Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Just Around the Corner

Yippee!!  Look what came in the mail yesterday . . . my Spring Market Badge!!!  Eeekk, I am so excited.  Market is always a blast, but this Market I get to share My Book and I can't wait.  I have so many plans in the works to get ready for my schoolhouse and 3 book signings, which I will share times and places as it gets closer.  I know it is still a little more than a month away, but you know how these things go, it's pretty much Just Around the Corner.   I can't wait!!!

And that means I best get back down to my sewing room.  Because this new project is for Market and needs to get done before "Just Around the Corner" gets here ;)  This is Postcards for Santa by My Mind's Eye for Riley Blake Designs and oh my I am in love!!!!  It is already a favorite Christmas Line and quickly pushing for the spot of all time favorite Christmas line.  Fabulous!!!   And yes, that is actually Sparkle Gold in there, so elegant!!!   Can't wait to share more ;)

I hope you are having a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!

It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day . . . let's have some fun :)

First, we need to announce the winner from last weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!   The winner's of the $10.00 Gift Certificates to Superior Threads are . . .   Number #90, #209, #37, #244, and #137 !!!  Congrats to  Karen, Sewgirl, Beth, Vicki in MN, and Barbara McD!!   I have emailed you all :) 



And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by Green Fairy Quilts.  Along with sponsoring the giveaway, Green Fairy Quilts has currently having a huge Thread Sale!!!  40% off all Threads in your Cart, awesome!!!!!   These are some amazing deals and we all know we need thread!!  No coupon necessary :)  And Green Fairy Quilts ships free in the US and discounted to international.

And today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is for a $50.00 Gift Certificate to Green Fairy Quilts!!!!! One lucky winner is going to have a fun shopping spree with that!!!!  

You have two entry chances, the second being optional, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.  Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me what is your favorite thing about Spring??

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Green Fairy Quilts love.   You can follow them on BloglovinTwitterPinterestFacebook, or Instagram.  You can Sign up for their Newsletter which will ensure you catch all of their amazing sales, or you can visit the Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Green Fairy Quilt Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, February 14th when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

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Monday, April 6, 2015

Just Stitching Over Here

So I have been working on a few behind the scenes projects as of late.  Most of these will be shown at Market, so luckily I won't have to keep them all a secret for a long time.    But secret sewing means I can't show a whole lot of what I have be sewing except for maybe some trimmings.  Oh yes, that is Hello Darling by Bonnie and Camille trimmings and it is lovely!!  I won't be able to share this one for a little while after Market so it seemed only fair to share this little tease, right ;)

But, I can show you, that with all of that secret sewing, my Scrappy Single Irish Chain quilt that I am making entirely as Leaders and Enders is continuing to grow.  I now have all of the blocks sewing into rows!!!

And now those rows are lovingly stacked by the side of my machine to be ready for Leader and Ender sewing into blocks :)  At that point, I think I will just have to hurry and finish the quilt, so hopefully not to much longer before I can share the tutorial ;)   I really am having fun making this quilt while making all of my other quilts, it just seems like it is "free" sewing.  Every few days I just look at the pile and smile how it is growing ;)

Have you given Leaders and Enders a try yet??  I haven't been doing it long and already I almost have a whole quilt from them, so awesome!!!  They really are so very much fun!!!
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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

Our family has had an amazing Easter weekend filled with inspiration and love.  This video shares why I love Easter so much!!  May the spirit of this Easter Weekend fill your hearts and your home.

Happy Easter!!
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Friday, April 3, 2015

2 New Patterns!!

So it is kind of funny, but I taught these patterns clear back in January for 2 different retreats and was frantically getting them ready to be published.  I finished the patterns in time for the classes, loved teaching the classes, got wonderful reviews on the patterns, and then somehow, after all of the excitement let down, I totally forgot to add the here on the blog and in my  Etsy Shop ;)   So without any further ado, here they are!!!  Petal Pop and Trade Winds are my two newest patterns ;)

Petal Pop was originally featured in Quick Quilts back in 2013 and ever since I got it back from the magazine it has been on my bed.  It just makes me smile every time I walk in the room.  I frequently got emails from gals who had the magazine but wondered if there was a way to make it in a different size and I would think every time that I really should make it into a pattern with more size options.   And last year, I had a friend from our local guild over and she instantly fell in love with it and absolutely insisted that I teach this quilt at the next Cedar Quilt Retreat.  Which just happened to be the perfect catalyst for getting me to actually write up a pattern for it ;)

I have always loved this quilt that was actually inspired by a gorgeous tatting.  As I mentioned, I taught it in January and it was so fun to see everyone's different choices of colors and prints!!!  And everyone just loved making their blocks, it really is a lot easier than it looks ;)  And it is totally Jelly Roll friendly, so your cutting time to start out is super small ;)

Petal Pop has 5 size options, a Baby, Twin, Full, Queen and King and uses 3 varied block sizes to make those sizes work ;) So no matter what size your bed is, there will be one that works for you ;)   So fun!!!

And that is Petal Pop!!!  Oh I hope you love it every bit as much as I do ;)

And the second pattern is Trade Winds!!!!

Trade Winds was originally made in January of 2014 and I am so excited to finally be sharing it!!!  The reason it has been secret for so long is that it was originally created to be part of my new book, Irish Chain Quilts, hence the beautiful twist on the classic criss cross Irish Chain design made with the pinwheels.   But as the book started to get a little long Trade Winds had to "hit the cutting floor".  Which was totally okay because now, it can just become one of my new patterns!!!!

And the fun thing about it being a pattern is that it has size options!!  Trade Winds has 3 size options, a Baby, Picnic, and a Queen.  And of course, it is super Pre-cut friendly as it is mostly made with lots and lots of HST's!!  You know how I love em ;)

And I wanted to share some of the quilting detail of this, because it was the first time I ever tried ruler work.  (which I still need a lot of practice on ;)  These diamonds really were the perfect way to offset the Chain of the design, and I was super scared to quilt them, but I was super happy with how they turned out!!!  I used Superior Threads So Fine #50 in  402 Pearl for the quilting.  Yup, this was essentially the quilt that I found this favorite color!!!  It just blends so perfectly!!!  If you haven't given So Fine #50 thread a try yet, I would totally encourage you to give it a whirl.  It really is some fabulous thread!!!

The fabrics I used for Trade Winds are Kate Spain's Daydreams line for Moda.  I just love all of the beautiful colors and amazing prints!!! It is just a super fun quilt to use lots of happy bright colors that will pop!!!  And that is Trade Winds!!!

I am so excited to finally be sharing these 2 new patterns and quilts with you ;)  Both of these patterns are available in my Etsy Shop and are currently on sale for $5.00 for their opening debut ;)  They will remain on sale for a week and then go to my normal $8.50 pattern fee ;)

Thanks so much for stopping in today ;)  Have a Happy Quilting Weekend!!  It is Spring Break around here so I am off to the park with the kids ;)

So excited to finally be linking these finishes up to Sarah's and Amanda's :)
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