Saturday, March 19, 2022

David's Special Quilt!!!!

So if you have followed my blog for some time, you know about my sweet nephew David, who had open heart surgery at birth.  Well, this week, he had to return to Primary Children's Hospital for another heart surgery to repair some worn out valves.  I have been up North to take care of his siblings while he and his parents have been in the hospital, and I took a special quilt for David up with me.   He loved my See Squared quilt because it reminded him of Legos, and it went along with him to the hospital.  

I also took up some fabric markers with the quilt.  I told David that he could have each person that took part in his care sign a square.  It is making a wonderful memory quilt and apparently the care givers are really getting into signing the quilt, including lots of art as well.  (although, David questioned letting people sign it that had to do his IV's, he wasn't such a huge fan of them :)  

If you cant guess, this is from the anesthesiologist.  He told David all about the "Magic Air" that makes him feel good and have the best sleep.    So cute!!!

And wow, I suppose you get used to drawing hearts when you are in the Cardiology department.  So grateful to all of these people that are truly helping David to heal soon!!

And I am so grateful that the surgery went well and that David is doing well in his recovery.   Feeling so very blessed this week for my Twin Sister and her sweet little family!!!   

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  1. What a wonderful aunt you are Melissa! The quilt was definitely a much needed day brightener! Love that he had the medical staff sign the blocks! I am impressed with their artwork too! Hope David is up and running soon!

  2. Those bright colors really do look like Legos! And having people sign them was a brilliant idea. I was hospitalized as a child and had a large stuffed "Mr. Square" that everyone signed. I treasured it for years until it fell apart.

  3. Brilliant idea and it does look like legos.

  4. I am very happy for your entire family. Your thoughtful quilt gives everyone in the room a positive focal point, and David will have some very special memories in the future

  5. It's amazing how much a quilt pattern can give to a quilt. You chose the right one. It was also a great idea to let them sign his quilt. They might have enjoyed that part more than him but he will appreciate it more later. I am so thankful that his surgery went well.

  6. Pleased all went well with your nephew David’s surgery.
    Fabulous quilt you gifted him.

  7. Oh, my gosh, this made me cry! So happy that David is doing well!

  8. How extraordinary! What a wonderful idea to make his stay in the hospital less scary. Love the blocks that the health care providers did.

  9. You have given a priceless gift and memory for your nephew, Melissa! Such a brave little fellow. My heart goes out to all he has gone through!

  10. Were those permanet markers? If they weren't, you might want to consider embroidering over all those wonderful signatures and messages to make them permanent.

  11. What a wonderful way to commemorate his surgery!

  12. So so special---Get Well soon young lil Man-you have a wonderful team with your family and Cardio team. Wendy dillon

  13. What a sweet post! Speedy recovery to your adorable nephew, David.

  14. Sweet Boy! I absolutely love the quilt you made for him, such a thoughtful gift. It will travel through the rest of his life with him, giving him fond memories of those who cared so much for him!

  15. You had a great idea. Aunts have super powers!

  16. Praying for David and your whole family. The quilt is a wonderful idea.

  17. Oh Melissa, I'm crying with this beautiful, loving story. So glad your little David, is doing well. His cheerful quilt and all those personal notes will lift him up on his way to a successful recovery, that brave your man!! You're a wonderful auntie! Much love and wellness to you! Valerie

  18. I love this oh so very much. This is what quilting is about for me....bringing comfort, joy and love. Prayers for that sweet boy. By the way, the quilt is a gorgeous work of art.

  19. What a great idea for d child in the hospital!

  20. That is such a neat idea! I love the bright colors. Hope he is doing better now!

  21. This is such a wonderful way for those involved in saving David's life so one day he can remember all those involved! I hope you got to take pictures of each and every one of these wonderful people with the quilt so you can making a memory book from him and one day he can share this with his family! Angel blessings David and a big thank-you to the staff that were so wonderful to him...most of all his aunt who came up with this idea!

  22. Such a wonderful gift and all the autographs made it more special.

  23. This is so precious! I have a family member with a similar issue. She is now a fully grown adult! God bless!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
