Friday, June 16, 2017

William and Jack

I am so excited to share a finish this morning!!!!  This is one of those secret quilts that I didn't get to share much of the process but I am so happy to get to share it today.   I am calling it William and Jack  and let me just say before I get started with the story behind this quilt that I just Love, Love, Love this quilt!!!!

A little big ago I was asked by my good friends at  Moda if I could make up a quilt for them for Market.   And I always love sewing for Market so of course, I was all in.   And so the box arrived from Moda and I totally squealed when I opened the box to find that the quilt I would be making was a Union Jack quilt!!!!  Eeekkk!!!!

I have always wanted to make a Union Jack.  My Mother was born in England and so it has a special place in my heart and every time I saw one of these quilts I would think to myself that I totally need to move that up the "to make" list :)    So ya, it was just meant to be for me to make up this particular quilt.  I was so excited!!!

And when I realized that I was using the new William Morris Revisited collection that was created in collaboration with the Victoria and Albert Museum, (which comes out in October and is absolutely stunning!!!) well I will admit, I might have cried a little bit.   It was just like everything was coming together as this perfect memory of my mother's homeland. And so ya, I knew off that bat that making this quilt was going to be special :) 

And oh my, did I have some fun putting this quilt together.   It really was just a blast!!!  I used the Jumping Jack pattern by Fig Tree Quilts but designed some trimming templates like I did for this quilt that really make the blocks go together that much quicker and really gave made it easy to get perfectly pieced corners every time.   So love it!!!

And I just loved that Moda had me do it in all the beautiful blues from the William Morris Collection.  I just loved paring up the beautiful lights, mediums, and dark's to really make each flag pop :)   And the white is a tiny silver polka dot that just goes so perfect with the blues.   Each time I made a block I decided that it was my new favorite block, and when I got to the point of sewing them all together, well, let's just say that this quilt shot way up to the top of the list of all time favorite quilts ;)

When it came time to quilt it, I decided to go with an all over wavy horizontal line.  I wanted to give it the motion of flags waving in the breeze.  And I am so happy to say that it fit perfectly for what I had in mind.   I just love the way it adds to the design but also doesn't take away from each block ;)

And I used a beautiful Chambray for the cornerstones, binding, and backing and it just gives it the perfect finish.   I love the little extra weight it gives it in the backing and really lets the quilting stand out ;)

And oh my, talk about some super yummy texture in that quilting.  I tried to keep the quilting about 1/4" to 1/2" apart so there is a lot of lines.  But I can't say how awesome it feels to run your hand down this quilt and feel all of that texture.  So fun!!!  I just love it.

And the biggest, most awesome surprises of all . . . My quilt ended up center stage at the Schoolhouse Opening Seminar!!!!  I totally freaked out when I started seeing pictures pop up on facebook and there was my quilt, Eeekkk!!!!   I knew that the main seminar was Moda and the V& A Museum but I thought I had been making the sample for the booth.  So ya, it was a total treat for it to be part of the opening debut of the line.  A treat indeed :)

 And that is my William and Jack quilt.  Oh, and did you notice where the name came from, Union Jack and William Morris put together.  I thought it was fitting ;)   I have to say a huge thank you to Moda for having me make up this quilt for them.  It was such a wonderful quilt to put together and as I have said, I just Love, Love, Love it!!!

Thanks for popping in today to share this special finish with me ;)  

I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Weekend!!

Linking up this finish to Amanda's, Sarah's, and Myra's :)

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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Patchwork Quilt Along - Round the Corner Block

It's the 15th and that means it's time for the sixth set of  Patchwork Quilt Along Blocks hosted by the Fat Quarter Shop!!!!  I can't believe this set makes 36 blocks!!!  How fun is that ;)  Today's Patchwork Quilt Along blocks are the Round the Corner Blocks and they are just so cute!!!  

I mean, how can you not love little 1" finished patchwork!!!   And the addition of the HST in the corner to "round" them out is just so perfect to add that fun little bit of pop ;)  I know I say it every month, but I am just so loving all of this tiny little patchwork goodness!!! 

So if you are quilting along you can download the block pattern right here and then you can pop on over to donate $5.00 to the Make a Wish Foundation for your download  ;)  We are 96% of the goal achieved, so close!!!  

And don't forget to check out the super cute  You Tube video that walks you through making the block (pressing is key on this one!!!)  and you even get to listen to some super peppy tunes along the way!!!    

And be sure to share all of your Patchwork progress on social media with #patchworkquiltalong and pop over to all of the fabulous bloggers who are quilting along for some Round the Corner Block eye candy :)    I just love seeing all of the different fabrics everyone is using!!!

*Bonnie of Cotton Way (@bonniecottonway)
*Camille of Thimble Blossoms (@thimbleblossoms)
Amanda from Jedi Craft Girl (@jedicraftgirl)
Amy of Diary of a Quilter (@diaryofaquilter)
Andy of A Bright Corner (@abrightcorner)
Debbie of Happy Little Cottage (@happylittlecottage1)
Greg of Grey Dogwood Studio (@greydogwoodstudio)
Heidi of Buttons and Butterflies (@buttonsandbutterflies)
Melissa of Happy Quilting (@happyquiltingmc)  (that's me :) 
Melissa of Oh How Sweet (@ohhowsweet)
Pat Sloan of (@quilterpatsloan)
Renee of Sewn with Grace (@sewnwithgrace)
Sedef of Down Grapevine Lane (@downgrapevinelane)
Sherri of A Quilting Life (@aquiltinglife)
Sondra of Out of the Blue Quilts (@sondradavison)
Taunja of Carried Away Quilting (@taunjalynn)
Tina of Emily Ann's Kloset (@emilyannskloset)
Carrie Nelson/Miss Rosie of Moda Cutting Table

If you have any questions about the quilt along, you can pop on over to the Patchwork Quilting Along page and your pretty sure to find the answer there ;)  And if you haven't started yet, you can still join in and quilt along!!!!   Like I said before, this tiny patchwork is so much fun!!!

Have a Happy Quilting Day!!
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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!

It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!    Let's have some fun!!!

But  before we get to today's giveaways . . . First,  we need to announce the winner from last weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!   The winner of the 32 Low Volume Print Fat Quarter Bundle from  Olie and Evie is . . . Number #246. . . Congrats OhioLori!!!!! I have emailed you :)    


So on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by Fat Quarter Shop.   Fat Quarter Shop is amazing and they never cease to amaze me with everything they have going on at their shop!!!   You can always find lots of project inspiration with amazing free tutorials at their You Tube Channel!!!  And be sure to check out their daily Flash Sale!!!  There are even two Flash Sales on Tuesday!!!

And for today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Fat Quarter Shop is giving one luck reader a $50.00 Fat Quarter Shop Gift Certificate!!!! WOW!!!!  Someone is going to have a whole lot of fun shopping!!!

You have two entry chances, the second being optional, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.  Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me your favorite "Camping Food".   (I'm working on menus for Girls Camp and could use some ideas :)  

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Fat Quarter Shop love.   You can follow them on   FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestYou Tube or at their Blog.  You can Sign up for their Newsletter which will ensure you catch all of their amazing sales, or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Fat Quarter Shop Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, June 20th , when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Friday, June 9, 2017

Crossroads QAL Finish

This finish has been waiting a long time to share.  I finished my 2016 Crossroads Quilt Along hosted by Fat Quarter Shop back in December, in fact, it was my last 2016 finish.   But yesterday I realized that somehow I managed to post about it.   Well, better late than never . . . here is my finished Crossroads Quilt!!!!

I just loved making this quilt!!!  Those blocks were so much fun to piece and I just loved the challenge of all of those wonderful points to line up and make pretty blocks with.   And of course, you know that I am head over heals for the secondary block that makes a beautiful chain around all those blocks!!!

I used Strawberry Fields Revisited fabric by Fig Tree Quilts.  This fabric was special for me because my very first Happy Quilting pattern (Summer Breeze) was made with the original Strawberry Fields fabric.   Each time I worked on a block the prints and colors would bring back memories of working on that very first pattern.  It's always nice to look back so you can see just how far you have come.   (I am so grateful it doesn't take me a month to write a pattern anymore, tee hee hee ;)

This quilt has more borders than any quilt I have done before, and while that HST border held me up for a bit, I just love the way all of the finished borders look.   Such a beautiful way to frame all of those gorgeous blocks!!!  

And I just love that Fat Quarter Shop even included a giant block to piece into the backing.   How cute is that!!!   And it used up the last of my scraps, always a bonus ;)

When it came time to quilt it, I decided to keep it simple so I didn't detract from all of that beautiful little patchwork.   So I opted for my all over Curly Q.   I quilted it using my go to 402 Pearl So Fine Thread and I just love that it blends perfectly on all the fabrics.  

And goodness, did that quilting add some super yummy texture.   It never ceases to amaze me how the quilting just makes you want to wrap the quilt around you and cuddle up in it.   I just love that!!! 

And now that my Crossroads quilt is finished and shared, it's ready to find a special new home.   This will be the quilt I donate this year to the Festival of Trees to help sweet little angles that are being treated at Primary Children's Hospital.   This is a very special project to me ever since my sweet little nephew David spent the first few month's of his life at Primary's.   I am so grateful that each year I can use my love of quilting to help give back to the amazing folks that helped keep our little David here and growing stronger each and every day.  

I thank you for visiting today and each and every day.   I am so truly blessed to have this little space that I can share how much happiness and joy quilting brings into my life!!!  And  I just love being able to share it with each of you ;)

I hope you have an absolutely Happy Quilting Weekend!!

Linking up this finish to Amanda's, Sarah's, and Myra's ;)  
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Thursday, June 8, 2017

A little More Progress Before I'm Off :)

Well, I'm all packed and ready to head up to the Panguitch Quilt Walk to teach tonight and tomorrow.  So excited!!!!   Everytime I go to teach it cracks me up how much "quilting" stuff I bring verses how much "personal" stuff I bring.   One bag for hair, makeup, and clothing, and everything else is for class :)   And speaking of that one bag, seeing it sitting here will all of that handmade goodness sure makes me want to make a handmade duffle bag.   Any suggestions of a good one you have made, preferably one that a beginner bag maker could pull off ???    3-D sewing still intimidates me ;)

And before I go, I am happy to report that I did make some progress on my curved sewing from Monday.  I pieced the inner and outer curves of all 100 plus pieced rings and just need to do some pressing now.   Then it will be trimming and then just two more pieces to add to each block :)  It's coming along!!

And along with that piecing, I also quilted up my Mosaic quilt and Sew Sampler quilt.   I am so excited to almost have these two quilts finished, those blocks had to wait around way to long to be put into quilt tops ;)    I was hoping to get the bindings on before I had to leave, but alas, it just didn't happen.  So they will have to wait for Monday ;)  But it's all good because while going through some pictures on the computer yesterday, I found a quilt that I finished last December that somehow I forgot to post.   So I can still share that finish for Friday, yippee ;)

I hope you are having a very Happy Quilting Day and I'll see ya tomorrow!!!
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