Monday, April 18, 2022

Garden of Quilts!!

 I am just thrilled to share that I will once again be teaching at the Garden of Quilts in September of 2022.   And I will be teaching 8 classes!!!  Ya, can I just say how blown away I was when I got the email asking me if I would be up to teaching that many classes.   It's going to be busy but oh so much fun and I am so incredibly honored!!!  

The first Garden of Quilts was held in September 2019 to celebrate Riley Blake's 10th Anniversary!!!  The event was a huge hit.  And I just had so much fun last year being able to teach 3 classes and share a trunk show at Garden of Quilts.  It is just such an amazing venue and walking the gardens with all the quilts hanging is just such an inspiring experience!! 

 Registration for Garden of Quilts will be opening very soon . . . but for today, all of the classes are being shared, so you can start getting your 4 days of quilting goodness all planned out :) The event is held at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi Utah  on September 14th - 17th, 2022.  There are so many amazing classes to choose from and I am just thrilled to be among such an amazing group of teachers.  It's going to be amazing!!! 

I am just so excited to be coming back to Garden of Quilts and hope to see you there!!!  It really is a rock star line up of teachers (which I am so honored to be a part of!!) as well as an incredible venue of over 55 gorgeous acres hosting an amazing line up of quilts all in the wild.   You can see all of the details at the Main Garden of Quilts page .  

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Thursday, April 14, 2022

Playground Picnic Quilt - HQM Quilt 2

It's Week 2 of the Happy Quilting Marathon and I am excited to share another Happy Quilting Marathon Quilt.   It's Called Playground Picnic and I think these soft muted colors are just perfect for Easter this week!!  And it's also just so perfect for Spring, reminds me of all the pretty flowers just waiting to peak through :)   

This pattern is one of my Happy Quilting patterns and I just love making it.  It really is a fun pattern because of the way it comes together.  And I am happy to say this quilt has only been waiting for a year to be quilted, not to shabby :)    This is the lap size of the pattern and finishes at 60" x 75" so it is a great size to snuggle up with :)  

These fabrics are Poppie Cotton's and I just love working with them.  The hand is just so soft.  This line is called   Goose Creek Gardens  and it it just so pretty.    I just love seeing how you can make a quilt look totally different just by changing the fabric ;)   

I quilted this Playground Picnic quilt with traveling loose feathers.  I love how it just adds to the extra soft feel of this quilt, and I used a loftier batt so it is nice and puffy :)   And like always, good ol' 402 Pearl blended perfectly in all of these light and dark colors, love it!! 

 And now this quilt is happily on the back of my couch for this Spring Season.   It's just so pretty :)  I am just so happy to have this done and have another version of my Playground Picnic quilt.  

And that is Quilt #2 - Sprouts Sprouted ;)  Only 24 more quilts to go in the Happy Quilting Marathon :) 

And that is it for today, thanks for popping in to share this finish with me!!! 
I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Day!!


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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!

  It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!! Let's have some fun :)

First, we need to announce the winner from last Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!  
The winner of the Indigo Garden 10" Stacker from Green Fairy Quilts . . .   Number #171  . . . Congrats  scrapperdeb23!  I have messaged you :)  

And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by Fat Quarter Shop.   Fat Quarter Shop is amazing and they never cease to amaze me with everything they have going on at their shop!!!     And did you know they have a 24 Hour Flash Sale every day with 2 Flash Sales on Tuesdays!!   And not only do they have a daily deal, they have a Fabric Basic, Pattern, and Notion of the Month!!!!     All Spotted Basics  by Zen Chic for Moda are on sale!!!  Also, All Mettler threads are on sale for the Notion  , and all Thimble Blossoms Patterns are on sale for the Pattern.   Save 20-30% off of all of them for the whole month of April!!  So great ;) 

24 Hour Flash Sales at the Fat Quarter Shop!

And for today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Fat Quarter Shop is giving away this happy Rainbow Kisses Fat Quarter Bundle!!!  How perfect is this rainbow of goodness, to go with all our April Showers :)  I would just love sewing with this rainbow :)

You have two entry chances here on the blog, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me your favorite color in the rainbow :)  

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Fat Quarter Shop love.   You can follow them on   FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestYou Tube or at their Blog.  You can Sign up for their Newsletter which will ensure you catch all of their amazing sales, or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Fat Quarter Shop Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, April 19th, when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

You can also pop over to my Instagram and/or Facebook to enter there as well :)  

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Saturday, April 9, 2022

Sprouts Sprouted Quilt - HQM Quilt 1

Well, it's the end of Week 1 of the Happy Quilting Marathon and I am excited to share my first Happy Quilting Marathon Quilt.   It's Called Sprouts Sprouted and I just love it in all of it's Low Volume Goodness!!!  Isn't it just so perfect for Spring :)   

This pattern is one of the Exclusive Patterns from my Sew Sampler Box back in 2019 called Sprouts.  I loved it when I originally saw it, and knew I needed to make it someday.   So when I had a bunch of Sherri and Chelsi Low Volume Prints left at the end of last year, I decided it was time to make up this quilt.  Only, I had more fabric than the pattern needed, and I didn't want to add to my scrap drawers, so I sized up the blocks to finish at 16" and I just love them!!!  The pattern now finishes at 65" x 80" so it is a great size to snuggle up with :)  

Like I said, I used a lot of extra Low Volume prints that I had all from different Sherri and Chelsi lines for the background.  I just love how they all blend together so perfectly :)   For the prints, I used Seashore Drive :)  This is a brand new line that is coming out any day, but I had extras leftover from some secret sewing and I didn't want to fold it all back up again, especially when I knew it would go so perfectly with all of the beautiful Low Volumes.   And you know, I just love the purples in this line!!!

And I actually quilted this on Tuesday, and it has taken until now to get the binding on, gotta love how life gets crazy :)   I quilted it with large, open center swirls, and I just love how they add a bubble effect to the quilt.     And like always, good ol' 402 Pearl blended perfectly in all of these light and dark colors, love it!! 

 I just love how this one turned out and think it will make a beautiful wedding quilt, don't you!!    I tell you what, this totally just has me wanting to make more quilts with low volume backgrounds.  They are just so fun!!!! 

And that is Quilt #1 - Sprouts Sprouted ;)  Only 25 more quilts to go in the Happy Quilting Marathon :) 

And that is it for today, thanks for popping in to share this finish with me!!! 
I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Day!!

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Friday, April 8, 2022

Nova Star Quilt!!!

 It is always a fun day when I get to share a little secret sewing for my good friends at Moda Fabrics ;)   And how great is this quilt in it's beautiful oranges and blues!!!  These aren't colors I get to work with very often and it was just so great to get to sew up this quilt!!!    The name of this quilt is Nova Star and the pattern is by Then Came June!!! 

Like I said, these fabrics are just so happy!!!  I just love all of the prints from this Meander Fabric Line by Aneela Hoey.  There are great blenders of polka dots and gingham, and wonderfully whimsical prints with horses, foxes, and flowers.  Just makes me want to get outside and enjoy the fresh air!!! And truly, I just love the colors!!!  What a fun way to mix things up :)  

The piecing in this quilt is a little on the small side, but oh so great :)  You all now I love a great star quilt and this quilt the stars just explode!!!   So great!!!  I just love all of the movement it creates in the quilt and how the cornerstones create a wonderful secondary pinwheel design.   It finishes at 54 x 68 so it is a great size to snuggle up in.  

And when it came time to quilt it, I used one of my favorites.   Echoed Paisley Quilting for the win.   So relaxing to quilt and I just love all the added curved texture to such an pointy quilt!!!    And  good ol' 402 Pearl blended perfectly in all of these light and dark colors, it truly is my favorite!! 

And this quilt is now making its way to quilt shops around the US.  It is going to be a fun addition to add to my Cabin Quilts as soon as it gets home.  I just think it fits the outdoors rustic feel just perfectly!!

But snuggling for me will have to wait until it makes it's way home.   But you don't have to wait!!!  Meander Fabrics are shipping now and Fat Quarter Shop has a Nova Star Meander Quilt Kit already available.  And don't you just love the boxes the kits come in, so cute!!! 

I am so happy that I got to make this beautiful Nova Star Quilt, it really was oh so much fun to make!!    The Nova Star Pattern was easy to follow and doesn't it just fit these fabrics so perfectly!!!    I totally want to make a baby quilt version now, so adorable!!  

And that is it for today, thanks for popping in to share this finish with me!!! 

And be sure to pop back in tomorrow to share my Quilt 1 in my Happy Quilting Marathon ;)  

I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Day!!

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