I am making this quilt for my daughter's bedroom (she got our old queen bed frame when we got a king) and now that the frame is in her room she is getting antsy for the quilt to be put on it. So this week it was all about putting her at the top of the priority list :).
So . . . These are the finished Block 3's
These are the finished Block 4's
These are the finished Block 5's
and these are the finished Block 6's
Yippee Skippee!!! All of the blocks are done!!! Now I am just playing with the layout on the floor. I tried hard not to over-think it to much and just started laying them out so that I would get a nice random pattern. Then I moved a few around to try and give the colors balance.
So what do you think??? Does it look balanced?? Any suggestions on any blocks that should be moved??? It's still on the living room floor so changes can be made easily :) *EDIT - I moved things around a bit according to some great suggestions that were given. So this is the "new new" layout :) Any new suggestions??