Thursday, February 19, 2015

Irish Chain Twist Quilt-A-Long - Improvisational Piecing Blocks

**  NOTE  - This post is part of a series of posts for the Irish Chain Twist Quilt-A-Long.  If you would like to join (and have a chance to win $100.00 or $75.00 Gift Certificate grand prizes sponsored by The Intrepid Thread and Fat Quarter Shop ) you can find a list of the post links here :)  Here is the schedule:

Improvisational Piecing Units
Improvisational Piecing Block - Feb 19th
Twists on Tradition Units - Feb 26th
Modern Patchwork Block - Mar 5th
Appliqued Chains Block - Assembling - Mar 12th
Appliqued Chains Block - Stitching - Mar 19
Piecing Top and Grand Prize Linky - Mar 26th
Parade and Grand Prizes - April 23rd

Before we get any farther,  we need to pick a winner for last weeks Improvisational Piecing Units assignment.   And great job to everyone that finished up their units!!! It is so fun to see the first of everyone's quilts coming together ;)

The cutting  assignment winner who gets a My Sunshine Charm Pack from  Discover Fabrics is . . .
# 37 -  Timberlands1 !!! - Congrats :)


So here we are, ready to start trimming!!! I am so excited, Let's get right to it :)  If you are just finding this QAL, it's never to late to join in the fun :)  Just see the schedule above for the posts you missed and start quilting along ;)  


Now that we have your fun units made, it is time to trim then down and turn them into a block.   Playing with angels can be so much fun, just try not to overthink it.  Relax and have fun.   So let's get to the first part of today.


Each of your Improvisational Units will now be trimmed down to a 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" square quarter block.  The fun thing about trimming today is that we are purposely trying to make our blocks "wonky" so no need for centering.  The more you play with the angles, the more wonky your X's will be ;)  The extra fabric on your background triangles will really allow you to play up those angles.   Just remember, the key is to have 2 corners on background fabric and 2 corners somewhere on the Print Rectangle ;)

So, take any size square ruler that is larger than 5 1/2".  The 6" and 6 1/2" ones will probably be the easiest to use (unless you have a 5 1/2" square ruler, shown later).  Lay your ruler on your Improvisational unit.  You will be checking 3 places for alignment before you cut.  First ensure that the bottom left end 5 1/2" marks (white arrow)  are on your print rectangle.   Second, ensure that the 5 1/2" mark on the side and top of your ruler (black arrows)  are still on the background fabric.  When those three places are aligned, go ahead and cut along the rulers edge on the left and top of your unit.

Now spin your unit 180 degrees.  Align the 5 1/2" marks on your left hand side and bottom of your ruler with the newly trimmed edges of your block.  And trim the remaining 2 sides of your unit.   Now you have a wonky Improvisational quarter block.

And remember, playing with the angles makes it fun.  So above showed you Angling Up and below shows Angling Down.  Just like before, And notice, in the white arrow on this block, I am just barely in the Print Rectangle.  I really played up the angle in that corner, but as long as it is touching, it will be good ;)  Just more wonky ;)

Just keep trimming each unit to 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" square.

And if you do happen to have a 5 1/2" square ruler, all you have to do is place the ruler on your unit, ensure that 2 ends are on the print rectangle and the other 2 ends are on background fabric, and then trim around all 4 sides.   And like above, remember to angle up, and angle down.

And don't forget to play with some Center-ish cuts as well ;)  You don't always have to go to the extreme with your angles.  More variety creates more fun ;)

Now just keep trimming, just keep trimming ;)  And before you know it, you will have stacks of wonderful 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" Improvisational Quarter blocks.  And you are ready to get sewing again ;)


We will be turning your Quarter Blocks into Half Blocks now.  To do this, we want to make little arches, or upside down V's :)  If you are doing scrappy, don't stress to much about the Fabric pairings, just try not to get 2 the exact same paired together ;)

Place one Trimmed unit onto the other with right sides together.  You know they are aligned right if the 2 Print Rectangles are on top of each other running the same direction.   Then simply stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge.   I didn't bother to pin these, but if you are new to sewing, a pin in the top and bottom will help keep things aligned ;)

And after you have sewn your first pair, you want to continue to chain stitch pairs one after another.  I know, you are an expert at chain stitching after last weeks assignment ;)

And just a little hint, it is much easier if you put the print rectangle end in first.  You can sew your blocks like the one on the left, but then you have to deal with keeping that seam from flipping up when you get to it ;)  Print end first is just a little easier ;)

Once you have all your pairs chain stitched clip your threads and make a paired stack ;)

And it's time to move to the ironing board ;)  I like to press these seam allowances open.  But I know some people aren't particular to open seams, and if that is the case, press them to one side.  But press them all the same so that they will nest later ;)

And now, you guessed it, time to turn the Half Blocks into Blocks!!!   Take two half units and lay them at as shown below to create an X.   Again, if you are doing scrappy, don't stress to much about fabric groupings, I try to have variety, but you are going to have the same prints in the same block.  I like to put them diagonally across from one another, but don't overthink it.  Just have fun ;)

Place the top half onto the bottom half with right sides together.  Align and pin your center seam as well as your two edges ;)  I like to sit and pin all of my sets together at one time.  Good time to watch a favorite movie ;)

Then, take your pinned sets to the machine, and once again it is Chain Stitching time ;)  Sew a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge.   And I don't always do it, but pull out your pins before you run them over, it is safer on your machine and your eyes ;)   Also, you will note that this time you have to take a little care to keep that print rectangle seam down when you come to it ;)

Once you have all your pairs stitched, clip your threads and move to your ironing board one last time ;)   Once again, I like to press this seam open as it helps to make that center where all the seams are coming together lie flat ;)   Now press, press, press.

And just like that your Improvisational Piecing Blocks  (or X Blocks) are all done!!!!  They will measure 10 1/2" x 10 1/2".  Aren't they so fun and wonky!!!  I love all of the fun angles ;)

And just in case you are wondering, here is how many Improvisational Piecing Units (the wonky squares above) you should have when you are done.  (but you don't have to count them, if you ran out of units, you should be good ;) 

And with your Assignment all complete, you are ready to link up for a chance to win the Weekly Prize!!!!

This weeks Weekly Prize is being sponsored by Shabby Fabrics and a huge thanks goes to them for their support of the Irish Chain Twist Quilt-A-Long.

This weeks prize is an Autumn Lily 6 Fat Quarter Pack and an Autumn Lily Mini Charm Pack!!!

So what do you have to do for a chance to win these fabric goodies?  Simple . . . Just link up your Improvisational Piecing Blocks at the end of this post :)  You can link to a blog post, flickr picture, Instagram, Facebook . . .  or whatever.  Just make sure to link up by next Thursday morning as I will be announcing a winner at the beginning of next weeks post :)

If you don't get your improvisational piecing blocks done by next week you can still link it up :) (just not in time for the prize :)    The linky will remain open until the end of the Quilt-A-Long.  So if your out of town, or just had a busy week, no worries!!!  Just link up when you can :)

And Don't forget to add your sewn units to the Happy Quilting Quilt-A-Long Flickr group and to post it on social media with using #irishchaintwistqal.    I am so excited to see your blocks!!!!

So let's get to some trimmin and stitchin!!!  And if you have questions, don't hesitate to email me at  Have a Happy Quilting Day!!

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Starting a Few New

We were out of town for the Holiday weekend so I was super excited to come home to start a new project that was waiting for me and to find  fabrics for another project sitting on the doorstep!!!  So naturally, I spent yesterday pressing and doing some cutting!!!

This first new project is for my Riley Blake Design Team Tutorial and I will be sharing this one soon (like as in next week!!)  It uses Lisa Tueller's new Halle Rose line and it is absolutely gorgeous!!  I love the prints and I absolutely love the colors!! Can't wait to share more ;)

And these lovelies were waiting on the doorstep!!!  Don't you just love BasicGrey's Grunge!!!!  I was so excited to see all of these colors come together in actual fabric!!  I can't wait to get this project started.  But sadly, this is all I will be able to show for a while.  Yup, another secret project :)

So yup, I am hoping to cut into this Grunge Goodness today.  That and of course I have to finish sewing my blocks for tomorrow's QAL post ;)  What are you working on today??
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day

It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day . . . let's have some fun :)

First, we need to announce the winner from last weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!   The winner of the $25.00 Gift Certificate from The Scarlet Thread Quilt Co  is . . .   Number 242. . . Congrats Brenda!!   I have emailed you :) 


And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by Fat Quarter Shop.   Fat Quarter Shop has just finished two new books from It's Sew Emma.   The first is Farm Girl Vintage by Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet and the second is Winter Wonderland by Sherri Falls of This and That Pattern Company.   I just love those cover quilts!!!!  They are now available for pre-order are are fantastic!!! 


And the Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is for a $50.00 Gift Certificate to Fat Quarter Shop!!!!  WOW!!! Oh yes, someone is going to have a super fun Shopping Spree ;)  

You have two entry chances, the second being optional, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.  Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me if you are currently in a Winter Wonderland or enjoying the Sunny Days of a Farm Girl ;)  

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Fat Quarter Shop love.   You can follow them on   FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestYou Tube or at their Blog.  You can Sign up for their Newsletter which will ensure you catch all of their amazing sales, or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Fat Quarter Shop Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, February 24th  when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Monday, February 16, 2015

Leaders and Enders

Several of you have emailed me asking about Leaders and Enders, so I whipped up this quick little tutorial.  Leaders and Enders are a great way to work on a quilt in the midst of all your other sewing.  It also makes it so you never have to clip threads at the end of your sewing and you don't have to hold on to your threads to start sewing.  It's a win-win ;)  I first learned about these in a beginner quilting class back in 2005.   And  Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville is the Queen of this technique and I am told she has several books with lots of ideas on how to use them ;)  I love Leaders and Enders!!! So here is how you do it.

For my Leaders and Ender's I choose to use 2 1/2" squares.  I sorted them in a rainbow and then have a stack of Low Volume prints to match them with.  These just sit right next to my machine so they are always convenient.

Start by sewing whatever you happen to be working on.   I was working on some Great Granny Squares Bee Blocks when I took these pictures.  (Bee blocks always let you do lots of leaders and enders because there isn't a ton of chain stitching ;)  When you get to the end of your chain stitched sewing, (mine was only 2) grab a 2 1/2" white square and a 2 1/2" colored square and with right sides together sew a 1/4" seam along the edge.  This creates the Leader.

Then clip your project, leaving the Leader in your machine.

Once again, Sew your project aka my bee blocks, and then at the end of your chain stitching, add another Leader by sewing a 2 1/2" colored and white square together.

Now your original leader has become the ender and it is done.  Clip the threads between your projects, once again leaving your new leader in the machine.   Put your sewn 2 patch in a pile next to your machine and your are ready to do it again.   I found it is helpful to leave my little snipping scissors on my sewing table behind my machine.  That way whenever I am ready to clip they are right where I need them ;)

So every time you sit down to sew you will have a Leader waiting for you that you will turn into an Ender.  At the end of your sewing always add a Leader.

And it just keeps going around and around ;)

 And before you know it, you have a huge stack of 2-patches.  My top ones are the ones waiting to be sewn and the bottom ones are already sewn.  And this is only after a week of using Leaders and Enders.

And then you can turn your 2 patches into 4 patches and the possibilities are endless from there.   I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and give it a try.  Trust me, you are gonna love it!!!  I think I will always have 2 1/2" squares next to my machine now ;)

Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Snapshots QAL - Sew On & Sew On

It's month 2  of the Snapshots QAL and that means that there is a new block to work on!!!  This month, is Sew On & Sew On and how could I not absolutely love this month's block!!!  It's a sewing machine, Love It!!!

Two fun things came about when I was cutting this block out.  First off, I realized that some of the fabric was directional on purpose.  Yup, didn't realize that with the first block and went back to find that my cake stand words were a little askew.  And now that I had realized it, of course it bothered me enough to go back and unpick it and put new pieces in with words going the right way.   So if you are QAL, pay attention to the fussy cut and directional print directions ;)  

Also, I tried something new, marking the labeling letters on my fabric with a Frixion pen.  This got a lot of replies on Instagram and some of them having some scary experiences with it.   But I loved how easy it made finding the pieces I needed, there are a lot of very similar sizes in the same fabrics in this block.  So someone suggested labeling on the back of the fabric, and I figure that will be my win win situation going forward ;)  

So, do you want to make a adorable sewing machine block too??  You can download the pattern right here and then don't forget to donate the $5.00 for the pattern to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital ;)  This is such an amazing cause and it is so fabulous that Fat Quarter Shop and Moda will be matching our donations up to $10.000.00!!  

Kimberly also made putting this block together even easier with this fabulous You Tube video.  Bonnie and Camille start it off with some of their special sewing memories as well ;)  Love It!!!

Be sure to  share all of your Snapshots progress on social media with #fqssnapshots and check out these fabulous bloggers for some Sew On & Sew On inspiration :)  

Camille Roskelley of Thimble Blossoms
Bonnie Olaveson of Cotton Way
Pat Sloan of The Voice of Quilting
Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet
Sherri McConnell of A Quilting Life
Melissa Corry of Happy Quilting
Thelma Childers of Cupcakes N' Daisies
Pam Viera-McGinnis of Pam Kitty Morning
Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs
Stephanie Kendron of The Modern Sewciety
Natalia Bonner of Piece N Quilt
Greg Jones of Grey Dogwood Studios
Jessie Fincham of Messy Jesse

Thanks for popping in today ;)  Have a Happy Quilting (and maybe sewing on) Day!!!
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