are huge.

But . . .  As of Tuesday, I was able to work with customer support and get my Flickr issue all sorted out.  I can't tell you how excited I was to see this when I logged in!!  And then to have my Photostream back!!!  Heaven :)  So ya, I spent a good amount of time catching up :)

And . . . Yesterday when I was loading the kids in the car . . . Guess what I found lodged under the seat???

Yippee Skippee!!!!  The crazy thing is . . . This was not the vehicle we took camping.  I think I have figured out how it got there . . . but mainly I am just so grateful to have it back :)  It's not fancy or anything, but I know how it works and I am comfortable with it.  (And a huge thank you to my Mother-In-Law for letting me use her camera in the interim.)  

So everything is back to normal . . . well as normal as things ever get :)

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  1. That is a wonderful feeling when you find something that you had no idea where it was!

  2. Yaaaay to you for your camera AND your Flickr account! :)

  3. hahahaha!!! YEA!!!! That is awesome!!

  4. I'm happy for you that you've found it. I know I don't like the unsettled feeling that comes when you're looking for something that's lost.

  5. It always feels so good when you find something. I am happy that your Flikr and your camera are in your full possession once again.

  6. Woot, photographic fun all round then!

  7. Yeah on both fronts!!!! Life can now continue.

  8. It is good to see you back on Flickr! And YAY for the camera. I wonder how it got there?!

  9. Yay! I am so happy everything worked out!!!

  10. Glad you found it!

    Not sure what normal is in summer break with 5 kids. I sure don't feel normal! :-)

  11. Isn't it exciting to find lost things? Maybe the quilt gremlins were at work and telling you to take a break. As for technology . . . it's wonderful and awful all wrapped up in one package. What would we do without it?

  12. So glad someone is normal like me...Ha ha ha....Happy you found your camera though...Now for sending in the pics for us....

  13. Yippee skippee is right!! Isn't it funny how a run of bad luck can make you feel bummy and then just as easily the good luck gets you right out of it :) Hopefully your good luck will keep going!

  14. Congratulations on getting your good old Flickr back and finding the camera! =D

  15. When you are not looking the camera pops up. How many times does this happen? Glad you are a Happy Quilter again with your Flick account working. Looking forward to moe goodies

  16. Glad you found the camera. Under the car seat is where my son found his both times he lost it.

  17. Your adorable. . so glad everything has worked out!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
