Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Oh, Scrap! Blog Hop and Giveaway

Today I am so very excited to share with you all a fantastic new book, Oh, Scrap! by my very good friend, Lissa Alexander !!  And let me just tell you, this book is incredible!!!  I can't stop adding to the list of  "to make" quilts from this!!!   And since they are all scrap quilts, and my scrap bins continue to overflow, I just might have to make them all (eventually ;)

You might know Lissa as Moda Lissa.   She is the head of Marketing at Moda Fabrics and is an amazing quilter!!!  This is her first stand alone book, but she has been the creative genius working behind the scenes on lots of compilation books, like the Moda All Star Books, and the Sweet Celebration book which just happened to be my first time being published in a book.   I am still so grateful that she sent me a little invite to be a part of that book as it really got me started on the publishing path.   Lissa has been a wonderful friend and mentor guiding me through a lot of this industry and giving me wonderful opportunities to share my work :)   I can not thank her enough for her friendship and guidance!!

Lissa has been working in the quilting industry for over 25 years and this book is like getting all of that scrappy quilting knowledge tied up with lots of pretty pictures and a bow on top :)  Seriously, it is amazing!!!  You will find so many wonderful tidbits of scrappy goodness that Lissa has picked up over the years and is now sharing in her own fun way.  Reading through the book truly feels like I am sitting at Lissa's kitchen table with a pile of scraps as we go through it and decide how best to use them.   Which, I would totally love to literally do someday!!! 

And as I said before, Oh, Scrap! is full of amazing scrap quilts and you will want to make every single one of them.    And now I am excited to finally get to share that I was so very blessed to have made one of the quilts in  Oh, Scrap! !!!  It's called Kismet and I just love it!!!   A long while back,  Lissa asked if I could take her Courthouse Steps block and make it up in my own color layout  to give it a new spin and of course, I couldn't say yes fast enough!!  

  I went to my scrap bins and instantly realized that I had an overflowing box of blues and greens and thought they would be perfect for a relaxing type feel.  I started cutting a string of blue in green from every piece of scrap in my bins.  This was such a fun trip down memory lane for me. I love that about scrap quilts, they really are a wonderful representation of so many other quilts and more importantly, the people those quilts were for ;)    And they also look pretty fun all laid out in a row ;)  

I had so much fun making up the Kismet blocks and they really went together fast as I just chain pieced each new row on all the blocks.   And before you knew it, Kistmet!!!  I can't say how happy I am with how this scrappy quilt came together and I am again, so grateful that Lissa asked me to be a small part of her incredible Oh, Scrap! book!!!   I will share lots more about this quilt later on, but for know, I want to get back to more quilts from Oh, Scrap!

I knew as soon as Oh, Scrap! arrived in my mailbox, that I totally needed to start another scrap project, but the hard part is, which quilt to start on???  They are all just so fun!!  I debated on starting with the cover quilt, called Izzy Squared with all of it's yummy squared goodness, or maybe even this gorgeous Sherbet Stars quilt as I am a big fan on Lone Stars and their super fun construction.  

But in the end, it had to be Lissa's Surrounded quilt.  In the intro to this quilt, Lissa wrote about how she found she always had leftover light-colored prints from her Moda precuts that are known as "low volume" fabrics that didn't quite fit in her planned color schemes.   So she challenged herself to create a low-volume quilt and Surround was the result.    

This intro spoke to me as I find I am in that same boat of not using my Low-Volume prints from my pre-cuts :)  I have another scrap drawer that I throw all of these bits and pieces in wondering what i will ever use them for.   Well, the bin was tossed on the cutting mat yesterday and I started cutting.   Another super helpful tidbit from the book, you don't have to cut a scrap quilt out all at once!!!!

I love that Lissa's includes what pieces you need just for each block so you can cut until you get a tired of it, and then pull out the pieces you need to make a block.     I love those oh so cute, 1" finished chain blocks, but with hundreds of them needed in a quilt, I am happy to cut as I go ;)  And another helpful tidbit, Lissa helps explain about value and how it can help you determine what is "low-volume" which I have always wondered about ;)    See what I mean, so many jewels of scrappy hints!!!

So I have 1 block done and lots to go, but I am just thrilled to be making this scrappy Surrounded quilt!!!  I plan to use all solids in the chains and make a serious dent in my "low-volume" bin.   It's not often I make a quilt this way, one block at a time I mean,  but I am super excited to really take this project slow and enjoy the scrappy process.

And that is a small taste of Oh, Scrap!   I can't say enough good about this book!!  It truly is scraptastic and I don't see it going on the shelf for a long time.  I think I will finish one scrappy project and then just choose another from it's pages ;)  

And if you haven't had a chance to check out Oh, Scrap!, you are in for a treat!!   One lucky reader is going to win their own e-book copy of Oh, Scrap!  Lissa and Martingale are giving away of Oh, Scrap! along each stop of this fun Blog Hop!

 All you have to do to have a chance to win is leave me a comment telling me your favorite scrappy quilt you have made or want to make!!

I will choose a winner on Saturday, the 24rd :)    Good luck to all!!

GIVEAWAY CLOSED - The winner is #21 - Congrats to Linda!!!  I have emailed you ;) 

And be sure to follow along with the Oh, Scrap! blog tour for lots more chances to win and a ton more Oh, Scrap! eye candy!!!

Thursday – March 15 – Lissa Alexander
Friday – March 16 – Pat Sloan
Saturday – March 17 – Corey Yoder of Coriander Quilts
Sunday – March 18 – Barbara Brackman  
Monday – March 18 – Alison Dale of Fabric Expressions
Tuesday – March 20 – Melissa Corry of Happy Quilting
Wednesday – March 21 – Moi ~ The Cutting Table
Thursday – March 22 – Sherri McConnell of A Quilting Life
Friday – March 23 – Kimberly Jolly of the Fat Quarter Shop
Saturday – March 24 – Teresa Silva of Quilting is My Bliss
Sunday – March 25 – Jane Davidson of QuiltJane
Monday – March 26 – Jenny Wilding Cardon of Martingale/That Patchwork Place

Thanks for popping in today and I hope you have a very Happy (and Scrappy) Quilting Day!!!

P.S.  It's still Tuesday and we are also have Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day along with this Giveaway.   If you are looking for that post, you will find it here ;) 

** This post contains affiliate links. 

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  1. I have made many scrappy quilts! They are my favorite to do! No matching or thinking is involved! My favorite is the Trip Around the World that I did last year.

  2. Haven't done a true scrappy quilt but would like to do some type of
    scrappy chain quilt - the surround one looks amazing! rfatkins@aol.com

  3. This book looks so awesome! Thank you for the chance to win it.
    I love making scrappy quilts and my favorite one is a scrappy sampler quilt made with many different blocks and an Irish Chain setting.

  4. I think my favorite scrappy quilt right now is my rainbow Farmer's Wife quilt!

  5. I want to make a blue scrap quilt for my blue guest room!

  6. Love the cover quilt, but the greens and blue are tempting.

  7. It's my tumbler block quilt, so scrappily batik!

  8. What a beautiful book. I've made a scrappy trip around the world and an Irish chain quilt.

  9. I've made a few scrapbook quilts. I love my rainbow cat quilt.

  10. I made a scrappy celestial Ohio Star quilt for my niece, I really enjoyed it. I would love to win this great giveaway and use up some of my scraps. It would be be great to get advice from an expert. cork@pa.rr.com

  11. I haven't made a scrappy quilt yet, but would love to make an Irish chain or something similar.


  12. This looks like a fabulous book for the scrappy quilt lover! I'm planning on making a bright and cherry scrappy pineapple quilt but I have to get a few projects finished up before I start it.

  13. My favorite quilts to make are scrappy quilts! Thanks for this chance for some more ideas!

  14. I made a scrap string quilt that i LOVE. I'm thinking about making a rainbow one next.

  15. I made a hexagon English paper pieced quilt with all scraps from my first 3 years of sewing. It is full of memories!

  16. I just finished a scrappy Split 9-Patch....and I love it!

  17. Thanks for the review of this book and offering it as a giveaway. That's so generous of you! My favorite scrappy quilt that I made is called Scrappy Leftovers and, well, it's really scrappy. I created the pattern. You can see it at http://joyforgrace.blogspot.com/2017/06/a-lovely-finish.html.

  18. My favorite scrap quilt was a snowball quilt that I made with binding leftovers from the comfort quilts our guild makes. Each snowball was like a 3 rail fence block, blunted at the corners. It was a bright, festive quilt and I hope it made some little person very happy.

  19. I made a small Jo Morton basket quilt for my dining room wall, in controlled scraps of reds, blacks, and lights to tan/gold reproduction fabric. I always smile when I see it on the wall.

  20. I recently finished my Moda Blockheads quilt that was a year-long adventure using ONLY my scraps. So fun!

  21. Like to make the Surrounded Quilt! So Neat! Thanks for sharing!

  22. Surround quilt would be a fun one to make.

  23. I would love to do a scrappy log cabin quilt!

  24. My three favorite quilts are all scrappy. One has a center section of about 100 different 2-inch squares.

  25. I love scrappy quilts. My favorites are Grandma Mary's 5 patch, album/ trip round the world designs and pineapple stars from Bonnie Hunter. I would love the Lone Srar pattern in this book. I never have enough low volume neutrals so send your overflowing bins to me! Thanks for sharing!

  26. I made a bed runner with the blue scraps from a big quilt...it was improv and totally fun!!!
    Thank you!!!

  27. I want to make a scrappy log cabin quilt. It has been on my to-do list for awhile.

  28. My favorite is Slots - really used up a lot of my charm stash

  29. I made a scrap pinwheel quilt for my sister & brother-in-law for their 30th wedding anniversary, which was the same year they both turned 50. It was set in a Boston Commons arrangement, that gave room for some hand quilting feather motifs.

  30. I made the cover quilt from The Blue and the Gray (By Mary Etherington, Connie Tesene). Love all the scrappy quilts in that book! Lissa's book looks wonderfully scrappy, too. I would love to win it! mjkonkel@tds.net

  31. I haven't made a scrappy quilt yet. I am thinking of the Farmer's Wife with cream as the background.

  32. The scrappy log cabin looks like great fun. Thanks for sharing the wonderful patterns from this new book.

  33. My favorite is always my current project. Right now that is Flutterby by Jen Kingwell.

  34. My favorite scrap quilt is your Stamp Collection Quilt which I've already started. However, this Oh! Scraps! book will help me diminish my scrap piles a ton!

  35. I have made quite a few scrappy quilts, love the one I am doing now as I get scraps the right sizes not sure of the name but based on the tropical twister, but simpler. Love getting to use up bits of odd fabrics left over from what ever other project I am doing. FUN

  36. I am almost finished putting together my checkerboard rails quilt and I am so happy with all the colors I used.That looks like a really good book to have. I've been wanting to make a Surrounded quilt for awhile now. Thanks for the opportunity.

  37. My favorite scrappy quilt is one I made with 2,240 1-1/2" squares - completely random, pick from a pile leader and ender.

  38. I have two favorite scrappy quilts...the first one was a blue and white log cabin that I made for my father in 1998. It was about 90X90 and I love it. The second one is a scrappy nine patch set on point made from 3 inch nine patches that were part of a guild swap. It is a queen sized quilt that I use on my bed everyday.

  39. most of mine are scrap quilt's in the effort to get ride of some , they multiply like rabbits.

  40. Oh this book looks wonderful!! Thanks for the opportunity to win it! My latest and current favorite scrap quilt is one I made from Amy Ellis' Modern Heritage Quilts book - she did a free sampler on facebook using blocks from the book. All of it came from my scrap baskets- that's why I love scrap quilts- it's like they are for free! Love your blog!

  41. I like to make nine patch and postage stamp scrappy quilts. Oh Scrap looks like a fun book.

  42. I love using scrappy HSTs, they are so many ways to use them!

  43. I could feel your excitement coming over my work monitor on this new pattern! :) Sherri McConnell -A Quilting Life, has a 9 patch scrappy pattern I plan on making. Now i feel more anticipated to start on it! Thanks for sharing...

  44. I'm working on a scrappy log cabin quilt for my bed. The colours are blues, greens and purples.

    lin.web.28 at gmail dot com

  45. this book looks phenomenal. I love scrappy quilts, I've had a hard time choosing my favorite, but I have a 16 patch star quilt that used up lots of scraps and that was fun.

  46. I love scrap quilts! In fact, most of my quilts are scrappy, even if I buy yardage to cut into scraps! My favorite would have to be a log cabin quilt I made for my husband a few years ago. Cotten.gloria@gmail.com

  47. I like doing Scrappy quilts with the rectangle & flying geese dies from my Accuquilt.

  48. My favorite and only scrap quilt I have made is the Tumelo Trail pattern in Bonnie Hunter's Scraps and Shirtails Two book. Lissa's book looks to be a lot of fun too and I love the quilt you made.


  49. I have been wanting to make a scrappy Burgoyne Surrounded quilt for awhile, but your Kismet quilt really appeals to me too!

  50. I also am drawn to Lissa's Surrounded quilt. The picture of the Lone Star sherbet is amazing too!!

  51. I have wanted to make the Surround quilt since it was in American Patchwork and Quilting, even pulled fabrics but was overwhelmed by all the cutting. One block at a time sounds like a lovely way to make it. I love scrap quilts for there reasons you listed, sometimes I'll even make another "planned" quilt just so I can get the scraps from it for a scrap project I have in progress!

  52. My favorite scrappy quilt is Long Time Gone that I made in Jo Morton fabrics. I LOVE that scrappy look!

  53. My last scrappy quilt was a log cabin. This book looks fabulous.

  54. I’ve always wanted to try a scrappy string quilt.

  55. I haven't really made a scrap quilt even though I have lots of scraps sitting around. I think a scrappy log cabin is in order! This book looks like the perfect book to get me started quilting large items again. Thanks for the chance to win. Nadine W. rnwillis@velotech.net

  56. My favorite scrappy quilt is a Christmas log cabin I made last year. Love the Kismet quilt. I have plenty of blue and green scraps and would be thrilled to make one for myself.

  57. Almost all of my quilts are scrappy and I love making them. I love them all!

  58. I just finished a 'Scrappy Chains', and I love it! Thank you for the chance to win "Oh, Scrap!".

  59. I have not made a scrap quilt yet. Would love to win the book and make the lonestar.

  60. My favorite scrappy quilt is a split nine patch. It's not done yet, but will be some day! cknapp3626(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  61. I love scrappy, and my most recent is a pickle dish.

  62. I LOVE your blue and green quilt! My favorite scrappy quilt is one of Lori Holt's quilt alongs from a few years back. I used all scraps and I call it my "free" quilt! I love that I can make scrap quilts from leftovers and not spend anymore money. It makes me feel so frugal!!

  63. I believe my favorite scrappy quilt is the one I'm working on now, on the side so to speak. It is a leader and ender mostly civil war scrappy quilt. It will have a beige neutral small size Irish chain running through it and I love it ~ my pieces are actually getting bigger. It will get finished someday as I make my other projects along with it!

  64. My favorite scrappy quilt is my QAYG log cabin. I used only fabrics from other quilts I had made, favorite fabrics, so every block is so sentimental for me, and reminds me of the people I love, for whom I've quilted. I'm finishing it up now, and I love every moment I spend on it. I can't wait to snuggle under it, and see our nieces and nephews find their own fabrics in it. Now I"m making sure to save the fabrics from ongoing quilts so I can make another one of these, maybe in a different pattern (square in a square?) that I will love just as much.

  65. Last year, I made my first scrap quilt - a Paddlewheel quilt, using Lynette Jensen's pattern. It was nice to use so many fabrics with connections from other projects. Your blue and green quilt is beautiful!

  66. My favorite scrap quilt is Scrappy Trip Around the World ala Bonnie Hunter! It just makes me happy to cuddle under it or just see it across foot of the bed. So looking forward to Lissa’s View of scraps.

  67. I've got the scraps, now to decide on a pattern. Leaning toward a scrappy nine-patch.

  68. I love scrap quilts and I have made several. My favorite is the log cabin. Lissa’s book looks like a great one!

  69. I want to make a churn dash scrap quilt ... it’s one of my favorite pieced blocks. I also want to make a leaf appliqué scrap quilt, using local leaves that I photograph on walks and enlarge.

  70. My favorite scrap quilt that I’ve made is Marcelle Medallion. It’s hard to choose because scrappy is. Y default setting. ;)

  71. I'm thinking a nine patch would be good. rita_l_39212@yahoo.com

  72. My favorite scrap quilt that I have made is a Smith Mointain Morning by Bonnie Hunter.

  73. I made a tumbler quilt with scraps. It turned out great.

  74. I have a Burgoyne Surrounded quilt in reds and white/beiges in progress, which is scrappy.

  75. I just made a test block for an Ocean Waves quilt using 1.5" hst. Who kmows how big it will be,

  76. My favorite so far is "Square & Scrappy" from Edyta's book. I used lots of fabric from Jelly Rolls.

  77. I've made one scrappy quilt and would definitely make more. I didn't think about colour at all, just used whatever came next. It turned out really well.

  78. it would have to be stairsteps...i already have a stack of 4-patches to use for this...great giveaway...lovely quilts, all of them!

  79. Love making scraps quilts....My last one was 9 patch of all the colours under the sun !

  80. I want to make a wonky star quilt. It will be a good scrap buster as well as fun to make those star points go wherever.

  81. Most of my scrappy quilts are a "controlled" scrappy. The latest one I worked on was using blues and browns and is based on the Harmony pattern. The light blues and browns create ribbons across the quilt.

  82. I'm new at quilting so I've never made a scrappy quilt, but I would love to try Lissa's "Surrounded" quilt.

  83. The only scrappy quilt I have made is a lot of 4 inch squares sewn together in a somewhat organized manner that I gave to my niece for her graduation from high school. blpeterson93@gmail.com

  84. Currently working on a Scrappy pineapple quilts with my quilting buddy, we are sharing scraps and truly enjoying the process.love this book!

  85. I’ve made two scrappy courthouse steps quilts which I love, and will make more. They’re my all time favorites!

  86. My favorite scrap quilt to make is the Scrappy Trip Around the World.

  87. I loved all my grandmothers scrappy quilts. There are so many I want to make. I have always loved the double wedding ring. I have saved all my scraps over the years from sewing for my kids. I just inherited some of my grandmothers scraps and a few scrap blocks.

  88. What a fabulous new book! Thank you for a chance to win a copy. I would love to make Bonnie Hunter's Pineapple Blossom scrap quilt. It's on my "to do" list.

  89. I have never made a scrappy quilt before, but I am currently working on a scrappy churn dash quilt using a tutorial from Amanda Jean (Crazy Mom Quilts). The fabrics in the churn dash are my leaders and enders pieces. Who knows when I will finish it but so far I am enjoying the process.

  90. My favorite is called Indian Hatchet. I am starting a second one, as headers and enders.

  91. My favorite scrappy quilt at this point is the one I am making now. It is a crumb block quilt that is sashed and set on point. I am to the point where I will be cutting the setting triangles next and adding them to the rows. I am very excited to have used up a small portion of my scraps. But not to worry! I have plenty more in the scrap drawer (and bags.)

  92. My favorite scrappy quilt is my 1000 pyramid charm quilt... 1046 different scraps of fabric to be exact. And, I made three of them in different sizes. I love them!

  93. I would like to make a scrappy trip around the world.

  94. A Courtyard quilt was my biggest scrap challenge, since you need to plan in advance what prints will carry on into the adjoining blocks on all 4 sides. A design wall is a must!

  95. I still have an Irish Chain quilt from YOUR book on my list!!! pjrquilter at msn dot com

  96. I have not made a scrappy quilt, but I need to so I can cut down on the fabrics that are taking over my house. I'm sure there will be some easy ones in my future.

  97. My most fun Scrappy quiilt has to be the Bowtie Quilt I did as a Leader and Ender with Bonnie Hunter in 2011. My Hubby Loves sleeping under it's scrappiness. The PLUS is it doesn't show the dirt. Lovec your Kismet quilt. That one might have to be one I make from Lissa's great Book! Cutting as I go works best for me. Less chance for a Miscut along the way.

  98. Oh I love the look of this book - as a self-described scrappy quilter, this book is a must for me!

  99. My favorite, which also is my favorite fabric and movie, is Casablanca in batik. What a great looking book!! As are yours!!

  100. My favorite scrap quilt so far was a multi-colored and neutral log cabin in an around the world setting.

  101. My favorite scrap busting quilt was an Irish chain that was full of 2” squares.

  102. I have made a scrappy hexagon english paper piecing quilt. I love it. But now I am planning a string scrappy quilt. Thanks

  103. Love scrappy quilts! I make the Nonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt each year. I have 2 favorites, one is Celtic solstice.

  104. I'm working on my first scrappy, all 2 1/2 inch squares. Love the ideas in this book! Thank you!

  105. Looks like an awesome book! I make lots of scrappy quilts, but the latest was On Ringo Lake designed by Bonnie Hunter.

  106. I am currently working on my first real scrap quilt. It's a leaders & enders project, so it's going pretty slow.

  107. I’ve been wanting to make the Surround quilt ever since I first saw it.

  108. My favorite is a scrappy bow tie quilt I made for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge a couple years ago. :)

  109. I made a scrap quilt called "confetti", and love it still to this day. Very fun and colorful!!

  110. A scrappy Ocean Waves quilt using my blue and low volume scraps is on my quilty bucket list

  111. My favorite scrappy quilt is the one shown as my emoji. It was a mystery quilt-a-long
    and I enjoyed every bit of it, especially how it turned out! It was called Life-a-Plenty by Woolen Willow Designs. Would love to win a copy of Oh Scrap! Looks fabulous!

  112. My favorite scrap quilt is a Scrappy Bargello (pattern by Bonnie Hunter). My husband needed a quilt for his bed at hunting camp so I grabbed bunches of leftover 2.5” strips and told him it might be ugly but it would keep him warm. Funny thing is it wasn’t ugly and we enjoyed seeing the varied fabrics used. I lost my husband unexpectedly three years ago so this now makes his quilt extra special to me.

  113. My favourite scrappy project is a little hexagon table topper that I have just finished. Love to use up all my pretty scraps! Thank you for the chance to win this lovely book.

  114. I have LOTS of fabric so most of my quilts are scrappy!

  115. The scrap quilt I've always wanted to make is... ANYTHING. I'm terrified to make one because I just can't see how they come together. I can't figure out what makes the difference between creating a giant mess, and something that just works. I would LOVE to make one with the mountain of scraps piling up in my craft room though lol! meln353@yahoo.com

  116. I love the look of scrap quilts, all kindsand every kind. My dream quilt to make is a crazy quilt.

  117. Trip Around the World or a postage stamp scrap quilt. I have also been collecting my leaders and enders for a scrappy quilt.

  118. My favorite scrap quilt is a string spider web quilt that lives in my family room.

  119. I would love to make a scrappy Irish chain quilt.

  120. I have started a scrappy string quilt that I am loving, using up a ton of colors I kept skipping over in other quilts, like bright oranges.

  121. I'm finishing up the Splendid Sampler quilt which is done in scraps, in my case, 30's scraps. I'm loving it!
    yoyopattycakes@hotmail dot com

  122. My favorite scrappy quilt is still the Courthouse Step/Log Cabin quilts I make. This book by Lissa sounds wonderful though - love seeing all the different patterns within!

  123. My favorite was a quilt with oodles of 2 1/2” squares. My friend organized a swap so we each had plenty of unique ones. To this day it is still in my top five.

  124. I made a quilt with leftover Bonnie and Camille fabric, I just love it.

  125. This book looks great, i have never mmade a scrappy quilt yet. This book would get me into the mood of makking some scrappy quults.

  126. my favorite scrappy quilt was made with 1.5 inch squares and wool applique flower and bugs border - it was a queen size quilt, machine pieced and hand applique and hand quilted - I almost only make scrap quilts so it was hard to decide

  127. I love scrappy quilts I’m just not good at them yet, but working on it!!

  128. I would love to make `Surround` quilt with scraps.

  129. I'm working on a scrappy trip around the world quilt. Just need to quilt & bind it!

  130. I have so many scraps and it would be a darn shame to waste them. But where do I begin? I need help.

  131. I am currently at a quilting retreat making your Irish Braid quilt out of controlled scraps. :-)

  132. The favorite scrappy quilt I have made would have to be the one on my bed. It was a mystery from a local quilt shop. I used a lot of novelty fabrics and my children and I have spent many hours playing “I spy” with it. That is an ageless game that we will never tire of.

  133. My favorite is the one I'm working on right now as part of the Sewing a Village group. All my houses in my village have been scrappy, and it has been absolutely a joy to do them.

  134. I made a scrappy Irish chain many years ago. I love looking at the fabrics no longer in my stash, fond memories!

  135. Oh, goodness!! I would LOVE to make that "Sherbet Stars" quilt! It is so perfect! I'm a sucker for star quilts.

  136. I haven't made a scrap quilt yet (although I have made a "bonus" quilt out of scraps) Would love more ideas on how to use all my scraps!

  137. I have only made one scrap quilt so far. It was very stressful for me picking out the fabrics, but I really love the finished product in all of its cohesive randomness :) I really want this book so I can clean out some of my scrap bins!

  138. i love my Scrappy Log Cabin. I struggle with the fabric choices and would love a little more guidance!

  139. I made a Bonnie Hunter scrap quilt called Double Delight. It also has lots of little nine patches.

  140. I love the wonky scrappy log cabin quilt I made for my son! tks!

  141. My favorite is everyone I make....I have made at least 7 Bonnie Hunter mysteries.k2sews@hotmail.com

  142. I'd love to make a log cabin with lots of low volumes and bright colors! This book looks great!

  143. I love a string quilt I made a few years back - I use it often!

  144. How can I choose just one! I need a therapist... All kidding aside, my favorite to date is a sampler I made of leftover batiks.

  145. This book looks amazing. I haven't made a scrap quilt before but definitely would love to. This looks like a perfect place to start. 😄

  146. One of my favorite scrappy projects is my string quilt in progress, but I love them all. Thanks for sharing.

  147. Your quilt was one of the first I saw in this book that made my "Must Make" list. It doesn't hurt that those are colors I love. (Please skip over me if you hit my name, I've already won a copy and want someone else to get a chance at this wonderful book.)

  148. I've made five Scrappy Trip Around the World with Bonnie Hunter's pattern - I think I need to come up with a new favourite way to use scraps! Thank you for the giveaway!

  149. WOW! Lou LOu carries the little jelly plastic purse closures!

  150. I made a scrappy Drunkards Path with a black background and bright colors. There were floral appliqués on the corners. Still one of my favs.

  151. I've never made a scrappy quilt, but Surrounded has been on my list ever since I saw it in American Patchwork and quilting magazine. I love your scrappy version of the courthouse steps, too.

  152. I made a string quilt from my scraps and look forward to making another one!

  153. I want to make a scrappy trip around the world.

  154. I would like to make a scrappy log cabin quilt.

  155. What wonderful quilts! My current favorite is my scrap vortex in working on .

  156. Surround is my next project. I have admired this quilt design since the APQ Tone It Down quilt-along. Love Lissa’s book. It is on my wish list! Thank you for the chance to win a copy!

  157. i have a log cabin with stars on my list

  158. I actually have a Burgoynne Surounded in the works. Its been a UFO for a while now but started as a swap with friends from my guild. I think there were 8 of us that swapped segments of the block so our finished quilts would look even scrappier.

  159. I love every quilt I’ve seen on the tour and MUST have this book!! I am 5 years into quilting and have not yet made a quilt from scraps, but currently have Sunday Morning low volume and Converging Corners on my ‘Someday’ list.

  160. One scrappy quilt I want to make??? Way too hard! I have a list! And these look like they should be added to that list-lol! Loving the colors in Kismet!

  161. I am currently making a neutral scrap string quilt while at my guild retreat. Everyone attending is going nuts over it. I love scrap quilts.

  162. I like making scrappy nine-patch quilts and also string quilts

  163. I have made baby quilts from scraps. I really want to make the Surrounded quilt - beautiful!!!

  164. These quilts are great. I've got a postage stamp scrap quilt on my make list right now!

  165. I am working on a log cabin scrappy quilt.

  166. I made a scrappy Arkansas Crossroads quilt that I love. I'm more of a controlled scrappy person, but this one is gorgeous.

  167. I have been wanting to try my hand at a string quilt, so I'm excited to see how wonderful yours turned out!

  168. Beautiful quilts!
    I'm working on Bonnie Hunter's On Ringo Lake.
    I'm putting the rows together, so it's starting to take shape!

  169. I enjoy string quilts but the photos of the Firecracker quilt appeal to me. So many choices!

  170. I love scrappy quilts and am in the process of making a Granny Square quilt top right now. I love string quilts too and anything scrappy!

  171. My favorite scrap quilt is the first one I ever made. I started hand piecing four patch blocks when I was a child. I finished it years later, now I use it daily!

  172. Oh Goodness think all my quilts have been scrap ones - those separated by color
    scraps stored in individual containers are the first place I go to start to play.
    This looks like a wonderful book with millions of great ideas and patterns - Who
    wouldn't be thrilled to win... Congrats to the author - yes agree will not be
    sitting on my shelf would be in use..
    Thanks for the chance ... MaryLou

  173. I just finished a scrappy double 4 patch with all of my Fig Tree scraps. It's a pattern by Laundry Basket quilts called Scrappy Chevron. This was also my first leader-ender project and it was so much fun!!

  174. Working on Bonnie Hunter’s Many Scrappy Trips...love that pattern!

  175. My favorite scrap quilt will be the one I make from Lissa's book! I've used scraps in quilts I've made, but have never made a totally scrappy quilt. I love that I'm still using scraps from a quilt I made my grandson 15 years ago!

  176. Scrappy quilts are awesome, I don't have one particular favorite that I have done, which are many. But I do prefer working with the bright fabrics, instead of my older darker colors. Although I do have a neutral string quilt that I adore.

  177. I made a trip around the world with scraps; it turned out great. I am a new quilter and I have just a little pile of scraps. Guess I need to buy some more fabric!

  178. I like scrappy triangle or half-square triangles. Thanks for the giveaway. grinnie1961 at gmail dot com

  179. I made scrappy string quilts for my 8 year old nieces. One was gray and pink while the other was teal and black. One backing was a cheetah print and the other was zebra. They loved them! Scrappy quilts are the best!

  180. Most of the quilts I make are scrappy! I love how the different patterns and colors work together. I usually do not have a specific block, just put pieces together in a pleasing pattern.

  181. Love, love, love scrappy quilts. My first was a log cabin, but really want to make a scrappy pineapple quilt.

  182. I have not quilted in several years and am just getting back into it. I love the pink quilt with the adorable little balloon girl standing in front of it and will probably have to make this one of my first quilts back!! LOVE IT

  183. Mom and I both made a fun string quilt with our leftovers strips of various sizes. We added sashing which made it eye pleasing. rozz01(at)cox(dot)net

  184. Love making scrappy quilts with crumb blocks valerie.boudier@ntlworld.com

  185. I love Scrappy quilts. My favorite recently was a log cabin one I made for Annie's...

  186. I have made Bonnie K. Hunter's Blue Ridge Beauty using blue and neutral scraps.

  187. I would love to make the Surrounded quilt. My favorite scrap quilt that I have made so far is Carolina Christmas from Bonnie Hunter.
    Karen fkmsc@comcast.net

  188. All my scrap quilts are favorites --- like all my children :-) If "pushed, Country Lanes, a pattern from Kaye England, would be at the top of the list (right now).

  189. I've made a patriotic quilt out of my red, white and blue scraps. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.

  190. I hear you on the low volume pre-cuts. I'm currently working on the Harry Potter Quilt of Doom - it's so interesting to see how my scraps play together when I'm going for slightly spooky!

  191. The Surrounded quilt is speaking to me! I have always wanted to sew a Burgoyne Surrounded pattern, and this low volume version is so pretty. I hope I will win this book to pick up on the tips Lissa provided. Sandy at sewhigh.blogspot.com

  192. I have never made a scrappy quilt, but I would love to use up some of my scraps. I love the quilt on the cover of this new book.

  193. Scrappy log cabins are some of my favorites with the top one on my list a curvy log cabin that my husband requested. It's in our college colors and lives on the back of our couch.

  194. Just yesterday I made a super scrappy little lonestar block and turned it into a baby toy. I love working with scraps!

  195. I love making log cabins since they are so versatile in the layouts and you only have to decide what is "light" and what is "dark"

  196. One Thanksgiving I took my scrap bag out and made a log cabin quilt using just about everything in it - it is my favorite quilt! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

  197. I want to make a scrappy pineapple block quilt.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
