Monday, November 7, 2016

Starting Something New

Here I have been, trying to catch up on some WIP's the last few weeks.  I have managed to get 2 quilt tops sewn together, a finished top quilted, and all of my Splendid Sampler blocks caught up.  So now that I am just starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I decided it was time to add a new project.   I blame market, just so much fabric goodness on display makes me want to cut into some fabric goodness myself.  So I grabbed my Volume II Fat Quarter Bundle by Sweetwater for Moda from the shelf   and set to ironing :)  I really love ironing a stack of fat quarters while watching a favorite movie to end out the night!!!

And then the next morning, it was time to cut ;)   And my oh my, how I am just loving this stack of classic red, black, and white trimmings.   They are just so pretty!!

And before you knew it, I had my quilt all cute out.   A stack of large squares in black, white, and red, and a stack of small square is white.   So are you wondering what I am making yet??

Plume!!!!   I have wanted to make this quilt for quite some time.  It is just so fun and pretty in it's simple tweak on 4 patch goodness.  And why did I pull Volume II from the shelf . . .well because it is just perfect to make another classic red, white, and black quilt so I have one in reserve for when my Alma Mater needs one for an auction ;)  Always good to be prepared right ;)    And I have to say, I sure love that my Alma Mater's colors are red, black, and white, because it is such a classic color scheme and it means I get to sew with stunning bundles like this one!!!

And just in case you want to make up your own classic red, black, and white Plume quilt along with me . . . you can find the Plume Pattern in the Fat Quarter Style book by It's Sew Emma and you can find Fat Quarter Bundles of Volume II at Lou Lou's Fabric Shop or Fat Quarter Shop ;)  

All right, now I best get back to one of those WIP, as I have a tutorial to share on Wednesday and it isn't going to finish it self up ;)

Happy Quilting!!!
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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Splendid Sampler Saturday!!

And now it is Saturday, and I have the last of the  Splendid Sampler catch up to share with you;)   Here are the last 6 blocks I made last weekend that now has me all caught up with the release dates!!!  Yippee, so exciting!!!!

First up is the Rising Star block designed by Kathy Brown.  This was such a fun and fast block to put together.  What a great way to change up a basic 9 patch and create a little mini star peaking out of the center.   So cute!!  And I love the way it got a bit of a nautical feel to it as well ;)

Second is the Stripes and Flowers block designed by Siobhan Rogers.  And I have to say, I am pretty impressed with my points on this one.  Those little HST's are like 3/4" finished, and they all lined up and made such pretty little points.   I just can't help but smile every time I look at it.  I do love me so pretty points.  

Third is the Happy Thoughts block designed by Vanessa Goertzen.   This was another fun blocks of HST's and Flying Geese.  Those really are the bread and butter of block building sometimes.  There are just endless possibilities to create with these favorite units.   And I love the way Vanessa made up this spinning star.  So fun!!!

Fourth is the Wild Roses block designed by Pat Sloan.  I just loved making up this block.  I really played with a variety of purples, and just love the way it turned out.    And I always love a good bit of appliqueing, so fun and relaxing ;) 

Fifth is the Full Circle block designed by Holly DeGroot.  And this block was so cool to make up.  The templates are actually half of a circle, so it is like piecing 2 drunkards paths at the same time.  And I loved it!!!  Lots of pins of course, but oh so much fun.  I totally want to make a whole quilt of these now.   Such a cool design.  

And last but not least is the +Love  block designed by Jennifer Albaugh.  And this was a super adorable block.  So simple and yet so cute.   Mine looks a little like a nurses cap of old, but that made me smile, because it reminds me of one of the hats I wear as a mom and the love I share with my children as I care for them.  And now I will think of them each time I see this little block.  

And that's it ;)  All caught up with my  Splendid Sampler Fun !!!  And now that I am all caught up, I plan to stay caught up (even through the holiday's, hopefully ;)   So plan on next Saturday seeing some more Splendid Blocks ;)  

Have a very Happy Quilting Weekend!!!
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Friday, November 4, 2016

A Mini for Market

I didn't get to go to Market this last weekend, but I did get to send a little mini ;)   I was super excited when the wonderful folks at Riley Blake Designs asked if I could create a mini using their new Hashtag Blender.   And you know, it just had to be an Irish Chain right ;)   I decided on a Double Irish Chain as I haven't made one of those for myself yet.   So fun!!!

I had so much fun making up this mini :)   Those squares at 1" finished, so ya, lots of tiny piecing, which I just loved.   And the added applique with the button centers was just the perfect little pop to fill in those large white centers.   So cute!!!  I used the Coral and Grey Hashtag fabric with White Hashtag fabric in the background and they are all just so pretty together :)

And my little mini hung with some great company at market!!!  A whole wall of Hashtag Mini's, how adorable is that!!!  Such a variety of wonderful designs ;)

Oh, and I can't forget to mention the quilting :)   I just love a simple crosshatch quilting, and even though it takes a long time it is totally worth it (and much more manageable in a mini ;)  The crosshatching is 1/2" apart, so cute and tiny.  

And that is my little Double Irish Chain Market Mini ;)   And I can't sign off without sharing this final picture.  Barbara dropped this mini off to the folks at Riley Blake for me when she was in Salt Lake for the Cross Country State meet.   (My Father-in-Law is the coach of the Cedar CC Team) And how fun is it that the girls on the team all wanted to be in the pictures she was taking of my mini!!  Looks like future quilters in the making ;)

Have a Happy Quilting Weekend!!!

Linking up this finish to Amanda's, Sarah's, Quilt Story and Myra's :)

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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Splendid Sampler Saturday on Thrusday

And today, I am continuing on with my  Splendid Sampler catch up ;)   Here are 6 more blocks from September and October.  Almost all caught up and it feels so good!!!

First up is the Starting Point block designed by Lissa Alexander.  I loved Lissa's story that went along with this block and the idea of just jumping in ;)  The only way we can learn new things is by trying and I just loved how this block represents that.   So perfect!!

Second is the Homeward Bound block designed by Kelly Liddle.  And I have to say, I am so super excited because this was the first paper pieced block that I did for the Splendid Sampler that didn't have a little oopsie in it.   I am thinking the key for me is to stop worrying so much about waste and use slightly bigger pieces of fabric, that way you are guaranteed to cover the space ;)   Isn't this such a fun design, I love those arrows ;)

Third is the Circle of Friendship block designed by Michele Muska.   I love Dresden's, and this block was a fun play on a Dresden shape.  And of course, I raw edge appliqued it :)   And isn't the striped background just so fun.  Great added design feature Michele ;)

Fourth is the Traveler block designed by Pat Sloan.  Once again, it is nice to have a super quick block every once and a while to shake it up ;)   And I loved the way the four shades of orange played in this block.  I don't always get the right amount of shade variation in these blocks, but I was sure happy with this one!!

Fifth is the Hen and Chicks block designed by Heidi Kaisand.  And I have to say, when I choose the fabric for this block, I wasn't thinking to much about the print.  But how perfect is that red print, it totally looks like little chick and hen claw marks going across the dirt in fun patterns.  I really loved the play of colors in this block and it was such a fun one to piece together. 

And last but not least is the Icing on the Cake block designed by Kim Christopherson.  And I have to say, I have been looking forward to making this block since it was released.  I love that adorable cupcake.  It just doesn't get any cuter than that ;)  And yes, I was totally craving a cupcake the entire time I was making the block ;)  Gotta love it!!

And that is the second part of my Splendid Sampler Catch-up.   I will be sharing the last bit of  Splendid Sampler Fun on Saturday, and then I should be all caught up.  Yippee!!!   

Hope you are have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Splendid Sampler Saturday on Wednesday

So ya, I got a little behind in my Splendid Sampler, as in I pretty much missed all of September and October. But I took advantage of  missing market this last weekend and went full steam ahead to get all caught up.  It worked out great, because each time I finished a block, I treated myself with a little Instagram time to see what was happening in Texas ;)   And three days of that and I had 18 blocks done!!!   Yes, 18 blocks, so fun!!!   But I decided rather than making one super giant Splendid Sampler Saturday post, that it would be better to break them up a bit, so we are going to have 3 catch-up posts ;)   So let's see the first set of blocks!!

First up is the Summer's Gift block designed by Karla Eisenach of Sweetwater.  I love the fun pinwheel background of this block that makes that adorable applique flower just pop!!!  And it is so simple to make with just a few HST's that you don't even have to stress about lining up, as you are just going to applique over the center.  So fun!!

Second is the Flights of Fancy block designed by Joanna Figueroa.  Flying Geese and HST's are always my favorite.  These flying geese are obviously on the tiny side which makes all of those points all the more fun.   I love this bursting star design, so great!!!

Third is the Coneflower block designed by Pat Sloan.   I loved making this block.  You know I always love me some applique!!!  It went together so fast and don't you just love that striped fabric.  It was just perfect for the center of the flower.  

Fourth is the At Home Anywhere block designed by Jennifer Keltner from Martingale.  I altered this block slightly as somehow from cutting to stitching, I lost a window.  But I still think it turned out super cute, and I started with a polka dot theme for the house and background and was pleased to find I had enough yellow polka dot prints in my scrap drawer to do the whole block in different shades of polka dots.  So fun!!

Fifth is the Dedication Rose block designed by Lisa Bongean.  And wow, this was some serious applique.  But I just love the design.  So gorgeous and totally worth all of that cutting.  I wish however that I would have used a contrasting thread for the secure stitching, just so the individual pieces stood out a little more.  Ah well ;) 

And last but not least is the Whirling in Circles block designed by Deb Roberts.  And can I just say how much I love that striped background.  It really does make the star look like it is actually whirling. And I have to say, I was totally over the moon excited with how perfectly the center point came together.  So fun!!!

And that is the first part of my Splendid Sampler Catch-up.   And Can I just tell you how excited I am to be sharing these blocks again.   I forgot how fun these little 6" guys are to make up.   I will be back tomorrow with more Splendid Sampler Fun.   

Hope you are have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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