Saturday, June 18, 2022

Stars and Stripes Table Topper- HQM Quilt 11

  It is Week 10 of the Happy Quilting Marathon and this one is kind of a funny story on how it got picked for this week :)  Remember how I shared about the Liberty Boxes  . . . well mine came and I was super excited about the quilt project in it so I have been working on it all week and the top is done and it just needs to be quilted and bound.  So I was taking it to the Long Arm to "be quilted next" when I realized I needed to do my Quilting Marathon quilt for the week.  I looked in the closet of quilt tops and realized that my 2021 Liberty Box project was sitting there in the Marathon Waiting to be Quilted que.  Well, we can't finish 2022 before 2021, right . . . .  So here it is, the Stars and Stripes Table Topper!!!  

Isn't it just so fun!!!   This is one of those that I am smacking my head for not just quilting it when I finished piecing it a year ago.  It is the cutest table topper and it didn't take more than an hour to load, quilt, and bind it.   I just love all of the happy prints in red, white and blue, they just make me smile!!

I think my favorite part of this quilt is the white print with the red stars.  When cutting the project, I thought that was kind of weird to not just use the solid white there.  But now that it is all done, I just love the way it frames up the center block and makes the outside blocks have a cool interlocking look.  Just so festive!!! 

When I quilted it, I decided to stick with the 4th theme and do all over fireworks!!!  I haven't quilted this design in a while and forgot just how much fun it is to quilt.  And isn't it just perfect for this table topper, what a fun way to finish it off ;) 

And now, this will have a happy new home on my dining room table from now until the end of July!!  And I look forward to bringing it out each year to celebrate.  How grateful I am to live in a land of freedoms and am so thankful to the men and women who have fought to keep it that way.  

And that is Quilt #11 - Stars and Stripes!!  11 Down and only 15 more quilts to go in the Happy Quilting Marathon :)   Getting closer to half way!!!  

And that is it for today, thanks for popping in to share this finish with me!!! 

I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Weekend!!

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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Simply Plaid and Skyline!!!

A few weeks ago I was working on some secret sewing for my good friends at Moda Fabrics ;)  That led to some back and forth with the amazing Camille Roskelley!!!   And all the back and forth led to some pattern testing sample sewing.  And I tell you what, I just love working with other quilters!!!  This industry has so many amazing artist in it, and getting to work with others is just a joy :)   So I made 2 (plus the secret one I'm waiting to share) of Camille's new patterns and the first one was Simply Plaid!!! 

And isn't this quilt just so great!!!   I pulled from my stash to make this quilt.  I decided to use than older Pink B & C  Print as my "background" as I had the most of it.  The Red and White are both Blossom Basics and they make up the plaid.  I love how it really makes the pink just pop, so fun!!! 

The piecing in this quilt is mostly strip piecing so it went together so quickly!!!   I made the baby size, (37 x 45) but the pattern also has a throw and queen size quilt!  I so plan to make the queen size (90 x 90) next!!!  It is just so classic and wonderful!!!

And when it came time to quilt it, I used one of my favorites.   All over Swirls for the win.   So relaxing to quilt and I just love all the added curved texture!!!    And  good ol' 402 Pearl blended perfectly in all of these light and dark colors, it truly is my favorite!! 

 And now this quilt is just waiting for a little bundle of joy to arrive.   Do these colors together just totally remind you of Strawberry Shortcake??  She was a favorite of mine when I was a kid, and I just love the color combo for an all girl quilt!!!  

And we go from all girl, to all neutral!!!   A good friend just had a sweet baby boy and is doing the nursery in "neutrals" and so I knew right away that this new Skyline Quilt would be the perfect fit for a neutral baby boy quilt!!!   How fun is that!!!  

I have been doing a lot of Ombre Rainbow Quilts (see here) and I always have the neutral Fat Quarters left over.   So I figured they would be perfect for this quilt!!!  And isn't it fun how the ombre fabrics give some of the stars a secondary pattern look with the different color triangles in the center.  Really makes that pinwheel part of the star pop!!! 

You all know I love a great star quilt and this quilt was so much fun to put together!!!   I really love the half stars to offset the design, so great!!!  The pattern is for a lap size (67 x 78) quilt, but once you make the blocks, it is easy to make it larger or smaller depending on who you are making the quilt for. 

And when it came time to quilt it, I used another favorite!!  You can never go wrong with   Echoed Paisley Quilting with so much curved texture to soften all those points!!!    And  good ol' 402 Pearl again!!   And this quilt made me down to my last spool, time to order more ;)

And this quilt is now wrapped up and ready to be gifted.  I am so excited to see it hanging in the nursery.   Doesn't a neutral nursery just sound so fantastic!!! 

Camille's new patterns are now available in both Paper and PDF versions and can be found in her shop, or just about anywhere quilt supplies are sold ;)  Camille was kind enough to send me her new patterns, some stickers (that are so cute on my water bottle) and a yummy layer cake of her soon to be released Dwell fabric!!!   And looking at these, can you guess which quilt I did the secret sewing for???

Thanks for popping in to share this finish with me!!! 

I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Day!!

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Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Rose Compass in Rollin' Along & Book Giveaway!!!

Today is another fun day because I get to share a secret sewing project that I have been keeping secret for over a year!!!  So without further ado . . .here is Rose Compass!!!!

Rose Compass is featured in Martingale's newest compilation book Rollin' Along!!!  This fun book is filled with Jelly Roll Friendly projects from lots of Moda Bake Shop Chefs and compiled by Lissa Alexander.  And truly, there are so many great projects in this book, I have added quite a few of them to my "to make" list!!!

When I designed Rose Compass, I was playing with lots of Stitch and Flip corners and adding layers to see what I could come up with.   I loved that it reminded me of the Stars inside a compass, hence the name.  Because it is made with mostly Stitch and Flip units, it is really easy to make, and  comes together rather quickly and easily, which is awesome for a queen size quilt!!!!

I used Day in Paris by Zen Chic for Moda because I just loved the colors!!!   And I love how some of the lighter fabrics really blended into the background giving some secondary new looks to some of the blocks.   Whatever Jelly Roll you choose, it will look amazing, just be sure and get 2 of the same print as you have to repeat some of the strips ;)  

And for the quilting, I went with a personal favorite for gridline blocks, an all over L and E.  But to change it up, I did them all in one direction, going up.  I think it kind of has an old time parchment feel which went right along with the Rose Compass concept.    

And that is Rose Compass!! I hope you love it as much as I do.  It finishes at 90" x 90" and only has 16 blocks, so again, it's a quick queen size quilt!!   Gotta love big blocks!!! When you make your own Rose Compass quilts, I would love to see them! You can share your quilts with me on social media using hashtags  #happyquiltingwithmc  and tagging @happyquiltingmc or email me a picture at I can't wait to see your Rose Compass Quilts!!

And lets make it even easier to make your own with a giveaway!!!!!   Martingale has sent me a copy of Rollin' Along for one lucky Happy Quilting Reader, and of course, I will sign it before sending it out ;)  We will run this giveaway just like our Terrific Tuesday Giveaways ;) 

GIVEAWAY CLOSED - THE WINNER IS . . . # 91 - Danette    

You have two entry chances here on the blog, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment telling me what was the last Jelly Roll quilt you made ;)  

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Happy Quilting love. You can follow Happy Quilting on BloglovinEmail Updates, or RSS to get daily updates.  Or you can like Happy Quilting on InstagramFacebookPinterest, or Twitter .   Any one way will do . . . Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Happy Quilting Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, June 22nd, when I will announce a winner in a post :)

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!

That's all for today ;)  Thanks for popping in today and each day.  I just love being able to share my this passion with each of you on a daily basis ;)

Happy Quilting!!!

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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!

 It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!! Let's have some fun :)

First, we need to announce the winner from last Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!  
The winner of the $25.00 Gift Certificate from Olie and Evie is. .   Number #163 . . . Congrats sugarbeequilting!  I have messaged you :)  
And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by Fat Quarter Shop.   Fat Quarter Shop is amazing and they never cease to amaze me with everything they have going on at their shop!!!     And did you know they have a 24 Hour Flash Sale every day with 2 Flash Sales on Tuesdays!!   And not only do they have a daily deal, they have a Fabric Basic, Pattern, and Notion of the Month!!!!     All Bella Solids  by Moda Fabrics are on sale (Time to stock up!!!!! )   Also, All Sewline Products are on sale for the Notion  , and all  Fig Tree Quilts Patterns are on sale for the Pattern.   Save 20-30% off of all of them for the whole month of June!!  So great ;) 

24 Hour Flash Sales at the Fat Quarter Shop!

And for today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Fat Quarter Shop is giving away this gorgeous Sun Print 2022 Fat Eight Bundle by Allison Glass for Andover Fabrics!!!  I just love a rainbow of fabrics, and these are absolutely happy making :)  

You have two entry chances here on the blog, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me what fictional place would you most like to go to??

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Fat Quarter Shop love.   You can follow them on   FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestYou Tube or at their Blog.  You can Sign up for their Newsletter which will ensure you catch all of their amazing sales, or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Fat Quarter Shop Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, June 21st, when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

You can also pop over to my Instagram and/or Facebook to enter there as well :)  

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Saturday, June 11, 2022

Dream Big (oopsie) Quilt- HQM Quilt 10

 It is Week 10 of the Happy Quilting Marathon and this one was cutting it super close :)  I have been gone out of town this week, teaching 7 quilting classes and having such a blast!!!   And I knew I wouldn't be back until later today and still needed to do a marathon quilt .  So I decided to take one with me that I could quilt on my home machine in the evenings, after class.  So here it is, the Dream Big (oopsie) quilt!!!  

So why is it called the Dream Big (oopsie) quilt . . .because this was actually the original Dream Big quilt that I was making for my Charming Baby Quilts book.  However, when I finished the quilt top, I just wanted a little more print and a little less background in it.   So I redid some quilt math, and made a new Dream Big quilt top in the exact same fabrics, just with larger print areas :) And this poor Oopsie has been waiting ever since to get finished.  

 And I am so glad that is is now quilted and ready to be gifted for a special little one.   This is the perfect size quilt for car seats :)    And as I said, just like the original, I used 1 Summer Sweet Charm Pack by Sherri and Chelsi for Moda.  I love being able to whip up a quilt with just 1 Charm Pack, so fun!!!   And speaking of the Charming Baby Quilts book, I ran into a new friend at my quilt retreat that has had Charming Baby Quilts  since February and made all but 1 of the quilts in it, and she is working on that last one now.  How fun is that!!!! 

Since I was quilting this on my home machine, I figured I might as well quilt something that I can't quilt on the longarm :)   Which means, giant spiral!!!   This takes a little bit of time to quilt, but I just love the way it looks when it's all done.   So Great!!!   And I have a video tutorial on this Giant Spiral Quilting right here, just in case you want to try it out yourself ;) 

And like I said, I am super excited for this quilt to now go to a new little wee one.  Its the perfect Dream Big Summer Sweet quilt just in time for a Sweet Summer Baby ;)    And I so want to do some more giant spiral quilting now, it really is a happy way to finish up a quilt!!! 

And that is Quilt #10 - Dream Big (oopsie)!!  10 Down and only 16 more quilts to go in the Happy Quilting Marathon :)   So loving this Marathon!!!  

And that is it for today, thanks for popping in to share this finish with me!!! 

I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Weekend!!

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