Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!

It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day . . . let's have some fun :)

First, we need to announce the winner from last weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!   The winner of the Somerset Jelly Roll from Rustic Rooster Quilt Shop  is . . .   Number 334. . . Congrats Cathy!!   I have emailed you :)

And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by Shabby Fabrics!!   Along with hosting the giveaway, Shabby Fabrics currently has marked down all of their Christmas Fabrics . . . So if you need to make some last minute handmade gifts, you are sure to find a great deal here :)

And the Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is for a $30.00 Gift Certificate to Shabby Fabrics!!!   One lucky reader is going to get a Christmas Shopping Spree!!!  

You have two entry chances, the second being optional, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.  Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me what you are hoping to get for Christmas for your Sewing Adventures :)   

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Shabby Fabrics love. You can follow them on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Pinterest, or Instagram.  You can Sign up for the Shabby Fabrics Newsletter (top right hand corner) or Follow their Blog,  or you can Visit the Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Shabby Fabric Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, December 16th when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!

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Monday, December 8, 2014

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!!!

It's Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!!!  I love this day!!!  Now I know it's not Tuesday (for those of you who are visiting for the first time, there is a Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day each week at Happy Quilting) but I haven't missed a Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day since I started this blog so it is tradition now.  With that said,  I know you have lots of places to visit so lets get right to it :)

Up for grabs is a Quarter Yard Bundle of Denyse Schmidt's fabulous line Hadley!!!  Can I just say . . . I love this bundle!!!  I mean, it's Denyse Schmidt . . . Of course your gonna love it, right :)

And lets add 2 Happy Quilting Patterns of the winners choice to go with the bundle :)  Cause it is always fun to have some options ;)  


So what do you have to do for your chance to win???  Simple . . . We are gonna run this the same way we do all of the Terrific Tuesday Giveaway's :)

You have two entry chances, the second being optional, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.  Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment here of which 2 patterns above would be your favorites to win.

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Happy Quilting love. You can follow Happy Quilting on Bloglovin, Email Updates, or RSS to get daily updates.  Or you can like Happy Quilting on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter or Flickr  Any one way will do . . . Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Happy Quilting Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until Friday December 12th and  I will randomly select and announce a winner on Saturday Morning :)

Oh, and by the Way . . . If you are stopping by for the first time, Welcome!!   I am so glad you visited and hope you will come back often.  I have so much fun sharing my passion for quilting here with lots of  free tutorials, giveaways, fabric eye candy, and of course, general Happy Quilting times!! And be sure to come back tomorrow for Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day :)

Have a Happy Quilting Day!!
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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Quiltmaker Winner's!!

So I owe you guys some winner's for the Quiltmaker Jan/Feb magazine ;)   Thanks for all of the sweet comments on the Staff Block Challenge.  Those ladies really did an amazing job!!!

And here are the lucky 2 readers!!   #31 and # 27 . . . 
Congrats Hollie@Just a Mom who Sews and Erin Marie!!!!
I have emailed you ladies ;)

If you didn't win today, be sure to come back Monday for Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!!!!
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Friday, December 5, 2014

Charming Handbags!!

So remember when I posted on Monday that I was going to start a new little holiday project . . . Well, they are finished!!! (and I still have 20 days until Christmas :)   5 Charming Handbags made using this wonderful tutorial from Amanda Jean at the Moda Bake Shop ;)  I am not much of a bag maker, so I was a bit nervous about putting these together.  But the tutorial was great and easy to follow so they went together super easy and I am so excited with the results ;)  I mean, who doesn't love square patchwork and getting to play with Charm Packs!!  I have since made a Charming Tote Tutorial here , with Amanda's permission, to show how I made my totes with a few alterations from this mentioned tutorial.    How about some individual shots ;)

Starting with the oldest, for my niece Ka who is 11, a Charming Handbag made with Cotton + Steel basics :)

And lined with this super fun print from Kate Spain's Daydream line for Moda :)

For my niece Ki who is 9, a Charming Handbag made with Social Club by Eric and Julie Comstock for Moda :)

And lined with this classic print from Fig Tree Co.'s Mirabelle line for Moda :)

For my daughter, Jessi who is 9, a Charming Handbag made with Sew Stitchy by Aneela Hoey for Moda :)

And lined with her favorite color from In House Staffs Essentials line for P&B Textiles :)

For my niece El who is 6, a Charming Handbag made with Spot On by Studio for Robert Kaufman Fabrics :)

And lined with of course Basic Dots from Riley Blake Designs :)

For my niece Ra who is 4, a Charming Handbag made with Butterfly Dance by Cinderberry Stitches for Riley Blake Designs :)

And lined with of these adorable mushrooms from Aneela Hoey's Walk In The Woods Line for Moda :)

And here they are all in a line!!!  I am so excited for them to open them Christmas morning ;)  And I have to admit, not so nervous about making a basic bag anymore.  5 is really good practice :)

So what about you??  Do you like making bags??  If you want to and are a bit nervous, I would recommend this tutorial, it is super easy for beginning bag makers ;)  And they are great because you just need a charm pack and 2/3 yardage for the lining and handles.   And we all know we have a stack of charms lying around (Please say that isn't just me :)    Just a note if you do **Be sure and clip the corners of the lining like you did the bag, it doesn't say this step and I sort of missed it and figured it out later when it was a bit harder to "fix" it ;)

And that is all for today :)

I hope you have a very Happy Quilting Weekend!!!

Linking these finished bags to Amanda's (love this gal!!!!) and Sarah's :)
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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Vintage Vibe Blog Tour - Twirl!!!

Today is my stop on the Vintage Vibe Blog Tour and I am so excited to share a little more about this book with you ;)  Vintage Vibe was written by Amber Johnson of Gigi's Thimble Quilt Patterns.  I met Amber in person at Fall Market and we became instant friends :)  Amber has such a classic feel about her and so it was no surprise that she wrote about taking Traditional Quilts and giving them a Fresh Fabric makeover :)

We were each asked to review a particular quilt in the book.  I was instantly drawn to Twirl, and you can probably see why.  It is a Stunner!!!  Precise piecing, perfect points, and lots of movement.  Oh ya, totally my kind of quilt!!

Photo Courtesy of Martingale, Photographer Brent Kane

Twirl is made up of 2 different blocks and both are so fun and classy!!  I love the way the blocks play off of one another as well.  And you all know, I can never get enough pinwheels, and I just love the contrast of the print and white pinwheels in the 2 blocks :)
Photo Courtesy of Martingale, Photographer Brent Kane

Amber has a really fun way to put these blocks together, so of course, I totally had to try one.  I made Block B  (the ones in the middle of the quilt) and oh my, it was so such a fun block to make :)  Look at all of those points, so fun!!  I just love it.

This block will be going into my Grandparent's Bees Knees quilt!!!  Doesn't it looks so fun there in the center!!  Just a few more blocks that are in the mail and I will be putting this one together ;)

Be sure to pop on over to Amber's to check out all the stops on the Vintage Vibe Blog Tour.  It will be going on to the end of the month and there are some amazing stops that have already posted.   Lots and lots of Quilty Goodness :)  And I want to say Thank You to Amber for being such a lovely friend and having me as part of her awesome book's hop ;)

You can find Vintage Vibe on Amazon or if you want an autographed copy check out Amber's Etsy shop ;)

Thanks for stopping by today and have a Happy Quilting Day!!

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