Saturday, March 11, 2017

Splendid Sampler Saturday

Eeekkk!!!  What a fantastic Saturday morning I am having.  Like I said on Wednesday, I have really been wanting to get my Splendid Sampler quilt top sewn up.  But you know how things get busy.   Well this morning I figured what better day than a "Splendid Sampler Saturday" to set aside everything else on my cutting mat  for a bit and start sewing together my Splendid Sampler rows.   And aren't they just so fun!!!!

They are coming together quick and I love the added sashing and chain!!!  It just frames those happy colored blocks and makes them pop all the more.   5 block rows down and 6 sashing rows down.  Only 8 more of each to go.  They  are coming together at a decent speed, all that shasing takes a bit longer, but so totally worth it.   Here's hoping to have more progress to share next Saturday!!!

I hope you are having a very Happy Quilting Weekend!!! 
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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

WIP - Old, New, and In Between

So it's Wednesday, and today just seemed to be the perfect day to share some Works in Progress, and the first one is an old one, even though I realized, strangely enough, that I never shared the start of it here on my blog, I just had this Instagram pic  ;)

 Back at Spring Market,  I got a super fun Mini Quick Curve Ruler and started to play with it as soon as I got back home.  I loved the original Quick Curve Ruler (made this quilt with it) and knew I was going to love the mini as well!!!  My plan was to make a Mini Rings using the super adorable Olive's Flower Market by Lella Boutique.   I got all of the curved sub-piecing and cutting done (love that ruler!!!)  and then sadly, this fell to to bottom of the pile, which tends to happen when it doesn't have a deadline.  But . . . I got a call this week and my twin sister found out she is having a GIRL!!!!!   Deadline made and this quilt just flew to the top of the to finish list ;)   So excited to be playing with these fun curves again!!!!

And you know, I just can't help but adding new Works In Process.   A week ago I decided that I wanted to participate in the Moda Bella Challenge.   I had read about it a while back and didn't think twice as those super bold colors were a bit out of my comfort zone.  But then, after seeing so many great pictures from Quilt Con and such an amazing display of bold and beautiful quilts, well, it made me think that maybe its time for another little push out of my comfort zone :)  So I ordered 2 of the Bella Challenge Packs from Fat Quarter Shop and am ready to go.  Now, just to come up with a design.   More on this to come :)

And finally, my poor Splendid Sampler Blocks have been sorted and ready to sew into rows for almost a month now.   I really want to get these sewn together soon so that I can enjoy the finished quilt.  I mean, we spent a year sewing these blocks together, I would hate for it to take me another year to get them into a finished quilt ;)

So that's what I am working on . .  .What are you working on in your neck of the woods??
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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!

It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!    Let's have some fun!!!

But  before we get to today's giveaways . . . First,  we need to announce the winners from last weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!   The winner of the Sweet Marion Layer Cake from Olie and Evie  is . . . Number #8. . . Congrats Kelly Wall !!!!! I have emailed you :)    

So on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by The Scarlet Thread Quilt Co.  Julie is celebrating today because she is moving to a brand new shop!!!   You can now find The Scarlet Thread Quilt Co right over here.  And along with the new shop, she has a fun new logo!!  And, along with hosting the giveaway, Julie is helping us all to Celebrate at her new shop with 20% off any purchase with the code HQMMARCH!!!   Yippee, let's have some shopping fun!!!

And the Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is for a $25.00 Gift Certificate to The Scarlet Thread Quilt Co.  Yup, we all love a good little shopping spree in a brand new store!!!  Isn't it fun to get to pick out your favorites ;)

You have two entry chances, the second being optional, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.  Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me your favorite bird.  (I woke up this morning to birds singing and it made me so happy that Spring is on it's way :)  

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Scarlet Thread Quilt Co. love.   You can follow them on   Facebook or Sign up for their Newsletter (just scroll down a bit) .  Or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Scarlet Thread Quilt Co. Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, March 14th when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Friday, March 3, 2017

Jacob's Ladder

So remember that Jacob's Ladder quilt that I had started . . . well, it's Finished!!!!    And I love, love, love it!!!!

So if you have been around here for a bit, you know that I like to make quilts for my Alma Mater (Southern Utah University).   And I tell you what, every time I am working on one, I am always grateful that my school colors are red, white, and black!!!  You just can't get a more classic combination of color and it is always so incredibly striking!!   And don't you just love how the solids pop!!! 

This was such a fun quilt to make.  And because I was using just 3 fabrics, I was able to strip piece all of the 4-patches so that really speed things up!!!   It went together super fast (I have had it done for two weeks I just didn't get pictures taken before the hand surgery :) and I just can't get over how much I love the crisp classic look of it!!!  I might have to make another one just the same for next years's homecoming ;)    You can see more about the pattern from Fat Quarter Shop right over here and watch the fun video as well.  

When it came time to quilt it I opted for a fun all over medium size swirl.  I love coming back to this design.  It was pretty much the first design that I felt comfortable with on the long arm and so it is always super relaxing and super fun and I was able to quilt the entire top in about 1 hour and 15 minutes and that's not to shabby ;)

Plus, I just love, love, love the wonderful overall texture it adds to the quilt!!!   So pretty ;)   It is always hard to choose a thread color on these red/white. and black quilts because whatever you choose, it is going to stand out on either the red/black or the white.   But I was happy with the lovely 402, pearl, which blends perfectly on the white, and pops just a bit on the red and black ;)

And that is my Jacob's Ladder quilt!!!   I am so excited that I get to cross this classic quilt of my "to make someday" list.   Although, like I said, it was so much fun, I might just add it again :)   If you have a Jacob's Ladder quilt on your bucket list, you just might want to give it a try. . . trust me, you are gonna love it!!!

Thanks for popping in today and sharing this fun finish with me ;)

I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Weekend!!!

Linking this finish to Amanda's, Sarah's, and Myra's ;) 
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Thursday, March 2, 2017

February Bee Block and IGQuiltFest

I know it is March, but I mailed off my Tic Tac Toe block in February so I am still counting my Bees Knees as on time, yippee!!!   Nedra asked each of us to make a super fun Tic Tac Toe block using the tutorial from Blossom Heart Quilts.   I totally loved making up this block, and I just love the fun bold fabrics Nedra choose to really make that X pop!!!   And you know it happens every month, but now I want to make an entire quilt of these fun X's ;)

And I wanted to add a quick shout out for IG Quilt Fest!!!!  If you have followed along with Amy's Quilt Festival's in the past you know there is endless amounts of quilty eye candy.  But this time, it is changing up a bit and moving to Instagram.  So, if you use Instagram and want to play along, it's going to be so much fun!!!   There is a daily prompt and it is just going to be a blast getting to know so many great quilters!!!    And if you don't Instagram, you can always just pop over to the #IGQuiltFest Here and check out all the fun :) 

And just those two little tidbits to share today ;)  I am excited to share a quilt finish tomorrow so be sure to pop back in!!

Happy Quilting!!!
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