Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday WIP - Time to Quilt!!!

It's Works in Progress Wednesday, and I have to say, it super motivated me to finish up some quilt tops to share today.   Remember that Plume Quilt top from the other week that was actually a new Work In Progress, well it didn't stick around in the Work in Progress pile for long.   Here's the finished quilt top ;)

Oh my goodness, this was a fun quilt top to make up.  It went so fast and I just love the contrasting color play.   So fun!!!   I don't even think this one will last long in the "to be quilted" pile because I so want to finish it up.   But I told myself it has to come after a few of those quilt tops that are actual Works in Progress ;)

Like my Crossroads Quilt Along Quilt Top that I finally finished adding the borders to!!   And my, oh my, I don't know why I procrastinated those borders (like since August)  for so long, okay, maybe it had something to do with all of those tiny half square triangles ;)   But oh my, don't the borders just set of all of that lovely patchwork so perfectly!!!

EEEkkk, I am so excited to have finished this quilt top!!!  Now I just need to decide how I want to quilt it up.   That is some tiny patchwork and I really want it to shine ;)  Any ideas???

Because I don't plan to let these sit in the "to be quilted" pile for long ;)    My goal is to quilt these, along with a few other finished quilt tops (ie Summer Solstice, Fall Table Runners, and maybe even my Star Surround, which sadly got forgotten about in a closet) by the end of the year ;)   Alright, it is written down, now you can hold me to it!

So . . . What are you working on this Wednesday??  
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!

It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day.    Let's have some fun :)

And I accidentally copied and pasted over this post.   Oops.

Anyhow, this is what was up for grabs from The Intrepid Thread and it has a winner that was announced on the next Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day post.

Seriously, it has just been one of those mornings :)
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Monday, November 14, 2016

100 Blocks - Volume 14!!!

I am so excited!!!  It's time for another 100 Blocks Blog Hop!!!  Volume 14 of 100 Blocks Magazine is hitting new stands everywhere and I am so very honored to have a block in it!!  The block is called Circle Squared and it is block #1368.  And oh my goodness, it is so much fun to put together!!

  I just love 100 Blocks magazine!!!  They are such a fantastic source of  creative goodness!!  This is the 9th time I have had a block in 100 Blocks and I never cease to be amazed but all of the incredible blocks ;)  And I had to squeal a little when the magazine arrived in the mail and I found my name on the cover!!!  What an honor ;)

I made the original block in Grunge Basics for Moda.  You all know how I just love Grunge!!! And how cool does it look in a full quilt layout.  I just love the fantastic geometric goodness of this block.    Ya, I have added it to my list to make.  

But now my only problem is, I don't know what version to make.  I started playing around with the colors and how fun would it be to make it in a two color version.   It just adds such a cool 3-d effect to it, especially in the grays and blacks.  

And then I thought, I need to do some more scrap busting as my scrap drawers continue to overflow.  So maybe a little low volume sashing added and then some super fun ombre scrappy blocks.   Eeekk, I think I might just have to make this rainbow play version.  

What ever version I decide on, it's going to be so much fun!!!   It really is just a super fun block to put together and whips up pretty fast.   I hope you want to make up your own version as well, and if you do, be sure and share it with me.  Maybe it will help me decide which version to make ;)

And that's all of the Circle Squared Block . . . But don't go away yet!!  One lucky Happy Quilting reader will be getting the all the amazing block patterns in their own copy of Volume 14 of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks!!!!

To enter is easy!!  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.  Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  One Entry per person please and I will announce a winner on Friday, Nov 18th ;)

ENTRY - Simply leave a comment that tells me your favorite version of the Circle Squared Block . . . Original, 2 Color, or Scrappy Rainbow.  (you can help me decide which one to make ;)

And be sure to pop on over to the Quilty Pleasures Blog for lots more 100 Blocks Posts, Eye Candy, and of course, awesome Giveaways!!!

GIVEAWAY CLOSED - The winner is #119 - Amy, Congrats!!!!
Thanks for Stopping In, Good Luck, and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!

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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Aurifil Buzz!!!

There was a fun announcement at the Aurifil Buzz blog this morning!!  The new 2017 Designer of the Month program was announced and guess who gets to be one of the 2017 designers!!!  EEEkkkk, so, so, so excited!!!!!  I am just thrilled and incredibly grateful to be part of such an amazing team of designers.    And I am super happy because this year has an extra fun twist as all of the blocks are going to be done in the color wheel.  Yippee!!!  I love rainbow quilts, and I bet you will never guess what color block I will be doing :)

You can find out lots more details from Pat Sloan, the host of the Designer of the Month program, over at the Aurifil Buzz Blog ;)    And I do hope you plan to quilt along.  It is going to be oh so much fun!!!

Eeekk,  I can't wait for March now!!

Happy Quilting!!!

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Saturday, November 12, 2016

Splendid Sampler Saturday!

It's Saturday and I am so happy to be ready to caught up and sharing the latest two blocks of the Splendid Sampler!!!   So lets get right to it.

First up, is the Prism block designed by Sara Lawson.  This was another one of those nice fast ones that serve as a great little break in between some of the more complex blocks.  I really had fun playing with lots of orange little bits for this block.  And now I want to make a whole rainbow of them improv. style and just see where it goes.  Wouldn't that be so fun, and a great scrap buster!!

And next up is Jersey designed by Carrie Nelson.  I really enjoyed making up this block and was super happy with the contrast of greens that really let the block design pop.   And you knew I was going to love it from the start because it was a star, right ;)   I don't think I have met a star block I didn't like making.  So fun!!!

And those are this weeks Splendid Sampler blocks.  Next Saturday I won't be able to post, because I will be doing a Trunk Show at the Nebo Modern Quilt Guild in Springville Utah!!!  So if you happen to be in the area, I would just love it if you could pop in and say hello ;)   The trunk show will be at Corn Wagon Quilt Co.  at 10:00 am Saturday November 19th ;)  

Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Modern Scout Duo Tutorial

I am so excited to be sharing a new Riley Blake Design Team tutorial with you today!!!  When I first saw the Modern Scouting Fabric line I just knew I had to create with it.  My oldest is currently working on his Eagle Scout project and I just knew this would be perfect for him.   And luckily, Riley Blake made an awesome Quilt Panel and Banner Panel that made creating with it so easy and so fun!!!  So here it is, the Modern Scout Duo!!!

I started with the center quilt panel and then added some plain and Half Square Triangle borders to give it a fun Modern Flair.  The tutorial walks you through how to whip this up, and you really can whip it it up in no time at all ;)   And my son absolutely loves it,  Yipeee, happy mom ;)

And of course, I had to make up the pennant banner to go along with the quilt, or it wouldn't be a duo ;)   The tutorial also walks you through the basics of how to put these easy to use banner panels together.  Seriously, this is one of those instant gratification projects, so fast, and so fun!!!!

So let's get to it!!!!

To make the quilt, you will need:
     1 Modern Scouting Quilt Panel
     (96) 5" Squares, so you will want (1) 10" Stacker or (3) 5" Stackers 
     1/6 a yard of your inner border print
     1/2 a yard of your outer border print
     1/2 of yard of binding print (or solid as I used)
     3 1/2 yards of backing fabric


If you are using a 10" stacker, cut 12 Dark pieces into (4) 5" x 5" squares each for a total of (48) Dark  5" x 5" squares and cut 12 Light pieces into (4) 5" x 5" squares each for a total of (48) Light 5" x 5" squares.
If you are using 5" stackers, the cutting is already done.   Simply choose (48) Light 5" x 5" squares and (48) Dark 5" x 5" squares.

From your Inner Border Fabric cut (4) 1 1/2" x Width of Fabric Strips
From your Outer Border Fabric cut (7) 2 1/2" x Width of Fabric Strips
From your Binding Fabric cut (7) 2 1/2" x Width of Fabric Strips.

Trim the Center Quilt Panel to measure exactly 34 1/2" x 42 1/2".  There won't be much to trim from the top and bottom, and pay close attention to the trimming on the sides as there is not a lot of extra left over from the sides of the panel.

And just like that, the cutting is done and you are ready to start piecing.


We will start piecing by making the Half Square Triangles.  Take your two piles of 5" squares, one light and one dark.  Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of all 48 Dark 5" squares.  Place a marked Dark square and a Light square with right sides together.  Pin if you like.  Sew a 1/4" seam on either side of the drawn line.

The easiest way to do this is to chain stitch all 48 sets.   So start by sewing a 1/4" seam along the right hand side of the drawn line.  When you reach the end of one square set, don't clip your threads, simply feed the next set of squares through your machine.  Continue in this way until you have sewn a 1/4" seam along the right hand side of the drawn line on all 48 sets.

Then simply clip the threads between the 48 sets sets.  And you are ready to do it all over again.  Now, simply feed all 48 sets through your machine again, this time sewing a 1/4" seam along the left hand side of the drawn line.  Clip the threads between the sets when you are done sewing.

Align your ruler along the drawn line and cut directly on the drawn line to create 2 triangles.  Cut all 48 sets along the drawn line.

Press your seam allowances towards the Dark fabric.  I like to press from the front of my fabrics when I press HST's.   Press all 96 Half Square Triangles.

Trim your 96 Half Square Triangles to 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" square using the diagonal seam as your guide.   If you are new to trimming Half Square Triangles you can see this little Half Square Triangle tutorial to help you along.  My personal preference for trimming HST's is the Bloc Loc rulers :)


And now with your HST's all sewn and trimmed, you are ready to start making rows from them.

Layout 44 Half Square Triangles into 4 rows of 11 HST's as shown below.  2 Rows with the Dark on the top left, and 2 Rows with the Dark on the top Right.  Using a 1/4" seam,  sew the 11 HST's together into 4 rows.

Once again, chain stitching here will save you a whole lot of time.  You can simply add one square at a time from each row, stitching all 4 rows at the same time.  Then simply clip your threads and add another square.  Continue in this fashion until you have sewn all 11 HST's in each of the 4 rows together.

Now with your remaining Half Square Triangles, repeat the same process, only this time, there are 13 Half Square Triangles in each of your 4 rows.

Press all 8 of your Half Square Triangle rows to one side or open, whichever you prefer.

And finally, take your (7) 2 1/2" X Width of Fabric outer border strips.  Trim the selvage and then using a 1/4" seam, sew the strips together end to end to make one long outer border strip.  Press the seam allowance to one side.


And now, you are ready to start adding all of your sewn borders or rows to your center quilt panel.  We will start with the Inner Border.

Layout the (4) 1 1/2" x WOF Inner Border strips along the edges of the center quilt panel as shown below.

Place the 2 Side borders onto the center quilt panel with right sides together.  I like to put a pin along the edges and the center to avoid stretching the panel.   Sew a 21/4" seam along the pinned edge.

Press the seam allowance outwards towards the inner border and trim any excess fabric from the edges.
 Now, place the top and bottom Inner Borders onto the center quilt panel with right sides together.  Once again, I like to place a pin in the center and edges to avoid stretching.  Stitch a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge.

 Press the seam allowance outwards towards the inner border and trim away the excess fabric from the edges.

And just like that, the first border is added.  Now we are just going to repeat that process with an additional 3 borders.

Well start with the (4) 11 Half Square Triangle Rows.  Layout the 4 Rows as shown below taking note of the light and dark placement.   Repeat the same process as adding the Inner Border, pinning and sewing the sides first, but press inwards towards the Inner Border.  Then pin and sew the top and bottom second and once again, press the seam allowance inwards toward the Inner Border.

And then, you are ready to add the next (4) 13 Half Square Triangle Rows.  Layout the 4 Rows as shown below, again taking note of the light and dark placement.   Repeat the same process as adding the Inner Border again, pinning and sewing the sides first, but  pressing the seam open.   Then pin and sew the top and bottom second and once again, press the seam allowance open.

And finally, the last border.  Take your Long Outer Border and cut it into (4) 2 1/2"  x 70" strips.  And now it is just like adding the Inner Border all over again.  Pin and sew the sides first, and pressi outwards towards the Outer Border.  Then pin and sew the top and bottom second and once again, press the seam allowance outwards toward the Outer Border.


And now your quilt top is done and all that is left is to Baste It, Quilt It, and Bind It!!!  Which is a whole lot in one little sentence.  If you are new to quilting, you can see my Finishing Your Quilt Series of Video Tutorials that will walk you through Basting, Quilting and Binding step by step.


And now, you can step back and enjoy your awesome Modern Scout Quilt.  It finishes at 56" x 64" so it is just the perfect lap size quilt for your special scout!!!


To Make the Banner, You will Need:
     1 Pennant Banner Panel
     1 Yard of Backing Fabric
     4 1/2 Yards of a Hanging Element ie Double Folded Bias Tape, or Ric Rac, ect. 


The fun thing about making the Banner is it starts where your quilt left off.  The first thing we need to do is Baste It and Quilt It.  Again, if you are new to quilting, you can see my Finishing Your Quilt Series of Video Tutorials that will walk you through this step.   I choose to use a lot of straight lines to quilt my banner ;)


And with your banner panel all quilted, you are ready to cut it apart.  I like to use a Crinkle or Pinking Blade in my Rotary Cutter for this step, but if you don't have one, your straight blade will do just fine.   Align your ruler along the edge of each pennant flat.  Cut along the edge of your ruler.   I found it easiest to cut the panel in half first, then cut out each individual pennant.

Continue cutting until you have cut out all of the flags.  Aren't they so cute!!!


Now, layout your flags in the order you want them in your banner and find the center.   Then, grab your hanging element and find the center of it as well.  Your hanging element can be Ric Rac of any size, or Double Folded Binding Tape, or anything along those lines that you want to use to sew your banner together.  I had a little extra yardage, so I made my own Double Folded Binding Tape.  (and not, it isn't on the bias, but it can be if you want to make it that way :)

Starting at the Center of your Pennant flags and the Center of you hanging element, place the hanging element on top or around (depending on what you are using) the top of the first pennant flat.  Stitch along the top of the flag, securing the hanging element to your pennant flag.

Continue stitching and adding pennants as you move outwards towards the end of your banner.

When you reach the end of the flags, go ahead and finish the rest of your hanging element.  If it is ric-rac you can simply backstitch and clip your threads.  If it is Binding Tape you will want to continue stitching along the edge to close it up.

Then, go back to the center of your banner and repeat the same process stitching outwards in the opposite direction until all of your flags have been added.


Now simply sit back and enjoy how fantastic your Pennant Banner looks and how simple it was to put together.  The banner will measure about 140" across and then you will have some leftover for hanging.  Just perfect for decorating your next scout awards ceremony or party with!!!

And that is the Modern Scout Duo Tutorial!!!  I hope you have enjoyed these tutorials and will make up your own Modern Scout Duo ;)  If you do, I would love to see them.  You can email me a picture at or add it to my flickr group here or post it to social media with  #happyquiltingwithmc.   I can't wait to see your Quilts and Banners!!!  

Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!

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