Sorry it has been a little quiet around here. I have been teaching the last few weeks and it has been oh so much fun, but also very busy!! I spent the end of Jan to the beginning of February on the Symphony of the Seas with some amazing ladies teaching my Summer Breeze quilt ;)
And totally random, but a fun part about cruising is coming back to your room and seeing what amazing creations your room attendant created with towels. I have seen the bear before but the penguin and the gorilla are totally new to me and so cool!!
And along with teaching a group of amazing ladies . . . I also got to spend a wonderful trip with my sweetheart!! This cruise doubled as a celebration of our 24th anniversary and I have to say . . . I just love this man of mine ;)
And one day after getting back from the cruise, I was teaching at another beautiful place . . . Bryce Canyon National Park. Okay, so we were actually at Ruby's Inn right outside the park, but you get the idea ;) This Quilty Friends retreat is held annually and I have been teaching at it for so many years. It truly is a favorite of mine ;) I love that at the beginning of the retreat, everyone brings their finishes from the past years class. Here is a student's gorgeous Double Dutch finish!!!
And now I am back home, and getting ready to teach this week at the Cedar Quilt Guild's annual retreat. This one is my local hometown so I will have a little more time to pop in and out here and share all of the fun :) Which is good, because I have a lot of posts to catch up on ;)
I hope you are all having a very Happy Quilting Day, Week, Month, and Year ;)