Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Quiltmakers 100 Blocks Vol 8 and Giveaway

It's time for another Quiltmakers 100 Blocks Blog Tour!!!  I am just tickled to have another block in this wonderful publication.  My block for Vol #8 is called A Study In Quilting.  It uses HST's, Flying Geese, and squares.  My favorite building blocks :)

And when you take 4 blocks and rotate them you create not 1, but 2 star patterns.  So fun!!  I made this "A Study in Quilting" quilt for the magazine and you can find it in the Designer's Gallery on page 13.

I used a layer cake of Kate Spain's Cuzco and lots of different neutral solids for the background.  This block would also be really great for some serious scrap busting!!

Since the block design was all about my favorite types of piecing units, I decided to quilt it with some of my favorite quilting designs.  I did a mixture of swirls, paisley's, and pebbles.  It was so much fun.  The pebbles worked great for filling in some of those hard to get to spaces :)

I had so much fun designing A Study in Quilting and I hope you like it :)   Be sure to follow the 100 Blocks Blog Tour every day from Nov 11-15  at The Quiltmaker Blog Quilty Pleasures  to see all of the blocks and have a chance at lots and lots of  giveaways!

And speaking of Giveaways, lets have one!!!!

For 3 lucky readers, I have a copy of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Vol 8 and to each copy I will be adding 3 of my patterns, you can choose your favorites :)

For a chance to win . . . Just leave me a comment telling me what you like to study :)

All followers of my blog, new and old, can have a bonus entry.  Just leave a comment telling me how you follow ie, bloglovin, facebook, email, ect :)

And that's it.  2 entries per person max and everyone is welcome to enter.  I will choose the winners Saturday evening, Nov 16 :)  Good Luck and Happy Quilting!!!
Pin It!


  1. Great block, and I love the scrappy quilt version of it!

    My favorite patterns are: Wonky Irish Chain, In Your Neighborhood and The Way The Crow Flies.

  2. Would love to win this mag, not sure if you would send to France but can't miss the opportunity to enter :-) I really love doing sampler blocks so one of these mags would be great..... even if it's a digital version. Thanks for the chance. Linda x

  3. I have followed your blog for a loooooong time. xx

  4. I like to study how things are made. I once spent 2 weeks learning how to make custom western boots. I love your block. Congratulations for being included in this collection.

  5. I love to study 'pottery' and have taken some local college night classes for adults in the past. I would love to learn Raku... one day!

  6. Yay I am a follower - I have never seen these magazines for sale here in the UK so winning one would be amazing!!

  7. I am studying math at this time - not sure that I love to study this but it certainly helps with my piecing and cutting!! I do love the blocks and congratulations on being included in the magazine - a very worthy inclusions. Your quilting is lovely.

  8. I like to study about antiques, quilting, and just old stuff in general.

  9. I just finished a long distance course for my Bachelor degree, so after four years I'm done with studying :-) (for now anyways...) Now I finally have enough time to sew and make quilts for everyone in my family! I love your Turnover and Wonky Irish Chain Patterns.
    Thank you for this great oppotunity!

  10. I would to study garmnet sewing. I'm good at sewing quilts and bag but garment are a total different kind to sew. And there're certainly a few trick to make it fit perfectly.
    Your patterns are great, love the Summer Breeze:-)

  11. I follow you blog with Bloglovin.

  12. I study how to make the Farmers Wife Quilt ;-) I've bought Kaffe Fasset fabric and started with the first 5 blocks. It is fun! Love your block!Thanks for the chance!

  13. I like to study quilting! I'm obsessed. I'm a nurse and have had to spend years studying to advance my career. Fist my BSN, then my MSN, and then my certification for my CWOCN. For all three I worker full time while going to school. Glad to be done with studying serious stuff, hence I only study quilting now :-)))

  14. This is a really clever and stunning block, congrats on your design! I like to study everything about quilting, and I like history and grammar, but that comes with my job. ;-) Thanks for the chance!

  15. This is simply stunning and amazing. I love this block. I like too many to list that I like to study but some of them are: Japanese, all kinds of history and. Would love to study the Chinese language thank you. Oh and I follow on bloglovin

  16. I follow on bloglovin and would love to win...really love you quilt!!!

  17. omg im in love with your quilt and block, so wonderful
    I would love to study architecture

  18. Your block is beautiful! I especially love how the patterns come together in so many different ways. I love to study fabrics and to figure out how I can best use them in a quilt! Thanks for the chance!

  19. Beautiful block.....Ilike to study the history of fabric & the CW era quilts.

  20. Great block. The quilt is beautiful. I love the 100 block magazines. Thanks for the chance to win a copy and some great patterns.

  21. Love your block, and of course the quilt. Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. I follow your blog directly from mine, I have included your blog in the side bar of mine which is plantoquilt.blogspot.com

  23. Hi from France. I love to study quilting with my MAC because I have only learned hand quilting. Thanks for the chance to win.

  24. I follow your blog with bloglovin.

  25. I love to study most anything, since I am a reference librarian, it sort of goes with the job :). If I had to choose one topic it would be quilting of course.

  26. I follow your blog via Bloglovin'.

  27. Great block and quilt! My favorite study pattern is: The way the crows flies

  28. I'm in!
    I'm studying french. I have an international exam this saturday!! freaking out!:)


  29. I follow you on bloglovin!!

  30. I love to study people. They are always entertaining.

  31. I follow by e-mail.

  32. Love the scrappy look, I am not sure that I study any one thing, I research recipes and hunt out ingredients as my second passion is cooking. I lust over The Way the Crow Flies but like all of your patterns equally.

  33. I have been a follower for some time now via GFC.

  34. Such a great block! Congratulations! I think I would like to study how to machinequilt.

  35. I am a follower through bloglovin'.

  36. I like to study free motion designs and how to select the proper one for my quilt.

  37. I study teaching and learning (I'm a professor in a College of Education). Thanks so much for the chance to win. I love Summer Breeze, The Way the Crow Flies, and Turnovers.

  38. I follow you in my blog's reader. I have no idea if it is Bloglovin.

  39. i study anything crafty! Thank you for the giveaway!

  40. I believe I follow you via the "google friends" join the site blue button.

  41. A this time I'm studying FMQ, hopefully time will help.

  42. I follow thru GFC and Bloglovin.

  43. Seems like I study life everyday! Always changing. Love your designs.

  44. I study science! Thanks and congrats on your block!

  45. I follow you on Bloglovin. I really should study computers and technology so I could set up my own blog! I'm really challenged in that area.

  46. Congrats on being published AGAIN! Of course I am a follower. Quiltmaker 100 Blocks Vol. 8 AND three of YOUR patterns? Whohoo! I already have my three patterns picked out. Let me know when I win. LOL. Thanks for the chance to win!

  47. Love the stars your block makes when set together. I like to study everything! Right now I'm studying China with my daughter.

  48. I study behaviors of children. My six year old son just happens to have Down Syndrome. He's always thinking out of the box. He keeps me young. Quilting keeps me calm. Thanks for the chance to win!

  49. Right now, I am deep into free motion quilting. I think I am learning from the best at the moment and really appreciate their tutorials. I think I am getting close to finding my own personal style.

  50. I like to study quilt blocks to see if I can determine the placement of the different shapes.

  51. I love the block! It will be on my list of musts. I am studying miniature quilts right now.

  52. Since I like quilts so much, I like to study Barn Quilts all over the country. I think they're beautiful!

  53. I follow through bloglovin - thanks!

  54. I have been studying applique and all of the different methods used. Thanks for the chance!

  55. I mostly study English language. And during studying English I can study Quilts blocks - how they are create.

  56. I follow your blog via Blogger.

  57. I like to study child development. I teach at a preschool. Your star pattern quilts are beautiful. mfarner1423@embarqmail.com

  58. I need to study paper piecing and stop wimping out!

  59. As a social worker, I "study" a variety of theories that will give me new "tools" to help the kids I work with. Quilting is my stress buster! Thanks for the chance to win!

  60. I like to study cultures! Thanks for a great giveaway.

  61. I love studying how things are made. I want to know HOW even if I am never going to do it. However, I frequently learn how and then WANT to do it. LOL. Therefore, I end up with lots of hobbies.

  62. I don't like to study. Is that awful? I've never been much good at it. I guess if we really stretch the definition, I like to study people's motivation.

  63. I love scrappy quilts, I just love,love,love your block. I have been studying how to make quilts. I'm a new quilter. I've learned so much from many quilters via the internet. I've poured through books from the library, I'm really enjoying my journey.

  64. I love to study quilting! I should study less and create more though. I am creating an extensive library as my interests grow and change with more time spent on the modern quilt movement. Thanks for the giveaway. Oh, and I love your quilt block - in a quilt setting it is fantastic!

  65. I love your block and any way to use scraps is always a plus! My favorite thing to study is flying geese, and I follow you on Facebook.

  66. Apparently I like to study fabric and quilt patterns, since I spend most of my free time doing that! Great block, love the idea of using up scraps with it.

  67. Fabulous quilt.I study english.I need to improve my speaking english.

  68. Such a cool block! I love blocks that reveal something else when they're put together!

    I'm a fan of studying everything about literature - a huge fan! I'm still deciding how best to merge my love of quilting and reading, other than reading under my quilt!

  69. And I'm a bloglovin' fan, and follow you that way :^)

  70. Of ,course,I do follow via GFC.Thanks for the chance!

  71. I collect recipes and read everything I can find about quilting and FM quilting, does that count as studying? I love your block, stars are one of my favorites.

  72. I follow you on Blogger Dashboard and Blogloving.

  73. I am interested in quilt history and history in general.

  74. I like to study up on quilting and flower beading techniques.

  75. I would like to really study color theory and value related to quilt fabric selection

  76. I would like to really study color theory and value related to quilt fabric selection

  77. Great block...I have a few layer cakes laying around that this might just be perfect for!

  78. I have spent my fair share of time studying for my career -as an Army Nurse. Now I enjoy studying history and especially the history -and evolution - of quilt blocks. They tell such a great story! kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet

  79. I would love to make a Crazy quilt and an Irish Chain quilt

  80. Congrats on your block! I just live that magazine and always try and grab a copy. I enjoy Bible study in my quiet time. Thanks for the giveaway!

  81. I'm a follower through Google friends and Bloglovin.

  82. Since we've retired, my husband and I have studied about DNA, microbes, elephants, U. S. History, and life on the Mississippi river. But almost every day I also study something about quilting -- I'm addicted!! I love your block and how you get a 2-for-one bonus in pattern.

  83. I like to learn about different types of quilts from various countries. Currently, I am making an African inspired quilt for which I did a fair amount of research on the internet. We'll see.

  84. I try to keep my eyes and mind open to all around me...so I guess I could say I like to study life. My favorite formal study is a Bible study, learning how a Bible person's life can have an effect on my life today. Just finished Gideon. Amazing.

  85. Great block - so versatile. I study quilts & quilting - my book collection has outgrown my shelf space. Thanks.

  86. I'm already a follower via Bloglovin. Thanks again.

  87. I love to study people. I love to quilt and enjoy watching people's reactions to quilts (snuggling, rubbing their fingers across the texture, following the pattern, analyzing the colors, etc.)

  88. When I (re)read your profile (since this is not my first visit and was reminded that you are mom of 5 kiddos, I thought about my mom. She wanted her own basketball team. She loved basketball. Well, 5 of her pregnancies made it to term. She and dad name me when they were juniors in college and I was the last and only girl and arrived 11 years later. Dad had to come up with my first name after I was born.

    I have a love of math. I don't study it much any more. I wanted to be a math teacher and took the first computer class at my university. I did major in math and minored in computer science. I also majored in education. Even though I worked in computers, I got a masters in education and was 2 classes and a dissertation shy of a PhD in gifted ed. I had to give it up. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia two weeks after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I did continue for several years until it was too much and things were too overwhelming and I realized I wasn't going to be able to use the degree anyhow. I have a daughter who is a Board Certified teacher. (Board Certified is a big deal in education. It is not an easy task to get Board Certified). She teaches math in a high school two states away from me. Can you tell I'm a proud mama?

    Sunday a lady in our Sunday school class was asking for folks to tutor at one of the grade schools in the school district my childlren attended. She was telling how one of the boys had wires to hold his pants on. Another had an adult (maybe his dad's) shirt on. It was a decent school back in it's day. I think our church tutors kids from the high school my children attended. Our church is right across the street from the high school. Personally I would rather tutor the older children. I love my grandchildren. I think I just connect better with older folks. I think I may see if I can tutor Alg I next year, if my health hold up.

    So, I am thrilled with your block. I love to see the secondary and tertiary patterns emerge. It's like Christmas morning. SURPRISE! When I saw the picture of your block. I begin to wonder what was going to emerge and I was thrilled.

    I am anxiously awaiting results to see if a precious 4 month old little girl is going to be my granddaughter. I have three grandboys. I'm excited to think about sewing ruffles and pink, pink, pink. My son is ok either way and he says he will be thrilled if she is his. I spend hours on rabbit trails - I go to a web site and then look and look and look and then click on a link and on and on and on. I am thrilled with your connection with Fat Quarter Shop. I love the fabrics you chose for the vintage quilt with a modern twist. I hope I got the gist of that. I was thinking of possibilities for Jessika. I have three great nieces and I great nephew. I have made birth gifts for them. I don't want to start the traditional of spoiling them. My brother had discouraged me from gifting more than at birth. So, I'm so excited to think about making girl things in addition to boy things.

    Congrats on being in a great publication.

  89. I like to study history. Love your quilt. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  90. I love to study different quilting blogs!!!!

  91. I like to study quilts and also geography as I love to travel and visit all the wonderful quilt shops. Beautiful block and thanks for a chance to win.

  92. Hmmm..we homeschool and I feel like I am learning all over again! My favorite subjects are Bible and history. Thanks for the opportunity to win! I have a few of your patterns and I love them!

  93. I love your block. It would look great scrappy

  94. I love to study people and different parts of our world and how everyone gets by! I would study just about anything actually. I follow your wonderful blog via Bloglovin and then directly also through e-mail. Thanks Melissa! Hope I win! :)

  95. I enjoy studying anything crafty, and new quilting techniques.

  96. I love to learn and take classes. If I had the money, I'd go back to college. My first degree was in chemistry, but English, history, biology and religion were my favorite subjects. Saturday I'm taking a class on beading, so right now I guess I'm studying beading.

  97. congrats. this is a lovey block. I really like how it makes more than one star when numerous ones are put together. I really like to study he bible so I know how God wants me to live. I like studying people. I love studying nature and the animal kingdom.

  98. I am a follower via email and craftsy.
    I love your patterns. I really like Boxed in and Out, Dreaming of Paris and In Your Neighborhood
    Thanks for a chance to win.

  99. I like your block - how the stars emerged when put together into a quilt.
    I like to study genealogy - how our families fit into the events of the times.
    Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.

  100. Wow...the possibilities of this block! Congrats on making the magazine...it will be one that I try for sure!!!

  101. I do subscribe to your blog...love all that you share with the quilting world! Thank you!

  102. I like to study natural history!

  103. I follow you via Pinterest. I love to study math. I know it is a nerdy subject, but it makes sense to me. One day I hope to be a middle school math teacher, I am in school right now to do just that. I love the black, grey, red, and white block. It is so pretty!

  104. I love to study quilt patterns and history. I liked these patterns: In Your Neighborhood, Dreaming of Paris, and Turnovers.

  105. I love to study differnt quilt patterns and Koi fish. I follow you via pinterest

  106. Just found you, I will be adding your blog to my favorites, and will find you on facebook. New to quilting, and I love learning all the different ways to make blocks. So I guess I am student of quilting. Thanks
    PS Love your star block.

  107. I like to watch others teach quilting motifs, even if I'm too terrified to try them. I also love to study hand embroidery and smocking.

  108. I love to study/read EVERYthing! I am now studying about large birds

  109. I study everything to do with quilting...

  110. I follow you on Bloglovin. WOW- what a great scrappy block!

  111. I loved math in high school, but now I would say I study quilting or cooking. I just took a free motion quilting class last weekend.

  112. I follow you blog by email and Facebook. Love it.

  113. I like to study the history of needlework in all forms, I have done much of it.

  114. I follow with Bloglovin!

  115. Great block - GREAT quilt! I am currently studying the religions of the world.

  116. I follow your quilty adventures with Bloglovin. Great blog - great quilter!!

  117. Since I'm new to quilting, I love to study anything and everything relating to this addictive hobby!

  118. I'm a long-time follower of your blog ~ love it ~ and LOVE your quilt!!

  119. Fantastic block & beautiful quilt! I enjoy "studying" recipe books at the moment!

  120. I like studying, ways of creating things!

  121. Since retiring, I've been studying quilting! Love that you can learn anything on the internet. Thanks for the give away.

  122. Love you block, the quilt group I belong to is using a star theme for their raffle quilt.

  123. I study quilt patterns and color theory. I am also starting to read more on quilt as you go.

  124. I like to study new techniques or twist on old quilt patterns, I follow your blog with Bloglovin

  125. I study computer science (for work) and anything quilting (for fun) :) thanks for the opportunity

  126. And I follow in facebook and through blogger :)

  127. I follow through bloglovin. Love your block, as I love anything that can look scrappy. The quilt with this block is fantastic!

  128. Great block. love scrappy quilts. Congratulations on having it published in the magazine! blaukat@hickorytech.net

  129. I am learning alot about improv quilting. Your block, with the repeats, is amazing!

  130. I study photography....and more quilt blocks. ;) blaukat@hickorytech.net

  131. Oh my! My two favorite obsessions--stars and Cuzco! They look amazing together!
    I like to study cookbooks. I'll sit down with my morning bowl of cereal, and just read recipes and drool over photos!
    Congrats friend!

  132. I can't say I study any thing now days... If I see a new technique I will just jump in with both feet and give it a try.. if it works great and if not OH WELL on to the next project.

  133. I study proprietary higher education. I am one class away from my Masters degree and should finish in March 2014.

  134. I follow you on Facebook and Bloglovin!

  135. Wow! I love the stars when you put the blocks together! I love to study quilting and baking.


  136. I love the way your block works into a quilt. It's beautiful.

  137. I'm a new follower on Bloglovin. Thanks for the giveaway.

  138. I follow you on Bloglovin'. Rcoyle at olemiss dot edu

  139. I follow you on bloglovin...love the block in red/white/black...and the Cuzko quilt! Oh heck, I love all your designs! :) I love to study...fabric! :)

  140. I like studying history ~ especially the civill rights era in American history. Rcoyle at olemiss dot edu

  141. I just followed you on FB. Love the block!

  142. I like to study photography! I'm far from good at it, but its fun to experiment!

  143. I follow your blog and love it!

  144. I love to study anything using fabric or paper.

  145. Oh and I love studying serial killers. Weird I know but it fascinates me.

  146. Nice block-I love scrappy quilts. I am really loving studying all the fresh new modern quilting in blogland!

  147. I like to study languages. And I am so into studying sewing these days :)

  148. And I follow you via feedly. Thank you for the giveaway!

  149. Love to study anything to do with sewing

  150. Congrats, and lovely block! Right now I love studying non-American quilt books- mostly Japanese and French books.


  151. Love to study scrap designs and how color produces new and exciting results AND all over machine quilting designs.

  152. Oh, and I follow you on bloglovin'. Always wonderful to find other crazy quilty moms with lots of little kiddos in the house :-)


  153. LOVE the scrappy star quilt! I am always looking for ways to use my scraps. The red, black and white block is bold and beautiful---and Husker colors! Thanks for the giveaway!

  154. I'm a total nerd and I love to study immunology / public health / virology! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  155. I love that your block has so many setting possibilities. I'm crazy for anything quilt related. I love variety in my work and I'll switch around styles on a regular basis. Right now my favorite type is applique. Thanks sew much for this chance to win :-D

  156. That is a great block and really is so versatile. What a great scrap buster!

  157. I am one of your followers on Blogger.

  158. Melissa your block is so amazing! I love scrappy quilts! Thanks!

  159. love the block and any block that creates a secondary design. I like to study birds and applique, sometimes together! Thanks.

  160. I love to study house decoratin......not that I am great at it......but I love to see what other people's homes look like - and to get some inspiration. I really like a "homey" feel to a house...not white, modern and stark. Love the look of your block.

  161. I love to study and apply new block building techniques: from precision templates, to paper piecing, to scrap combustion (creating standardized blocks as soon as a fabric is about to be pitched into the scrap pile of despair.) I, also, love to study color placement and how the same block/then quilt can look entirely different depending on where the color/value/neutral is in the block. All very fascinating...;)

  162. I am also a follower on Blogloving :-)

  163. I follow you on both blogger and bloglovin' because I do not want to miss a thing!

  164. I like to study the intersection of family history and American history, whether it's the effects of family culture on famous Americans or the ways in which American historical events affected my own family.

  165. I follow you via email, and probably several other ways as well. :)

  166. Hi Melissa,
    I enjoy studying quilting of course and reading blogs like yours but I find myself studying people... whether it be in the store, at a restaurant, or even online. People fascinate me... from everyday people to the famous... Happy quilting.

  167. I really love history, especially the Middle Ages. I follow your blog on bloglovin.

  168. I've been following you on Bloglovin! I really enjoy seeing the projects that you design and share. Have a great day. Happy quilting.

  169. I love your patterns, having been a really scrappy quilter for over 30 years your style really appeals to me.
    I have always enjoyed studying antique quilts, and appreciating how inventive our ancestors were.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
