Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday WIP - Time to Quilt!!!

It's Works in Progress Wednesday, and I have to say, it super motivated me to finish up some quilt tops to share today.   Remember that Plume Quilt top from the other week that was actually a new Work In Progress, well it didn't stick around in the Work in Progress pile for long.   Here's the finished quilt top ;)

Oh my goodness, this was a fun quilt top to make up.  It went so fast and I just love the contrasting color play.   So fun!!!   I don't even think this one will last long in the "to be quilted" pile because I so want to finish it up.   But I told myself it has to come after a few of those quilt tops that are actual Works in Progress ;)

Like my Crossroads Quilt Along Quilt Top that I finally finished adding the borders to!!   And my, oh my, I don't know why I procrastinated those borders (like since August)  for so long, okay, maybe it had something to do with all of those tiny half square triangles ;)   But oh my, don't the borders just set of all of that lovely patchwork so perfectly!!!

EEEkkk, I am so excited to have finished this quilt top!!!  Now I just need to decide how I want to quilt it up.   That is some tiny patchwork and I really want it to shine ;)  Any ideas???

Because I don't plan to let these sit in the "to be quilted" pile for long ;)    My goal is to quilt these, along with a few other finished quilt tops (ie Summer Solstice, Fall Table Runners, and maybe even my Star Surround, which sadly got forgotten about in a closet) by the end of the year ;)   Alright, it is written down, now you can hold me to it!

So . . . What are you working on this Wednesday??  
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  1. I see arrows and half stars in the Plume top - that's pretty neat! Pretty much any way you quilt the Crossroads quilt will be awesome!

  2. Good Morning Melissa! The Plume top is such an interesting top it would be fun to make. The Crossroads quilt is so lovely. I am one who gets all squishy squashy and I so want to touch it, but don't, so just stand and look at all of the great work that went into the design, piecing and other parts if they are present, into the quilting design. Also, when a quilt involves bright, cheery, fabrics that work brilliantly together to make a spectacular quilt top, I always wonder how long it took the creator to choose the final fabrics. Both quilts are fabulous; I am sorry that I have no offers for you in the design of quilting. I use my Pfaff machine and do a lot of straight line quilting only. Yet, with seeing what you accomplish with all of your other treasured beautiful quilts, I have no doubt that the right choice will come to you! LOL....sorry, I really blabbered today! Have a fantastic creative day!

  3. I dislike making HSTs but they really set the quilt off nice! I love how it turned out - beautiful colors! The Plume top came out nice too, especially with your color choices and placement. Sorry, I can't help you with the quilting design.

  4. Congrats on two beautiful quilts!!! The Plume quilt is really cool! It looks different every time I look at it! Like I see star points and then I see arrows! The Crossroads quilt is just lovely! The half-square triangles border totally adds an extra punch to the quilt!!! I hope you show us how you quilt them!! I am working on finishing a Judy Neimeyer Glacier Star. Almost there!!

  5. Making all those HST's was worth it, they make the quilt shine!

  6. I love every Plume quilt I've seen, and I think it needs to be on my to-do list. Is the pattern pre-cut friendly?

  7. Hey ! I Appreciate the information , Does anyone know where my company could possibly get a template permit search document to fill in ?


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
