Okay, here comes a huge admission, I am pretty afraid of dogs and yes, I know i'ts silly as most dogs are very friendly and kind but I have been afraid since I was a child. I really am trying to get over this, I do have a neighbors dog that I am now used to and I don't freeze any time it comes near. Seriously, once my sister's dog was at my Mom's house and I didn't know and I opened the door to where it was and no joke, I screamed and was on top of the kitchen counter in 2 seconds flat. But I would like to think if I found this puppy in a basket so cute and adorable, that we would be friends ;)
So, are you quilting along?? You can download the pattern right here and then don't forget to donate the $5.00 for the pattern to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital ;) This is such an amazing cause and it is so fabulous that Fat Quarter Shop and Moda will be matching our donations!!! Everyone has been so generous in their donations!!!
This block went together super quick!! And Kimberly also made putting this block together even easier with this fabulous You Tube video. I am so just loving these videos ;)
Be sure to share all of your Snapshots progress on social media with #fqssnapshots and check out these fabulous bloggers for some Puppy Love inspiration :)
Camille Roskelley of Thimble Blossoms
Bonnie Olaveson of Cotton Way
Pat Sloan of The Voice of Quilting
Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet
Bonnie Olaveson of Cotton Way
Pat Sloan of The Voice of Quilting
Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet
Sherri McConnell of A Quilting Life
Melissa Corry of Happy Quilting
Thelma Childers of Cupcakes N' Daisies
Pam Viera-McGinnis of Pam Kitty Morning
Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs
Stephanie Kendron of The Modern Sewciety
Stephanie Kendron of The Modern Sewciety
Natalia Bonner of Piece N Quilt
Greg Jones of Grey Dogwood Studios
Jessie Fincham of Messy Jesse
Greg Jones of Grey Dogwood Studios
Jessie Fincham of Messy Jesse
Thanks for popping in today ;) Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!