Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!

It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day . . . let's have some fun :)

First, we need to announce the winner from last weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!   The winner of the fantastic Wool & Needle III Flannels from The Scarlet Thread Quilt Co . . . . . .   Number #88. . . Congrats Jessica Jo.!!   I have emailed you :)     


And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by Ollie and Evie.  Rhonda has an adorable Etsy shop packed with wonderful pre-cuts and beautiful yardage!!!  And they are always at absolutly amazing prices!!!!  And she just added more items to the Clearance section where you will find the most amazing prices!!  Oh, and Rhonda recently opened her shop to people to come and browse fabrics on Wednesday evenings from 6-9 so if you are in the Salt Lake area, be sure to check it out!!!   

And the Terrific Tuesday Giveaway day gives you a choice!!!  You can choose your favorite of a Layer Cake or a Jelly Roll of Moda's new In Studio line Basic Mixologie!!!   I absolutely love this line, I mean of course I do, look at all of those awesome purples!!!   

You have two entry chances, the second being optional, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.  Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment telling me what your favorite color is.  Just in case you missed it, mine is purple :)  

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Olie and Evie love.   You can follow them on  Facebook, at their blog, or Favorite their Shop, or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Olie and Evie Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, November 24th, when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Monday, November 16, 2015

100 Blocks - Royalty and Queen of Hearts Quilt

It's time for another 100 Blocks Blog Hop!!!  Volume 12 of 100 Blocks Magazine is hitting new stands everywhere and I am so very honored to have a block in it!!  The block is called Royalty and it is block #1170.  Isn't that just so fun ;)

  I just love 100 Blocks magazine!!!  They are just jammed pack with so many wonderful designs!!  This is the 7th time I have had a block in 100 Blocks and I hope there will be many more to come ;)

And if you are wondering what Royalty looks like in a quilt . . . well, wonder no more.  Here is my latest quilt finish!!!  I am calling it Queen of Hearts ;)

 I absolutely love the Red, Black and White color combo!!!  Just like in the block, I used my favorite Grunge Basic in Red, but used two different shades alternating the two shades in each blocks to give the quilt a cool two tone effect.  the blacks and whites are prints from Zen Chic's Modern Backgrounds Ink and Paper.

I love how this block comes together to make such a fun secondary design.  Sometimes I see the Red hearts coming together, and other times I see the white X's and black lattice.  So fun!!!  It really does have lots of fun movement.

When it came time to quilt, I decided to go with a beautiful big all over swirl.  And just like in this quilt I shared last week, I went with  a gorgeous Red Fox #469 So Fine #50 Thread !!  I just love the way it blends in the red and pops on the black and white!!!

And that is Queen of Hearts, made with the Royalty Block!!!   I hope you love it as much as I do ;)

And one lucky Happy Quilting reader will be getting the Royalty Block pattern as well as 99 other amazing block patterns in Volume 12 of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks!!!!

To enter is easy!!  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.  Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  One Entry per person please and I will announce a winner on Saturday Morning,  November 21st ;)

ENTRY - Simply leave a comment that includes the number 12.  It can be anything, as long as there is an 12 in it :)    

And be sure to pop on over to the Quilty Pleasures Blog for lots more 100 Blocks Posts, Eye Candy, and of course, awesome Giveaways!!!

Thanks for Stopping In, Good Luck, and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!

Linking up to Quilt Story ;)

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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Snaptshots QAL - Sail Away

Today is the first day of the Crossroads QAL and I am so very excited!!!    Not only do I absolutely love the Strawberry Fields Revisited fabrics (designed by Joanna Figueroa of Fig Tree Quilts for Moda) but these blocks are just so adorable and I am so loving all of the fun points to match up!!!  The first block is called the House Block and aren't they just so cute!!!

I have always loved these traditional looking house blocks so I couldn't wait to put them together!!!  They really did go together fast and I liked being able to chain stitch each step for the houses. Before I knew it, I had 4 adorable little houses :)

If you sewing along or want to join in on the fun,  you can download the block pattern right here and then don't forget to donate the $5.00 for the pattern to the March of Dimes  ;)  This QAL is raising funds for premature babies and Fat Quarter Shop and Moda and All of Us are teaming up to make a big impact!    

And like always, if you are a little nervous about getting all those little points to match up, you need not worry.  Kimberly and Joanna , have made a fabulous You Tube video that walks you through making the block step by step and has lots of little tidbits to help you with your block!!!  

Be sure to  share all of your Crossroads progress on social media with #crossroadsquiltalong and check out these fabulous bloggers who are quilting along for some House Block inspiration :)  

Joanna of Fig Tree Quilts (@figtreequilts)
Pat Sloan (@quilterpatsloan)
April of Prairie Grass Patterns (@amrosenthal)
Tina of Emily Ann's Kloset (@emilyannskloset)Melissa of Oh How Sweet (@ohhowsweet)Angie of Gnome Angel (@gnomeangel)Vanessa of Lella Boutique (@lellaboutique)Melissa of Happy Quilting (@happyquiltingmc)Erin of Why Not Sew (@whynotsewquilts)Greg of Grey Dogwood Studio (@greydogwoodstudio)Sondra of Out of the Blue Quilts (@sondradavison)Sedef of Down Grapevine Lane (@downgrapevinelane)Taunja of Carried Away Quilting (@taunjalynn)

I will be sharing more Crossroads Blocks on the 15th of each month.  It is going to be so much fun!!!  I hope you come Quilt Along!!!

Thanks for popping in today ;)  Have a Happy Quilting Day!!
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Friday, November 13, 2015

Firecrackers Quilt!!!!

Today I am so excited to share with you a new quilt finish in collaboration with Fat Quarter Shop!!!  A few weeks ago, Fat Quarter Shop asked me if I wanted to be part of a new Jelly Roll Friendly, 30 Degree Ruler quilt pattern launch!!!  Now I love Jelly Rolls, and I had never tried a 30 Degree Ruler . . .  so I was of course, totally game for trying something new with one of my favorite pre-cuts :)  And here it is . . .  It is called Firecrackers!!!

This is such an awesome pattern designed by the wonderful folks at Fat Quarter Shop!!!!  I love that somethings I see the Red Diamonds and sometimes I see the Black/White kites :)  Such amazing movement and wonderful play with secondary designs!!

This quilt uses 2 Jelly Rolls and I choose to use Modern Backgrounds Ink and Modern Backgrounds Paper by Zen Chic for Moda ;)   I paired those with a wonderful Brushed Moda Bella Solid Christmas Red.  This was my first time using a Brushed Cotton and I absolutely loved it!!!  It is so incredibly soft!!

And if you are thinking, "Wow, she makes a lot of Red, Black and White quilts", you are so very right ;) One, I absolutely love the color combo!!   Two, it is also the school colors of my Alma Mater and this quilt was serving two purposes. The first purpose is to share here and try out a new ruler, done and done!!! And the second purpose was to be a special prize at a special fundraiser for Southern Utah University.   So I added one of my Complex Layered Applique (tutorial on how I make these found here)  of SUU Logo's after photographing it and it was all set for purpose two :)  Here is a shot of the lucky winner with her new Firecracker SUU Quilt ;)

And back to a few more details of the quilt making . . . when it came time to quilt this it seemed only right to quilt it with my all over fireworks design.   I mean, if you have a quilt called Firecrackers, of course Fireworks quilting is the perfect match :)

And I just love all of the yummy texture it adds!!!   And I quilted it with a gorgeous Red Fox #469 So Fine #50 Thread and I absolutely love how it blends in the red triangles and totally pops on the Black and White Kites!!!  So fun!!!

And that is Firecracker!!!!   I just love it!!!!!!   And if you love it too and wan't to make your own, you can find the Pattern Here ;)   Fat Quarter Shop has also put together a Quilt Kit for their original design using Prairie Fabrics by Corey Yoder for Moda and it can be found here with the backing set found here ;)

And if you are a little nervous wondering if you can try a new ruler as well, have no fear :)  Kimberly has put together this awesome You Tube tutorial video that will walk you through all of the steps and she has lots of great tips to help you line everything up just perfect so you know you will have a fantastic finish :)

And for lots more Firecrackers Quilt Eye Candy, be sure to pop around to all of the other stops along this little Firecracker Blog Hop!!!  It is so fun to see how different each quilt looks like just by changing up the fabrics ;)

Ants to Sugar by Daisy
Silly Mama Quilts by Brooke
On the Windy Side by Adrianne
Happy Quilting by Melissa  (that's me ;) 
627 Handworks by Julie
Must Love Quilts by Corinne
Mommy Sew by Jenn
Fly Away Quilts by Lauren

Thanks for popping in today and I hope you have a very Happy Quilting Weekend!!!!

Linking this finish up with Sarah's and Amanda's :) 
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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Playing with Petals

So remember last week when I said I cut out a bunch of applique for a new Daisy Chain quilt . . . well, what I didn't share then, was that I actually cut out quite a lot of extra applique.  Which took some extra time, and while I was cutting I kept telling myself how silly it was . . .   But I just couldn't decide how I wanted to colors to layout in the flowers.   And ya know, sometimes you just have to  play around with different layouts until you find the one you like ;)  

So . . . .I cut extra applique petals to give me lots of options.  And I am so glad I did, because I hadn't even thought of the layout I ended up with :)  The extra 20 minutes of cutting was totally worth it and now I have  these leftovers that will make up 4 more flowers . . . and I am sure I will find something fun to use them on ;)

I played around with lots of different layouts.  I started with the petals and centers in the same colors, then mixed them up, and I had the prints in the petals the same, and then mixed them up (and of course, I didn't think to save those pictures that I discarded as not quite there yet, sorry)  and eventually came across this layout which was the perfect combination of controlled scrappy that I didn't even know I was going for in the first place ;)  I love it!!! 

So last night I adhered all of the applique shapes in place and stacked them up all ready to be stitched this morning ;)

And wouldn't you know it, I just happened to get a lovely package of Aurifil Threads in the mail yesterday.  They are for another secret project I am working on . . . but I have a feeling they are going to work just perfect for some serious secure stitching today!!!   I am planning on using a blanket stitch for these and can;t wait to get going.  I love secure stitching applique, I find it so incredibly relaxing and I love seeing how it makes the applique pop!!

Time to get my stitching on ;)  

Oh, and if you are new to the wonderful world of applique and are wondering how to get started with it, you can check out my Applique Basics Video here ;)  I promise, you are going to love it!!!
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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!

It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day . . . let's have some fun :)

First, we need to announce the winner from last weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!   The winner of the fantastic Jingle Layer Cake from Shabby Fabrics . . . . . .   Number #308. . . Congrats Diana @ Red Delicious Life.!!   I have emailed you :)     


And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by The Scarlet Thread Quilt Co.  Along with hosting the giveaway, Julie is offering a special deal for all my readers.  Take $5.00 of your $25.00 or more purchase with the coupon code GRATEFUL !!!!!  The code will last until next Terrific Tuesday ;) 

And the Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is for a beautiful Charm Pack of  Wool & Needle III Flannels by Primitive Gatherings for Moda.  This is absolutely perfect for some fall project making and they are so soft!!!  

You have two entry chances, the second being optional, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.  Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that telling me what is your favorite thing to sew using flannels :)  
 I made this quilt using Wool & Needle Flannel II and just might be starting a new one using this awesome Wool and Flannel III line.  It is so soft and wonderful to work with!!!!!

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Scarlet Thread Quilt Co. love.   You can follow them on   FacebookInstagram, or Favorite their Shop.  Or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Scarlet Thread Quilt Co. Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, November 17th when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!

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Monday, November 9, 2015


Aloha!!  This last week my sweetheart had a conference in beautiful Kauai Hawaii, and so I got to go along for the ride and it was absolutely beautiful!!!

My plan was to work on write some patterns in the morning while he was in conference, but that quickly went out the window in exchange for sitting on the lanai and reading some great books!!  I mean can you blame me with a view like this.

We had such a wonderful time!!!  We enjoyed the beach and the waves, and we also got in two amazing (although they kicked my butt)  hikes!!  But the views made it totally worth it!!!

I lost track of how many times I just sat and watched and listened to the waves.  They are mesmerizing!!!  I absolutely love all the shades of greens and blues in the ocean.  Just amazing!!  I think I might have to put all my pics into so palette builders, so pretty :)

And like all good things, it must come to end. Although coming home to 5 wonderful children that were so excited to see us (and what we brought them ;)  sure makes it a whole lot easier to leave.

It was a wonderful little getaway and I just loved spending it with my absolute best friend in the whole world!!

And now, I am itching to get back into my sewing room.  Unpack, laundry, and then I am there ;)
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Friday, November 6, 2015

Cozy Cottage Tote

It's the Cozy Cottage Calendar Celebration this week and I am so excited to be a part of it!!!!   I turned my little cozy cottage's into this adorable tote!!  It is going to be just perfect for retreats!!

The cozy Cottage block is so much fun to make and goes together so quickly!!  The pattern for it is in the 2016 Calendar and has multiple size options and designs for pillows, wall hangings, and such.

I used Pie Making Day by Brenda Ratliff to make make my little cottages.  I love how bright and happy they are ;)   Wouldn't it be fn to live in such happy little cottages :)

And of course, the little lady wanted to model the cozy tote :)   I think I am going to have to borrow it from her now when I want to use it :)

Oh, and I was trying to harness my inner Lori Holt by taking pictures of this tote with  Barbara's beautiful antique treadle machine.  They just seemed to go together ;)   

Be sure and check out the Cozy Cottage Calendar!!!   It has so many beautiful pictures that will make an adorable addition to your sewing space this next year ;)   And then you can make up your own Cozy Cottages as well :)    And be sure to pop on over to the Celebration to see all of the amazing Cozy Cottage Creations!!  They are so fun!!!

Thanks for popping in today :)

Have a Happy Quilting Weekend!!!

Linking this finish up to Sarah's and Amanda's ;)

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Cutting, Cutting, and some more Cutting :)

In January of 2016, I have the wonderful opportunity to do a trunk show of the quilts from Irish Chain Quilts as part of the Quilt St. George Retreat!!!!  I can not wait as I love to share these quilts.  However, I realized a bit ago that I have a bit of problem as several of the quilts from Irish Chain Quilts are on a Shop Hop that has become so popular it is booked out way past January.  Meaning several of the quilts won't be home to show . . . .So  . . .  I am working on some remakes!!!  And it is so much fun to get to be making some of these again!!!!  This last weekend I spent Cutting, Cutting, and then Cutting some more for 3 new Irish Chain Quilts!!!

The first to be cut up was some of the cool toned leftover's I had from my Tucker Prairie Fat Eighth Bundle by One Canoe Two.  I just love these beautiful prints and paired off with that beautiful Navy Grunge it is going to make a stunning Breaking Up quilt!!!

Then it was time for some cutting with scissors instead of a rotary cutter.  And it was a lot of cutting but oh so much fun as I added in some favorite movies while cutting, ie. Pride and Prejudice, North and South, and Jane Eyre ;)   I used a beautiful layer cake of Flutter by Amanda Herring that I picked up at my first market!!!  It think it is going to make the prettiest Daisy Chain baby quilt!!!  I just love the oranges, reds, and blues together!!!

And finally, I grabbed all of my bits and pieces of different "whitish" solids and a beautiful bundle of Peppered Cottons that I picked up at this last Spring Market Sample Spree and got to cutting!!!   Don't you just love those beautiful trim leftover.  And yes, I love cool tones together, they are just so calming and happy making!!

And that huge stack of squares will be turned into a Bitty Bits quilt . . . only I will be doing the opposite layout this time, ie . . . the chain of triangles will be in the whites and the background will be in all the beautiful colors!!!  I can't wait to see it done so ya, I might have to start on this one first ;)

So now that all of that cutting is done . . . it is time to get sewing!!! 

Linking up these new WIP's to Lee's ;)
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