Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!

It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!  Let's have some fun!!!!

First, we need to announce the winner from last weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!   The winner of the 3 Happy Quilting PDF Patterns is . . .   Number #191 . . . Congrats  Lindsay Rodems!!! I have emailed you :)    


And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by Ollie and Evie.  Rhonda has an adorable Etsy shop packed with wonderful pre-cuts and beautiful yardage!!!  And be sure to check out the  Clearance Section as well for amazing deals, like as in $5.00 a yard!!!!   Rhonda has also recently made some adorable Custom Holiday Bundles that you will want to check out.  So fun!!!

And for this weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway, one lucky reader will win a gorgeous Fat Eighth Bundle of Playground by Amy Sinibaldi for Art Gallery Fabrics. These prints are so precious and I absolutely love the mixture of colors!!!  Just adorable ;)  

You have two entry chances, the second being optional, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.  Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me what was (or is) you favorite piece of equipment to play on at the Playground ;)  For me, I was always a fan of the Monkey Bars :)   

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Olie and Evie love.   You can follow them on  Facebook, at their blog, or Favorite their Shop, or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Olie and Evie Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, August 9th when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Monday, August 1, 2016

It's August and Incredibly Happy Mail

Wow, I really can not believe it is August 1st today.   I have to say, July was about as crazy as they come in our house.  We had 2 Family Reunions, a Week Long Scout Camp, and 5 days at Girls Camp.  Honestly, I spent more days away from home in July then I did at home (quite a few more ;)  And while I loved every minute spent with family, you can guess that there hasn't been a whole ton of sewing time and yes, it might have been causing a little anxiety to get back to my sewing room and machine.  So I can not being to express my delight when I checked the mail Saturday afternoon and found this adorable Mini!!!!!

Nicole is participating in the Summer Solstice Quilt Along and made this fantastic mini for me as a thank you for helping her along with her project ;)  Isn't that just so incredibly nice!!!!  She represented each of my 5 children, and even have them in age order.  So cute!!!!

Thank you so much Nicole!!!!  This was just such a wonderful surprise and could not have come at a better time :)  Suddenly deadlines didn't seem quite so stressful when I remembered how amazing quilters are and how incredibly grateful I am to be a part of them!!!!

Nicole, You have certainly made my day a Happy Quilting one and I hope that each of you are having a Happy Quilting Day as well!!!

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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Splendid Sampler Saturday!!!

Time for another Splendid Sampler Saturday!!!  I am just loving this project, it is so fun to get to step away from everything and enjoy playing with new techniques each Saturday ;)  So let's see the blocks!!

First up, the Swirl Time block designed by Sarah J Maxwell.  I always love coming back to some simple piecing :)  It is just so fun to play with points and I loved how this one came together.   The movement is just so great!

Second is the Circle of Love block designed by Geta Gamma.  This one was some serious applique work and I absolutely love it!!!  The design is just so fun, and I really liked doing it in a basic 2-tone using the pinks and reds ;)   And I know it's crazy, but I really do enjoy secure stitching my applique, I just find it so relaxing ;) 

And finally, the Whim block designed by Faith Jones.  This was a paper piecing block, and I have to say, it was so nice to do some very easy paper piecing.  It went together in no time flat, and I just love that there is no rhyme or reason to it, it is just fun and whimsical :)

I am just so excited about all of these fun blocks!!!  I can't wait to see this one all come together ;)
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Friday, July 29, 2016

Ruby Jubilee Progress :)

So do you remember how I was "working on" a Ruby Jubilee version of my Braided Irish Chain Pattern??  Well I haven't shared much since I cut up all my 2 patches.   I actually made up the 4-patches sometime around April, but forgot to share them.  (sorry about that)   And I just saw them all sitting on my desk a few weeks ago and decided, it was time for some progress, Yippee!!!

And I am super happy, that the progress really multiplied as I have been squeaking these in among other projects.  And before you knew it, I had finished up all of my "small blocks".

These were a whole lot of chain stitching and oh so much fun to piece!!!   I just love how fast they go together once you have all of the 4-patches done ;)

And now all I have to do is turn the "small blocks" into "big blocks" and then it's just sewing them into a giant 9-patch for the quilt top!!!

I can't wait to get this one all finished up.    I am just loving how classic it is going to be in just red and white!!!!  So fun!!!   And here is hoping that it won't take quite so long to share the finish as it did the progress ;)  

I hope you all have a Happy Quilting weekend!!!

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Breaking Open Bundles

I am starting some new projects today and Breaking Open a few Bundles!!!!  I am super excited to have a plan for my Grand Canal Fat Quarter Bundle by Kate Spain that I picked up at Market during Sample Spree!!!  Aren't the colors just gorgeous!!!  You know I am head over heels for those purples :)

And then I am starting another little "secret project" using 3 stunning bundles of fabric goodness!!  I am mixing Sundrops from Corey Yoder, Chestnut Street from Fig Tree Quilts and the blacks, browns, and greens from Olives Flower Market by Vanessa Goertzen.   EEEkk, I am so excited to see this one come together ;)

And this leads me to the question that I had after pulling these off the shelf . . . Does anyone else have a bit of a hard time "Breaking Open" a bundle??  I just love to see them sitting on a shelf and admire the colors and prints.  And even though I know exactly what I plan to do with these bundles, I still had to take a second before breaking them open and enjoy the beauty of all the prints together ;)   

But, With that said, the second I get the ribbon off, I am pressing away and can't wait to cut it up and create something new.    So how about you . . . How do you Break your Bundles open??

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