Thursday, May 9, 2024

Quilts at h + h show!!

 So have you heard of  h + h americas??  It is a newish trade show for all things handmade that has pretty much taken the place of Spring Quilt Market.  Like spring market, it is a trade show for people making a living in crafts, so again, not open to the general public.   I look forward to being able to attend someday, but for now, I was lucky enough to have some of my quilts attend at this years show!!

This is my Wandering Star quilt, along with the amazing Lissa Alexander from Moda giving a booth tour :)   My quilt was the first stop on the tour so a grabbed a still from Lissa's video.    I have to say, getting asked to make a sampler of my own quilt design, so awesome!!!   Wandering Star will be the newest Happy Quilting Pattern coming this summer!!   You all know I love stars, and combining two different stars in this quilt was oh so much fun!!  I am also teaching this quilt at Garden of Quilts in September, so fun :)  And as you can see, the stunning fabrics I made this with are called Seaglass Summer by Sweetfire Road.   It will be available in Jan 2025, and it is just gorgeous!!  Of course, I was totally drawn to it because of those perfect purple prints :)

Next up, it's over to the Riley Blake booth.  I was asked by my good friends at Riley Blake to sew a few samples for this show.   And I was absolutely honored to make the Prairie Patchwork Quilt featuring Melissa Gilbert's (Laura Ingles from Little House on the Prairie) first fabric line, A Walk on the Prairie.  This quilt was such a fun one to make with all of that beautiful patchwork.   And I had even more fun custom quilting it for the show.   And what an honor to have Melissa Gilbert standing right there by the quilt I made, just so cool!!  A Walk on the Prairie will be coming in Sept. along with the pattern for this gorgeous Prairie Patchwork quilt by Modern Prairie.  

And the other sample I got to sew was this beautiful Mansfield Park Gate quilt!! I love that Riley Blake is making Jane Austin fabric lines, they are all just so lovely.  And boy oh boy, this quilt was some super fun patchwork!!!   Yes, that gate is made entirely of 1" finished strips, how cool is that :)  And again, I had oh so much fun custom quilting this for the show.   I did a wavy crosshatch in the center and then lots of custom work on the borders.   Again, just a joy to make . . . And you don't have to wait quite so long to make your own as this fabric ships in August.   

And those were the quilts that I made hanging in the h + h americas quilt show ;)   And it is also why I was a little quieter in April here, as I was behind the scenes making all 3 of these, tee hee hee.    I am so hoping that next year, or maybe the year after that, I will get to go and see the show in person!!  

Did you watch any of the booth tours from the show??   The nice thing is, there is so much video and social media, it is "almost" like you are there in person anyways ;)  

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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!

   It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!! Let's have some fun :)

First we need to pick a winner from last week ;)  

The winner of the Finding Wonder Fat Quarter Bundle  from Poppie Cotton   is . . .#1089  . .  .  Congrats  Lacie Grundy!     I have messaged you ;) 

And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by Fat Quarter Shop.   Fat Quarter Shop is amazing and they never cease to amaze me with everything they have going on at their shop!!!     And did you know they have a 24 Hour Flash Sale  and Precuts of the Week!!   You can also save big on the Basics of the Month!!!!     This month Bella Solids are on sale.   Also, Clover Notions are on sale for the Notion,   and all  A Quilting Life Patterns  are on sale for the Pattern.   Save 20% off of all of them for the whole month of May!!  So great ;)   

And for today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway  Fat Quarter Shop is giving away this to beautiful Flower Girl Layer Cake !!!    This is the fabric I used to make this Vintage Stitching quilt and it is just so pretty!!! 

You have two entry chances here on the blog, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me What is your favorite flower?? 

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Fat Quarter Shop love.   You can follow them on   FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestYou Tube or at their Blog.  You can Sign up for their Newsletter which will ensure you catch all of their amazing sales, or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Fat Quarter Shop Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, May 21st  when I will announce a winner at the beginning of the Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post in two weeks (I am teaching on a quilting cruise next week and will be away from internet :)

You can also pop over to my Instagram and/or Facebook to enter there as well :)  

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!

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Monday, May 6, 2024

Swirling Leaves - Pattern Error

 Well, I knew that at some point, I would be writting this post.   As much as we check, and check, and recheck, we are human.   And this weekend I got an email from a lovely shop owner letting me know there was an error in my Swirling Leaves pattern.  It is an image error, and I don't know how in the world we missed it, but we did.  

So, if you have the new edition of the Swirling Leaves pattern, the Making the Chain Block - Right Side Unit, should look like this.  It should not have the exact same image as the Left Side Unit.   
I am so sorry for this mistake and any inconvenience it causes you.  

And I want to try to make this right . . . So . . . If you have the PDF of Swirling Leaves and would like a new updated PDF, just send me an email and I will go through Etsy and send you a new updated PDF Pattern with the correct image.   If you have a Paper Copy of Swirling Leaves and would like a Sticker of the new images to place over the wrong images, simply send me an email with your address and I will mail you a set of 2 stickers with the corrected images on them that you can put in your paper copy.  

Again, I am so sorry for this error.  I have also added the Correction to my Pattern Page and it will be where you can always find corrections going forward.

But hopefully, they will be few and far between.   

And that is all for today :)  I hope you all have a very Happy Quilting Day!!! 

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Friday, May 3, 2024

Moonbeams Quilt Along - Release 3 - Peace and Plenty Blocks

 Today is the third block release of the Moonbeams Quilt Along and I am just so loving this QAL!  This is Fat Quarter Shop's 11th Annual Charity Quilt Along and they are always my favorite :)  The 1st Friday of each month will be a new release for blocks and today are the Peace and Plenty Blocks.   And how great are these blocks!!!  I just love how they spin and dance ;)  

I am using Imaginary Flowers for by Gingiber for my blocks.   I am just loving how all the prints pop on that beautiful navy background :)   And there are still some  Moonbeams Quilt Kit and Backing Set featuring Strawberry Lemonade Fabrics by Sherri and Chelsi for Moda Fabrics available, just in case you still want to jump in with this super fun QAL ;)     But of course, this quilt will look amazing in any fabrics you choose.  You can find the Fabric Requirements for the Moonbeams Quilt Along here!!! 

So are you joining in with the Moonbeams Quilt Along fun???   You can download the block pattern right here and it is requested for each pattern you download to donate $10.00  to the Make a Wish Foundation :)  And I am super excited to say that even though we are only on month 3,  Fat Quarter Shop's annual charity QAL has already raised over $21,000!!!  The goal is $100,000 which will allow for 16 wishes to be granted.  How awesome is that!!!  And Moda Fabrics and Fat Quarter Shop have joined to match up to $30,000 :)  So many amazing wishes :)  

Be sure to share all of your Moonbeams progress on social media with #moonbeamsqal and check out Fat Quarter Shops post for the Peace and Plenty Blocks for lots more Moonbeams Inspiration!!! 

And that's it for the Third Release in the Moonbeams Quilt Along!!!!      

Thanks for popping in today ;)  Have a Happy Quilting Day!!
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Thursday, May 2, 2024

April Sew Sampler!!!

 Its a new month and a New Year for the  Sew Sampler Box!!!   April is always an exciting month because you get a peek at the new Quilt Along . . . and I am determined to keep up this year!!!!  The theme for this month is Enchanted in April and it is just making me so happy!!!  This little aqua box is jam packed with amazing quilting goodness!!!   

I was so excited to see this new Flower Girl Bobbin Bloom Fat Quarter Bundle by My Sew Quilty Life!!!   I got to make the Vintage Stitching sample quilt with this fabric a little while back, and it is just beautiful!!  Everything is just so petite and precious, love it!!   And how adorable is that Bobbin Blooms pattern.   This one is going straight to the top of the "to make" list ;)  

And the notions for this new year of Sew Sampler are just so amazing!!!   I am so loving this Sew Creative Quilty Journal.  One side is lined and the other is graph paper, it is just perfect for when design inspiration hits.   Love it!!!   And the Crafty Clutch Kit is just so cute.   Again, my girls are fighting over who get to make this one ;)  And the Sew Happy Enamel Needle Minder is just sew cute, and perfect for this Happy Quilter!!! 

And with a new Sew Sampler year comes a new QAL!!!  This year is Pieceful Baskets.   The original is made in the gorgeous Shoreline Fabric by Camille Roskelley, and there are Kits Available.   But I wanted to try and push myself out of my comfort zone a bit and try a fun, bright background!!!   So I choose this Kona Lime Background, and then went to my stash of Fat Quarters to see what would be happy with it.   I choose this Milk and Honey bundle and I just love how happy these sweet vintage colors are on that happy spring green background ;)   Can't wait to watch this one come together ;)    

And that is April Sew Sampler Box.  I can't wait for May to make another Pieceful Basket block ;)  

Happy Quilting!!! 
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