Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Rolling on Out!!!

The next truck has rolled off the assembly line.  Lindsay from For the Love of Cotton made this awesome semi!!!  She wrote to find out some specifics about my dad and when I told her he used to drive trucks in Canada when I was very little she opted for a Canadian flag on the box.  So awesome!!!

And I drafted up a little drawing of what I envision this little quilt to look like when it is all done.  I did forget to add the road into my drawing though.  (It will go under the wheels).  The big truck in the middle is my rough estimate of what my Dads truck looks like.

He actually stopped by this weekend so when he wasn't looking I ran out and snapped a shot.

Now I just need to figure out how I would to about putting it together.  I think I am going to try and turn it into a paper pieced pattern.  It needs a bit more work but it is coming along :)

Oh, and because I have had a few people ask, here are the dimensions for the semi I made.  It is 12 x 20 finished.  And the side goes over how you can slightly change it to avoid the Y seams.
And speaking of rolling on out, I better roll away from this computer and get some kids off to school.  Have a fabulous Wednesday!!!
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Monday, April 16, 2012


So I found out that I am one of the Top 100 Finalists in the 2012 AccuQuilt Barn Quilt Design Contest!!!  I am so totally over the moon excited!!!

So here is the deal, The top 100 blocks are voted on over the next few days and the top 20 voted blocks move onto the next round to be judged by a panel of judges.  (So ya, a bit of a popularity contest, but hopefully I am more popular now then I was in high school :)  So here is where I ask you to go vote.

I was fortunate to actually have 3 blocks in the finals.  Here they are!!




So voting takes place from today until Wednesday, April 18th.  So can you please take a minute and pop on over to AccuQuilt Barn Contest and vote.  (And if you wanted to vote for 1, 2, or all 3 of my designs that would be just peachy :)  But most of all just go vote :)

Oh, and if I make it to the next round, and then by some miracle I win it all, then I get to go to Nebraska to see the unveiling of the block on an actual barn.  How cool would that be!!!!!
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Sunday, April 15, 2012

I'm Guest Blogging - Sunday

I am guest blogging today over at Color Me Quilty!!!  Today is the first day of Pat's new Linky QED on the 15th @ CMQ.  Or Quilty Embellishment Day!!!  And she was so sweet to invite me to put together a little tutorial for her grand unveiling!  So I put together a little something of my favorite way to embellish - applique!!  So pop on over to check it out.  I am so excited about it, you will see why when you get there :)

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Friday, April 13, 2012

It's Coming!!

April 30th to May 4th is the blog tour for Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 5, and guess what, I am going to be a part of it!!!!!  Yippee Skippee!!!  I get to post about my block on the 30th of April.  I can't show you my block until then but I can tell you that it is on the cover!!!   

So grab a button and link it to this website.  This is where you will find the rundown on the entire blog tour and where to hop each day :)  There will be lots of fun prizes, and plenty of copies to give away, including a copy here on the 30th of course :)

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

TNT goes Old School

So for the Sew Bee Create group this month Lisa asked us to make some Union Star blocks.  She had even cut all of the fabric ahead of time for us.  So fabulous!!!    However, I was a little taken back when I looked at the instructions sent with to notice that it had us piecing the old school way.  You remember, piecing triangles instead of HST's.  And where the fabric was already cut there was no way to alter the pattern to do it New School.  So ya, It was a bit of a throw back for me.  Not all of my points are perfect, I guess I need to work on those old school methods some more :)

So that is what I was trying new.  Some Old School piecing.  Fun, but ya, I totally love my HST's  and am glad I don't have to do old school all the time.  Especially with tiny triangles :)

So what have you been up to???  Can't wait to see your links :)

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