Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!

 It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!! Let's have some fun :)

First, we need to announce the winner from last Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!  
The winner of the Red Barn Christmas Layer Cake from Fat Quarter Shop  is . . .   Number #447 . . . Congrats gracie_bird!  I have messaged you :)  

And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by  Lou Lou's Fabric Shop .    Did you know that Jamie makes a new Lou Lou Bundle every Tuesday . . . a Lou Lou Bundle is 8 fat quarters curated by Jamie and they are always gorgeous and there are so many to choose from!  And right now, use code "HappyQuilting" to get 20% off all Lou Lou Bundles until Friday!!!       Such Fun Shopping :)  

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is for some Lou Lou Goodness!!  Lou Lou's Fabric Shop is giving one lucky reader a Festive Figs Lou Lou Bundle perfect to use for this festive time of year :)  What a great bundle to win!!! 

You have two entry chances here on the blog, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me a Festive Family Tradition from this time of year??  

 ENTRY 2 - Lets show Lou Lou's Fabric Shop some Love!!!!   You can follow them on   FacebookTwitterPinterest, or Instagram.  Or you can follow their blog or  visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Lou Lou's Fabric Shop Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, November 23rd, when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

You can also pop over to my Instagram and/or Facebook to enter there as well :)  

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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  1. Everyone brings their favorite dessert. There is a separate buffet just for dessert! The best. ��

  2. My mother always made Spritz cookies and now my sister or I do. Everybody loves them.

  3. Baking will be getting into full swing. Pies, cookies, candies, snack mixes.

  4. I follow @loulousfabric shop on FB, IG, etc. Great shop

  5. Our family tradition is for each person to share three things they are Thankful for at our Thanksgiving table.

  6. Followed Loulousfabricshop on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!

  7. I follow Lou Lou's on Facebook, Instagram and by email.

  8. We have 2 birthdays that fall on Thanksgiving every 7 years so it is always a birthday Thanksgiving get together.

  9. Brenda Baughman bbaughman@verizon.netNovember 16, 2021 at 1:44 PM

    I follow you on Facebook and Instagram. I love the Through the Woods fat quarter bundle.

  10. Brenda Baughman bbaughman@verizon.netNovember 16, 2021 at 1:45 PM

    My family makes Christmas cookies together and decorates the house for Christmas.

  11. My sisters and I plan our cookie and baking weekend!

  12. I love the Honey Bee fabric by Riley Blake that you can pre order!

  13. A Festive Family Tradition is my husband picking out a live Christmas tree. This year we are, also, putting out luminaries. Thank you.

  14. I visited their shop. I do love this LouLou bundle, plus "Gingham Foundry". Thank you.

  15. We make 3 different kinds of cranberry sauce, two old favorites and something new.

  16. I follow LouLou's on Instagram.

  17. My family including my siblings their children and their grandchildren and the newest my great great nephew who will be 1 Dec 1st (Aren’t Children )
    We play games children games till they all fall asleep on their quilts then we play cards !

    1. I follow LouLou’s on Instagram and receive her Newsletter! Love her bundles

  18. Turkey dinner with family on Thanksgiving

  19. Unwrapping a Christmas book to read each night.

  20. Growing up we would always open one gift on Christmas eve!

  21. Midnight mass on Christmas Eve - so special to me.

  22. A family tradition is letting the children make Thanksgiving table decorations.

  23. We enjoy reading about the birth of Jesus in Luke 2.

  24. I always enjoy looking at LouLou's sale fabrics. I especially like Hello Bear Lake Buck Forest Yardage since I have deer hunters in my family.

  25. Homemade Chex snack mix is a yearly tradition as well as some homemade fudge or cherry bing bars!

  26. I follow Lou Lou's on pinterest.

  27. Sharing food and funny stories at the Thanksgiving table


  28. I will shop online at LouLou"s


  29. We like to hide a pickle in the Christmas tree.

  30. Following up LouLou's on Facebook and Instagram

  31. Our " Festive Family Tradition" as you call it ..is just "Heart Making Moments" here :) We make Caramel Corn..Fudge.. various Cookies & Chex Mix! Lots of traditional things for actual Christmas Dinner (and Thanksgiving as well of course..) This is my Favorite Time of year!!! :)

  32. I'd love to make a quilt with "Love Note" Layer Cake....for a Special DIL...

  33. I like sewing up fabric
    baskets using Thanksgiving
    themed fabric for Thanksgiving
    Carla from Arizona

  34. I follow them
    on Facebook.
    Carla from Arizona

  35. Every year I write letters to thank the people in our community who have helped to make our lives better through their acts of service.

  36. We bake and giveaway lots of cookies.

  37. We always go caroling with our church family

  38. We play a goofy Christmas game when we get together. Maybe its tossing cards in a hat, charades or some kind of guessing game. Its funny to watch the 80 and 90 years old smile and enjoy the activity.

  39. Our family tradition is all my family comes down for thanksgiving. On friday we all have ravioli and celebrate my moms birthday. We made almost 700 ravioli this year.

  40. My broyhers, sisters, and all of our children have a pot luck dinner together in early December. A great way to see everyone before families get busy with the holidays.

  41. We celebrate advent at home, waiting until Christmas Eve to decorate for Christmas.

  42. Good meal, family talk and relaxing!

  43. I already follow all the great companies! Where would we be without them during this time in our lives, right?

  44. I am subscribed to Lou Lou's blog

  45. I make a custom pillowcase for each of my eight grandkids to hold most or all of their Christmas gifts. They have fun seeing which on in the line-up is theirs each year.

  46. My family's festive tradition is decorating on Friday the day after Thanksgiving and going to see Christmas lights. I love this time of year.

  47. Oh! Time for a new LuLu's bundle! Thanks is so pretty!

  48. Fall includes rides to the Cider Mill for caramel apples and donuts. So good!

  49. Visited the shop, love the Summer's End bundle

  50. Traditions have changed in our family as some have passed on through the years. I lost my husband in June, and he always enjoyed having Thanksgiving here. He and I always made the dressing after his mom passed away. So I'm going to try and make it myself. My grandson is hosting Thanksgiving at his house.

  51. I follow LouLou's on FB and Instagram.

  52. Our only Thanksgiving tradition is that everyone brings a dish. And my husband makes a turkey soup with some of the left-overs.

  53. I get LouLou's emails. I love their fabrics!

  54. I have made Christmas stockings for all my family members. Mine is the only one not handmade. But I've had it since I was a child, so it's also one of a kind!
    Kathleen -- kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  55. I have visited Lou Lou's online quilt shop, cute shop

  56. I'm always waiting to share my Christmas cactus blooms with my family - and planning the Christmas cookies that I'll make and share.

  57. I always love checking out LouLou's Gift Boutique - now I have to bookmark my "likes" for hubby to check out!

  58. We have a birthday party for Jesus.

  59. I follow Lou Lou's on Pinterest.

  60. If I can write like you, then I will be very happy, but I can't write like you, where is my luck, in fact people like you are an example for the world. You have written this comment very beautifully, I am very glad that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Cheap price girls gurgaon
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  61. We bake cookies together. This year it will be 3 generations.

  62. Baking and sharing cookies has long been a favorite Christmas tradition. This fall we are making and sharing apple butter as well.

  63. I follow Lou Lou's on FB and Instagram.

  64. I like the Into The Woods 10" Stacker by Lori Whitlock for Riley Blake Designs that I saw in the shop.

  65. We get together with my daughter's in-laws for Thanksgiving. Everyone brings food to share so the work of making Thanksgiving dinner doesn't fall on one person.

  66. I follow Lou Lou's Fabric Shop on Facebook. Thank you for the giveaway!

  67. We still read Santa Mouse even though kids are grown up. I joined Lou Lou's blog to follow along.

  68. My mom's special turkey dressing is a family tradition. Now that she's passed, it's a recipe that I try my best to re-create each year. It'll never be as good as hers!

  69. Starting the kids WISH LIST. And making vegetarian gravy that rivals turkey gravy!!!!

  70. Every Thanksgiving I make the sweet potato casserole that my grandma made when I was a kid. It was my favorite part of the meal then and it still is!

  71. I follow them on IG and I love that Christmas Fig bundle!! Thank you!

  72. I prepare Thanksgiving spread with chicken and dressing and all the sides and desserts!


  73. We enjoy all the baking! Old receipes plus new ones and starting days ahead!

  74. One of our Christmas traditions is Black Friday shopping. This year we are adding my 13 and 16 yr old granddaughters, seven of us in all. Eat at Cheesecake Factory and shop till we drop.

  75. Nobody does bundles like LouLou's! I follow them on IG and their Blog.

  76. We all have one last bonfire before the snow arrives.

  77. We’re starting a new tradition this year! My son and his new bride are hosting their first Thanksgiving for both sides of the family🧡🦃🍁

  78. I follow Lou Lou’s on Facebook me Instagram!

  79. I swap out our regular set of dishes for Christmas / Winter ones.

  80. I visited Lou Lou's Fabric Shop and spotted the Snuggle Up Buttercup Fat Quarter Bundle which is so pretty!

  81. I bring out all the fancy dishes for a traditional dinner. Thank you for this giveaway.

  82. I visit Lou Lou's web site. Thank you for this giveaway.

  83. We go to the family farm to cut down a Christmas tree.

  84. I visited Lou Lou's site. Beautiful bundles as always!

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Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
