Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Kick-Back Night!

My wonderful husband is out for a few hours this evening so I am watching this

while blog hoping around this

Does it get any better than that???
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chubby Stars Again!

Yippee Skipee!!  So I finally got back to my Chubby Stars quilt.  I am sad that it got put off for so long as it really did not take me long at all to make up 20 more 4 patches and attach them in a border.  I am really happy that I choose to do the added work of unpicking in order to finish the stars in the border.    And didn't it just turn out great!!  It is so perfect for fall!!  Really, my camera does not do justice to these beautiful fall colors.  

My plan (at sewing night) tonight is to make up a cute pieced back so that it will be ready to be basted and quilted tomorrow.  I am thinking about trying something new in the quilting.  Like pebbles in the Snowball blocks.  But I can's seem to put my finger on what to do in the chain blocks.  Any suggestions??
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Monday, September 27, 2010


So this weekend was all about finishing up.  I had 2 huge quilts to be finished and the goal was to finish them both this weekend.  Which I did, unfortunately I have no pictures to show for it.    The first was my humanitarian quilt that in my haste to get it to the church Saturday night, I forgot to take a picture of it completed.  Arrrghhh!!  The second quilt to finish was a "baking" project.  And so of course, I'm not showing that picture either.

So now that those two huge quilts are finished I am going back to finishing up the border on my Chubby Stars Quilt.  Also, since that won't take me long to finish and I can't leave you without a picture, here are some of the fabric combos I'll be using for some upcoming projects that I have in mind.  Happy Quilting!!

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Brown Bag Arrived!!

I am so excited!!!!  Aren't these prints just wonderfully amazing!!!  I love polka-dots!!!  How did Glen know??  Glen even sent me the wonderful appliqué book in the back, how nice is that!!
I have already pulled 3 or 4 prints that I have in my stash that match so perfectly, and they are polka-dot too!!  Well I won't sleep much the next few nights just pondering on how to piece this together.  It's gonna be fun!

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Monday, September 20, 2010

90 x 90

So Remember those selvages that I gave you a peek of on Friday.  Remember how I said I had cut them out that morning.  We'll they didn't stay in pieces for long.  Friday was the Father and Sons camp out so Jacob took the boys for the night.  Jessi, Kami, and I had a Barbie Movie Marathon and then after they went to bed I started sewing.  When I went to bed (at 2 am) this is what I had completed.  Now I just need to get it tied and bound and ready to be shipped off to the Humanitarian Center.  90 x 90 is big!!

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