Monday, September 19, 2011

VIBee Blocks Coming Along

Okay, so do you remember when I posted a little while back about how it is my Bee month in my VIBee Group??  And remember how I said I was doing a cute "Going Places" quilt for my son's bed??  Well, I am getting more and more excited about it with each new block that is done!!!!  And of course, I just had to show you!!!

This block is by Corey at Little Miss Shabby.  Oh my goodness, so super cute!!!

This block is by Angela at Cut To Pieces.  I just love the stitching she added!!!

This block is by Lynne at Lily's Quilts.  And yes, that is a Land Rover in Camo!!  Isn't it cool!!!!

This block is by Katie at Katie's Korner.  My son freaked out about this!!  He loves construction!!

So can you see why I am getting so excited!!!  The ladies in this group are simply amazing and I just can't wait to see this quilt all come together.  My son will be so excited he probably won't ever go to bed he will be so busy playing make believe with his quilt :)

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Winner of the Burgundy Button Sponsored Giveaway!!

Thanks to everyone that took the time to enter the Burgundy Button's Sponsored Giveaway.  It is so much fun to read all of your comments.  And speaking of reading them . . . I try to respond to all of the comments on my blog but recently decided to no longer reply to giveaway comments.  It was just getting to overwhelming.  Sorry.  But know that if you ever comment on any other post on my blog I will surly reply to you :)

I am also still trying to find the best way of doing giveaways.  I know some of you responded with the idea of just leaving one comment.  And I agree that makes it fair for all, and makes it super easy (no hoops to jump through).  However,  I also feel like it really isn't fair to my sponsors who are the ones graciously providing the prize for the giveaway.  I really like to try and help generate interest in their shops while doing giveaways (as honestly, that is the entire point behind giveaways, right :)  So I don't think that is an option right now.  But if you have any other suggestions, I would love to hear them :)

So . . . Let's get to what everyone really wants to hear about . . .The Winner!!!  If  Our Good Friend Mr. Random.Org will hand me the envelope . . . . .   And the Winner is . . . . .


Congrats to Shayshap!!!  Please email me your mailing address and your lovely hometown pack will get sent out to you asap :)

Thanks again, all!!  And have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Friday, September 16, 2011

STARS Quilt Along - Final Layout

**  NOTE  - This post is part of a series of post for the STARS Quilt-A-Long.  If you would like to join (and have a chance to win a $50.00 gift certificate to the Fat Quarter Shop ) you can find a list of the post links here :)

We have made it to the end!!  It is final layout day!!!  Way to go :)  Unfortunately, I am not quite as far as many of you and therefor today's tutorial will be with digital pictures instead of camera pictures.  I am sorry if this causes any issues for any of you.  I tried, but just couldn't get my stars all done and after 2 hours of straight contractions yesterday night (which eventually died off, grrr) I decided I better get this post up asap.  

So here it goes!!!


Star by laying your quilt blocks out in your desired arrangement.  For the Queen size you will be doing a 6 x 6 layout.  (If you are doing a different size just arrange them in rows as you desire).   Go ahead and play around with your blocks until you get them in an arrangement that is pleasing to the eye.

Once you like your arrangement you can sew your blocks into rows.  This is simple.  Just take the first block in the first row and lay it onto the second block in the second row with right sides together and pin.  Then sew a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge and press.  Keep adding blocks to the rows in this fashion until you have all 6 (or however many you are doing) sewn together.  Repeat this process for all of your rows.

And now that your rows are sewn together you can sew your rows into your quilt top.  This is the same process just on a larger scale.  Start by placing Row 1 onto Row 2 with right sides together.  Pin along the seam edge making sure to match up your seams at the corners of your blocks.   Sew 1/4" seam along the pinned edge and press.  

Repeat this process adding one row at a time until you have sewn all of your rows together.   Your Quilt top should now look just like your original layout but now it is all sewn together :)  Isn't it exciting!!!


Alright, so first we need to cut our border pieces and sew them into strips.  Sorry, no pictures here, but I am sure you are a master at cutting by now :)

Start with your 1/3 yard Inner Border fabric.  Cut it into 8 strips measuring 1 1/2" each.  This will use the entire 1/3 of the yard so cut carefully.  Now we want to turn those 8 strips into 4 strips so go ahead and lay 2 strips with right sides together and sew 1/4" seam along the 1 1/2" edge.  Press.  Repeat with the other strips to make a total of 4 strips measuring 1 1/2" x 86"ish.

Now onto your 1 1/4" yard Outer Border fabric.  Cut it into 8 strips measuring 5 1/2" each.  Once again, cut carefully.  And once again, we will be turning those 8 strips into 4 strips so lay 2 strips right sides together and sew 1/4" seam along the 5 1/2" edge.  Press.  Repeat with the other strips to make a total of 4 strips measuring 5 1/2" x 86"ish.  


Adding borders is fun and fast.  We will start by attaching the top and the bottom border first.  Lay the top small 1 1/2"  border along the top of the quilt with right sides together.  There will be excess hanging off but no worries.  I normally just align my borders as I sew and don't use pins but if you are more comfortable pinning you are welcome to.  Sew 1/4" seam along the edge and press.  Trim away the excess border fabric.  Repeat the same process for the border along the bottom of the quilt.  

 And now adding the sides is the exact same process.  Just align your side as you go sewing 1/4" seam along the edge.  Press your seam, trim the excess fabric and Whala!!  The first border is added.  Your top should look something like this.

 Now adding the second border is the exact same process as the smaller border.  Add your top and bottom border first.  (If you are doing a square you will want to make sure you are doing the same top and border first and that you haven't flipped the quilt :)  Then add the side borders second.

And Yippee Skippee!!!  Your entire quilt top is done!!!!   Way to go!!!  Don't you just want to sit back and stare at it :)  (I know I will as soon as I get it done)

I can't wait to see everyone's finished tops!!!   Be sure to post your finished top in our Flickr Group :)  It has been so much fun seeing everyone's progress!!!

And as always, should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at happyquiltingmelissa (at gmail (dot) com!!


Okay, this is where it all ends :(  I am actually sad to see this coming to a close.  It has been so much fun. I have just loved watching your stars come together and to see the amazing variety!!   Thank you to everyone that has participated along with me!!!  You are what makes doing things like this so worth the time.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

Since this is a rather large project I assume most will be sending their tops off to be quilted.  Or some of you might be brave and quilt it on your own but I understand that will take some time.  So because of those factors, you are not required to have your quilt completely finished in order to enter into the Fat Quarter Gift Certificate drawing. Just have your top done. 

So once you have finished your top . . .please either add a finished picture to our Flickr Group or email me a finished picture.  This will enter you into the Fat Quarter Shop Gift Certificate Drawing.  And since I am such a horrible example of procrastination I will give you some time to get your tops all done.  The deadline for the pictures will be the 29th of September and on the 30th I will do a Parade of Quilts on my Blog and announce the winners.  What a great way to end the month!!!

With all the above said about not having to finish your quilt I wanted to take the time to mention the following . . . Please don't let this fall into a lonely WIP pile.  You have put so much work into it.  And your blocks are all so amazing.  Please finish this up.  I promise to get mine done soon as well.    And please, please, feel free to add your completed project to the flickr group.  I just love to see things all quilted and bound.  So beautiful!!!


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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Work In Progress Wednesday

**NOTE - If you are looking for the Sweetwater Hometown Giveaway sponsored by Burgundy Buttons you can find it here :)

Alright, thanks to my biggest WIP (The soon to be delivery of our 5 child) I feel like it is  crunch time.  I have all of these commitments I need to keep and time is winding down until the wee one arrives.  Luckily, this last week was super productive as far as organizing, prioritizing, and cranking out some of those commitments.  However, I can't show most of any of it as it is all being saved for future posts (mostly on other's blogs :)

You know that song from Oklahoma "I'm Just A Girl Who Can't Say No".  Well that is me, not with kissing, but with taking on more quilting commitments.  I just have so much fun with challenges, guest posts, and designing, how can I pass any of them up.  I know that I am stretching myself thinner each time but I just can't help it, I can't say no :)

But, with all that said, I feel like this weekend really got me more on top of everything and hopefully, if I can keep the pace for a few more days, I will be ready to have the baby without any major concerns of missing any deadlines.

So . . . What can I show you for this weeks Work In Progress . . .

First off, I sewed my 2 patches into 4 patches for my hugs and kisses quilt.  This was mostly due to the need of having all of my pins back, I was going nuts only having 1/4 of them available :)

Second, I pulled out these lovelies from the Block-A-Palooza that I bombed out of.  I figured they would work perfect for the 100 Quilts for Kids Campaign  that Kate is putting on.  They are going to be collecting some at the Sewing Summit so I am hoping to have it finished by then :)

And lastly, I made a tiny bit more progress on my own individual STARS for the STARS Quilt-A-Long.  I have a feeling the layout post (set for Friday) will be digital as I don't see myself getting these all done by Friday.  Unfortunately, as much as I hate it, these just can't be top priority right now.  But hopefully, soon, very soon.    What is a girl to do??

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Celebrate Christmas!!!

Celebrate Christmas Quilt-Along and Super Deals for Quilters
So did you notice this button on the side of my blog??   Celebrate Christmas at the Quilting Gallery starts today!!!   36 designers were asked to make up a Christmas block and it kicked off today with a block by Pat Sloan! Why am  super excited about this??  Because I was asked to be one of those 36 designers!  My block won't be till November so there is a bit of waiting time. (but that is super nice for me so I can have the baby and all that jazz :) So make sure to follow along and enjoy the great prizes and even great deals on fabric and more.
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