Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Threadology QAL - Cross with a Cross Block

It's May 15th and I can't believe that we are already at the last blocks of the  Threadology Quilt Along hosted by the Fat Quarter Shop!!!!  My, my how this year is just flying by :)    But this last set of blocks are oh so fun so it's all good ;)  These are the Cross with a Cross block and really are a fun block to make!!! 

So now I have 24 Large Blocks including these latest 3, and 48 small blocks including these 6.  And these used up the last bits of my Bonnie and Camille bits and pieces from several of their older fabric lines ;)  I just love how they all play so nice together!!! 

And if you are quilting along with the Threadology fun you can download the block pattern right here and it is requested for each pattern you download to donate $5.00  to the Make a Wish Foundation :)  And I am super excited to say that  Fat Quarter Shop's annual charity QAL has reached it's stretch goal of  $20,000 that Fat Quarter Shop and Moda will match.  How awesome is that!!!  But of course, you can still help Make a Wisth ;)  

And while making your blocks this month Fat Quarter Shop has made an awesome  You Tube video tutorial that walk you through the process and Kimberly shares some awesome and helpful hints to keep all of those pretty points just perfect :)

Be sure to share all of your Threadology progress on social media with #threadologyquiltalong and check out Fat Quarter Shops post for Block 8 for lots more Economy Block Inspiration!!!

And that's it for the Eighth block in the Threadology Quilt Along!!!!  Which means, time to start sewing the quilt top together!!!!   I am so excited ;)      And if you didn't have time to quilt along, the Threadology Quilting Along patterns will always be available.   Just for future reference :)

Thanks for popping in today ;)  Have a Happy Quilting Day!!

** This post contains affiliate links. 
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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!

It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day so let's have some fun :)

First, we need to announce the winner from last weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway :)

The winner of the Adirondack Fat Quarter Bundle from Fat Quarter Shop is . . .  Number #3 . . .   Congrats Becki @ the beach!!!   I have emailed you :)     


And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by  Lou Lou's Fabric Shop .    Did you know that Jamie makes a new Lou Lou Bundle every Tuesday . . . here is my latest favorite called Raspberry Fields , isn't it just so pretty!!!  Along with hosting the giveaway, Jamie is also having a huge Moving Sale!!!!  Everyone can take a special discount of  25% off  Your Entire Order with the code moving good until Sunday!!!  And that code is valid for fabric already on sale!!!    Oh, so much fun shopping!!!

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is for some shopping goodness!!  Lou Lou's Fabric Shop is offering one lucky reader a $25.00 Gift Certificate perfect to use on anything in the store, including the awesome Lou Lou Bundle pictured above!!  Just so fun!!!!

You have two entry chances, the second being optional, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me how many times you have moved???  (if your not sure, just estimate, tee hee hee.  It took me a second to count up, but we have moved 9 times, and I hope that it will never be 10 :)  

 ENTRY 2 - Lets show Lou Lou's Fabric Shop some Love!!!!   You can follow them on   FacebookTwitterPinterest, or Instagram.  Or you can follow their blog or  visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Lou Lou's Fabric Shop Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, May 21st  when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!

** This post contains affiliate links. 
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Monday, May 13, 2019

UQSM 2019 Teaching!!!!

Last Monday I shared what an amazing time I had teaching at UQSM at the beginning of this month!!!  Today, I am going to share all of the amazing classes I got to teach and the wonderful ladies I got to spend a few hours with quilting ;)  What fun!!!  I taught 4 classes (Pave the Way, Corkscrew, Playground Picnic, and Petal Pop) and did a trunk show.   Talk about two days packed of quilting goodness!!!

The first class I taught was on Thursday afternoon and I was delighted to have a full class for my Pave the Way pattern.   This is such a great class!!!  You go over so many basic piecing units and then some great tricks to have them all come together with perfect points.   Everyone did such a great job and their blocks are all just amazing!!!  And this is a lot of piecing for a three hour class and just a good portion of the ladies finished their block in class and I even had one student finish both the A and B blocks in class time.  So awesome!!!

That evening I taught my Corkscrew pattern.   There were only three ladies in class, but it was still every bit as wonderful!!!  It was actually nice after having such a big class earlier that had both Barbara and I hoping the whole three hours.  This smaller class was great as Barbara had time to help hold a baby and I had time to visit with each lady individually.  And they still all worked just as hard managing to each finish a block, even into the later hours of an evening class!!!

Then came Friday and boy was it a full day and oh so much quilting fun!!!  I started the morning by teaching my Playground Picnic Class.  We had 9 amazing ladies in class, and they all finished their A block and most of them finished a B block as well, which is just the opposite fabric layout.  This class is quickly becoming a favorite of mine to teach.  The construction of the block is a little different as it is pieced on point, but then I left room for trimming, so it just makes everyone smile when their block comes out perfect every single time, even on point!!!    It really is just a super fun block to make and everyone was all smiles and laughs ;) 

And Friday Afternoon I got to do a Trunk Show of my quilting journey.   This is always so fun to get to share just how amazing this industry is and my absolute love for quilting!!!    And one of the gals in the show was kind enough to share some pics with me.  So sweet of her!!!   Trunk shows are always so fun, the only hard part is deciding which quilts to bring and share :)   When you are making 35-45 quilts a year, they tend to stack up, tee hee hee.  

I started with 75 quilts pulled from piles but quickly realzied that was to many for an hour.   So I managed to narrow it down to 50 to bring and share.  But still, it's a good thing I like to talk fast, because we flew through that hour.  I had so much fun sharing my quilting journey and I hope that those that were in attendance were able to learn some great little tidbits or be a little quilty inspired to help them along their quilting journey as well ;) 

And then it was time to pack up those 50 quilts and switch gears to my final class that Friday evening.   And this one was totally full with 21 students as it was my ever popular Petal Pop class.    This is another super fun class as the construction of the block is never what students expect, but once it click, they just get a big ol grin and start seeing their blocks come together in no time!!!   And Oh how fun all of their blocks are!!!  I know I always say this about teaching, but it is always so great to see the different fabrics everyone has chosen to make their quilts with.  I go home wanting to make every class quilt in at least 3 new color schemes :) 

And that was my two days teaching at the Utah Quilting and Sewing Marketplace  It truly was such a fun few days getting to sew with so many amazing people and just enjoying the general quilty atmosphere.    This was my first time teaching at UQSM and I hope it won't be my last because I absolutely loved it!!! 

And if you are wondering where I will be teaching next, you can always click on the Events/Teaching  tab at the top of my blog ;)   Until next time, Happy Quilting!!!  
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Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day!!!

I am so very blessed to have two wonderful Mother's!!!  My amazing Mom, Christine,  who started me on my quilting journey, and my wonderful Mother-In-Law, Barbara,  who shares my quilting journey with daily :)    And I am so very honored and blessed to be a Mother to these marvelous kiddo's!!!    I cherish my family and am so grateful for their support and constant love!!!    

And wow, they just keep growing and turning into amazing little people.  Remember when they were just tiny little bundles on my quilts??  I sure do ;) But this stage is proving to be pretty fun and I know that every stage after will be just as wonderful, because I have these people, and we are one Happy Family!!!  

I hope you get to be near the ones you love today and join me in celebrating the special women in your life!!!

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

2 More Scraptastic Stars!!!

The week before leaving to teach at UQSM I got to do some secret Market Sewing :)  I made two quilt samples for my good friends at Moda, which of course I will share more of after Market.  And with those two samples, came a lot of Leader and Ender Sewing ;)   And I am super excited to have made 2 more Scraptastic Star Blocks!!!!

Scraptastic Stars is my new Leader and Ender project and I just love making these blocks!!!   They really are so much fun to play with all of those little 2 1/2" squares, and you all know how much I love making rainbow quilts ;) 

My plan is to make 16 blocks in all, and with 4 done, I am 1/4 of the way!!!  So fun ;)   And I just have to say, don't they look so awesome next to each other!!  I am really loving where this project is going :)

Next color block will be the Magenta-Purples and ya, I am super stocked to sew another shade of Purple!!!!   

How about you, have your tried a rainbow quilt before???
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