Friday, August 19, 2011

STARS Quilt Along - Block 2

**  NOTE  - This post is part of a series of post for the STARS Quilt-A-Long.  If you would like to join you can find a list of the post links here :)

Alright, So let's get to BLOCK 2


Now remember, for the Queen size, you will be doing 6 blocks each of 6 different star pattern blocks.  and you can pick any combination of the below sizes you want for your blocks.   (If you are doing a smaller size, it is probably best to divide the total number of blocks you want by the 6 different blocks we will be making and then make that many Block 2's in varying sizes, or all the same if you wish :)

So, once you have decided on your star sizes you can use the following chart as your cutting guide.  I know this is small to see but if you click on it, it will open in a new window much larger :)

Alright, So as not to completely repeat, I am not going to go over cutting out the yardage again in this tutorial.  If you need hints on how to best cut your yardage please see the STEP 1 of the Block 1 tutorial.  It is the exact same process :)

So for 1 star block you should have cut from your yardage  1 Goose Square, 4 Corner Squares, 2 long sashings, and 2 short sashings. (of course in the designated chart sizes :)   Alright!!

Now for your prints.    So referring to the chart above you will cut 4 squares for your Center Square, 2 from  a fabric of your choice (referred to as fabric A) and 2 more from another fabric (referred to as fabric B).   You will then cut  4 Squares that will be used to make the star points out of a different fabric of your choice (referred to as fabric C).  Please remember, this is your own individual quilt and you do not have to follow this fabric guides exact.  If you want to do four different prints in the center go right ahead :)


Start by grabbing your four center squares and laying them out as follows.

Lay the left hand square onto the right hand square in each row with right sides together.  Pin along the edge.  Sew a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge.

Once you have clipped your threads, go ahead and press your seams.  You will want to make sure you press the two seams in opposite directions (I choose to go towards the darker print.)  This will help you to nest your seams and get a perfect center point.

You should now have 2 rows that look like this :)

Now simply lay the top row onto the bottom row with right sides together.  (Double check  that your prints are lying on the opposite print :)  Now go ahead and nest your center seam first and pin.  Then go ahead and pin the edges.  Sew a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge.

Once again clip your threads and you are ready to press.  I choose to press this seam open to avoid bulk in the center.  You may press any way you feel comfortable.

And Easy Peasy, you are done your center square.  Go ahead and set it aside for the moment :)

**NOTE - The remaining steps are done in the same way as we did  Block 1.  Therefore I will be going over them in a condensed version.  If you need extra notes or clarification on any of the remaining steps, please feel free to see the Block 1 Tutorial STEPS 2 - 4 that will further explain these steps.  


With right sides together, lay two of your smaller print squares onto your large background square as shown.  Using your ruler, draw a pen line diagonally from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.  Pin both sides of each square adjacent to that drawn line.  Stitch a 1/4" seam along both sides of the drawn line.

Clip your threads and then align your ruler along the drawn center line.  Cut your pieces apart along that drawn line.  Then press each piece towards your print fabric.

Grab your remaining two print squares and align them on your two pieces as follows with right sides together.  Once again, draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of the print squares from corner to corner.  Now go ahead and pin each piece and then once again, stitch a 1/4" seam along both sides of the drawn diagonal line.

Clip your threads and then using your ruler aligned along the drawn line, once again, cut your 2 seperate pieces apart.  Press each  of the four pieces towards the print.

Lastly, trim away all those little corners and WhaLa!!!  You have 4 perfect flying geese.


Now you have all of the pieces you need to put your block together.  Grab all of your pieces except for the sashings and lay them out as follows.  We will be stitching these in rows first and then putting the rows together.

So start by stitching your rows together.  Lay the left hand pieces onto the center pieces with right sides together and pin.  Then lay the right hand pieces onto the center pieces with right sides together and pin.  Stitch a 1/4" seam along all 6 of those pinned edges.  Clip your threads and press.    Slightly different than Block 1 - I choose to press the second or center row open to avoid bulk.  The first and  third rows I still pressed out.

And this is what your block should look like now. And now you can sew the rows together.  So lay your first row onto your center row with right sides together.  Make sure that you match up your seams first, and pin.  Then lay your third row up onto your center row with right sides together and pin the same.  Sew a 1/4" seam along both pinned edges.  Clip your threads and press (once again, I pressed seams open.)

And now you should have a beautiful block that looks something like this!!  Way to go, now you just have one step left :)


To make the block wonky we first have to add the sashings.  So grab those sashings that have been sitting aside and lay the short sashings on the top and bottom and the long sashings on the sides.  Lay your sashing onto the top and bottom of your block with right sides together.  Pin the edge.  Stitch a 1/4" along the top and the bottom of your block go ahead and clip your threads and then press out towards the sashing.

Now you can add the sides the exact same way as you did the bottom.   Pin, stitch, clip, and press :)

And your block is sashed and ready to be cut wonky style.  Grab your 12 1/2" square ruler or template and lay it on your block.  Find the angel you like (remembering to alternate angels on blocks) and trim the excess outside the template or ruler.

And Ta Da!!!  You have a finished 12 1/2" x 12 1/2" Wonky Block 2!!!!

Now you can go back and make 5 more (or how ever many you want for your size quilt)

And don't forget, we all want to see your progress, so be sure to post your first set of Block 2's in our Flickr Group :)  Your Block 1's looked great and I can't wait to see your Block 2's!!!

And as always, should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at happyquiltingmelissa (at gmail (dot) com!!

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thank You and a Favor :)

Thank you so much for all of the amazing warm birthday wishes!!! I so appreciate all of my wonderful bloggy friends.  You all made me feel terrific on my special day :)

And speaking of friends in Blog World, I was hoping you could all do me a quick favor.  My friend Lee from Freshly Pieced has entered into a design contest at Connecting Threads.  Can you just take a minuite to pop on over there and vote for her fabric.  If she wins she gets to design her own line of fabrics to coordinate with this design and how awesome would that be!!!  Isn't her design just adorable :)

Thanks again and have a Happy Quilting Day!!!  Oh, and check back tomorrow for the next STAR Quilt-A-Long Block Tutorial :)
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me :)

So today is my birthday.  I am now 32!!!  Yippee Skippee!!!  Thus far, it has been a splendid day.  My mother is visiting so she watched the kids this morning while I indulged in a lovely hot bath.  Which was followed by a lovely cool shower as I overheated in the bath.  One day I will remember that 8 months pregnant and steaming hot baths don't mix well together :)  I have spent the remainder of the morning reading and watching my mom make up dinner and birthday cakes.  What a treat!!!

I also got my birthday presents!!  What is it about presents that gets you so excited you are like a kid again.  So my first present has a bit of history with it.

 If you have ever read any of my tutorials you will recognize these two old guys.  I have had them since college.   The poor iron no longer holds water and doesn't heat even as it has been dropped one to many times.  The board looks so beat up, hardly has any padding left in it, and is major stained from tea dying.  I have had comments left on tutorials from things like "the smiley faces make them smile" all the way to anonymous comments saying "I should never take pictures on that ironing board as it is rather distracting and very unprofessional."   But they have been  good old friends.  But today I say goodbye to these old friends.

So as to make way for these new friends.  Oh my goodness, I am so excited.  I told my husband quite a while ago that I really wanted a new iron and board for my birthday.  I saw this one at the store and fell in love.  It is 18" wide, meaning I don't have to shift my blocks around when ironing them.  Think of the surface area I can cover without shifting fabric.  Yippee Skippee!!!  And I think that nice solid background will be a little less distracting in pictures.  (Although I am tempted to draw a smiley face on the corner just for old times :)

And my children got me another lovely addition for my sewing room.  A new phone.   I have missed so many calls since we moved.  I didn't have a phone in the basement (we have never had a place this big :) and I can not make it all the way up the stairs before the person calling gives up.  Now I won't even have to leave my chair.  Although people will probably get used to hearing the sewing machine in the background of our conversation.  (And don't you just love that beautiful fabric in the background!!  I couldn't help but add it in the picture :)

And as a final birthday gift, my husband brought me these beautiful roses at lunch.  I love red roses.  I know it is a total cliche but I never get tired of getting them.  They make my heart glad!!!

We'll I am off to go down and try out my new board and iron on some STAR blocks.  Seriously, I feel like a kid in Toys R Us.  I can't wait to play with my new toys :)

Have a Happy Quilting Day!!

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Monday, August 15, 2011

STARS Quilt Along - Block 1

Yippee Skippee,  It's Here!!!  First, let me apologize that this post is up much little later than I would have liked.  Oh my goodness, things have been a bit crazy, to say the least.  I had family come into town this weekend that I wasn't expecting and so spent most of the weekend with them during which time my camera took a swim in Emerald Pools at Zion.  It now has some serious issues of wanting to behave.  And on top of it all, I shipped my fabric to my old address in IN.    Like I said, Crazy!!!  So with that Apology . . . Let's get to the BLOCK 1 TUTORIAL!!!!!


So as mentioned earlier, for the Queen size, you will be doing 6 blocks each of 6 different star pattern blocks.  Now, to give each quilt  it's own individuality, I have given measurements for 5 different sizes for the star part of that block.  Each block will be the same size when completed by adding our wonky sashing but the inner star part can vary in size according to your preference.  I plan to do 2 Block 1's  in 3 different sizes for a total of 6 Block 1's.  You can choose to do any variation of sizes you would like.    (If you are doing a smaller size, it is probably best to divide the total number of blocks you want by the 6 different blocks we will be making and then make that many Block 1's in varying sizes, or all the same if you wish :)

So, once you have decided on your star sizes you can use the following chart as your cutting guide.  I know this is small to see but if you click on it, it will open in a new window much larger :)

Now, I know most of you can probably just refer to the above and do all of your cutting no problem.  But for those out there that are beginners, or those that just want to see how I cut my yardage, the following will go over cutting out your pieces from yardage.  Also, I tried to keep the Background yardage (mine is white) as close as possible without a ton of waste so if you need some tips on how best to cut your yardage to minimize waste you can follow along as well.

First off, always make sure you iron your yardage before cutting.  I tend to iron the area that I will be working with.  It only takes a minute and makes a big difference.  Once your yardage is pressed, lay it out on your mat with the folded line along the horizontal 0 line on your mat.  If you don't have a nice straight edge, use your ruler lined up along the last vertical line of your mat and cut a straight edge.

Now the best way to not waste is to cut a strip for the Goose Triangle Square first.  This is for a 10" Block 1 so I have cut a 6 1/4" strip by measuring over 6 1/4" from the edge of my fabric and aligning my ruler along the top and bottom grid lines on my mat and cutting.

Now go ahead and open your fabric as you don't need 2 layers.  Trim the selvage off the top.  Now to make the square, simply measure down from that newly trimmed line however large your square is and cut.  (Once again, I measured down 6 1/4").

(And this is where my camera had an issue and deleted a picture I had taken.  Sorry.)  You then want to measure down to cut your White Corner Blocks.  So find out the size of those squares.  You can cut 2 out of the width of this strip.  So measure down (mine is 3") and cut and then measure down again (once again, mine is 3") and cut.  Then simply subcut those two rectangles into four size corner squares (mine are 3"x 3") and you will have just have two 1/4" strips left over that can be trashed.

***Now I know you are going to want to cut the strips out of what is left but it is actually best to set it aside and use it again the next time you are doing a block of this size.  It will conserve more fabric.

So, now you can pull out your yardage again and you will be cutting out strips for the sashing.  You will need 2 strips.  So find what size sashing you need on the chart (mine are 2 1/4" wide) and cut 2 strips that are that width by the entire length of the fabric.  A little trick, if you use another ruler you can double check your measurement by laying it up along side your long ruler.  Then just make sure the cut edge is along the measurement of your width :)

Once you have your 2 strips cut you can sub-cut them to the length needed.  Just use your long ruler to measure in the desired length.     You should be able to get the 2 long sashings and 1 short sashing out of one strip and then the other short sashing out of the second strip.  Set the remaining sashing aside to be used once again when you are doing another Block this size :)

So that is your yardage cut, and you there was hardly any waste!  Good job!!  Just as review, you should have 1 Goose Square, 4 Corner Squares, 2 long sashings, and 2 short sashings.  Alright!!

Now for your print materials, I didn't bother to show ways to cutting as I know some are using yardage, some are using fat quarters, and some are using layer cakes.  Just try to conserve the best you can :)  So referring to the chart above you will cut one Center Square out a a fabric of your choice (referred to as fabric A) and then cut 4 smaller Squares that will be used to make the star points out of a different fabric of your choice (referred to as fabric B).  And if you wanted to add a little bit of random you could always do one in the same prints for A and B, it is totally up to you :)  You can make this as individual as you choose to!!


Okay, so I don't know about you, but my first quilt had tons of flying geese and I learned to be afraid of them.  Trying to sew on those little triangles was such a pain.  But never fear, there is now a much easier way to make flying geese blocks and you don't waste any fabric at all.  So here is how it is done.

With right sides together, lay two of your smaller print squares onto your large background square as shown.  Using your ruler, draw a pen line diagonally from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.

Now go ahead and pin both sides of each square adjacent to that drawn line.  Make sure to put them out far enough that your presser foot won't hit them as you sew on by :)  You will now be stitching a 1/4" seam along both sides of the drawn line (the black lines represent your stitching lines :)

To do this, align the 1/4" marker on your presser foot with the drawn line and sew down one side of the drawn line, rotate your fabric, and then sew down the opposite side of your drawn line.  **Note - If you food does not have a 1/4" marker on it you will want to draw the 1/4" line with a ruler and then sew directly on those two drawn lines.

Go ahead and clip your threads and then align your ruler along the drawn center line.  Cut your pieces apart along that drawn line.

Now you will want to press each piece towards your print fabric.  Don't these look like cute little hears :)

Now, grab your remaining two print squares and align them on your two pieces as follows with right sides together.  Once again, draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of the print squares from corner to corner.

Now go ahead and pin each piece far enough out that your foot will go by and then once again, stitch a 1/4" seam along both sides of the drawn diagonal line.

Go ahead and clip your threads and then using your ruler aligned along the drawn line, once again, cut your 2 seperate pieces apart.

Now just press towards the print again.  You will be pressing 4 individual pieces.

Lastly, trim away all those little corners and WhaLa!!!  You have 4 perfect flying geese without stitching together and triangles and without wasting any fabric!!  Super easy!!!


Now you have all of the pieces you need to put your block together.  Grab all of your pieces except for the sashings and lay them out as follows.  We will be stitching these in rows first and then putting the rows together.

So let's make some rows.  Lay the left hand pieces onto the center pieces with right sides together and pin.  Then lay the right hand pieces onto the center pieces with right sides together and pin.

Now you will stitch a 1/4" seam along all 6 of those pinned edges.  A small hint, to get really stellar points, make sure that when you are stitching the second or center row, that your stitch line goes directly through the center of the x that was made by your previous stitching of the flying geese.  (See the picture below)

Once all 6 seams are stitched, clip your threads and press.  You will want to press your second or center row in and your first and third rows out.  This way you will be able to nest your seams in the next step.

And this is what your block should look like now.  Everyone still with me, sweet!!

Now it is as simple as stitching the rows together.  So lay your first row onto your center row with right sides together.  Make sure that you match up your seams first, they should nest together just nicely.  Pin those and then pin your edges.  Now lay your third row up onto your center row with right sides together and pin the same.  Sew a 1/4" seam along both pinned edges.  Once again, make sure to cross right through the center of that x created from your previous piecing for nice perfect points.

Clip your threads and go ahead and press your seams.  I like to press these seams open to help avoid bulk but you can do whatever you are comfortable with.

And now you should have a beautiful block that looks something like this!!  And now you are ready to make it wonky!!  Let's go :)


To make the block wonky we first have to add the sashings.  So grab those sashings that have been sitting aside and lay them out as follows.

First, we will add the top and bottom sashing.  Just lay your sashing onto the top and bottom of your block with right sides together.  Pin the edge and then stitch a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge.

Another hint - when sewing sashings on to pieces it helps to just run your finger underneath the 2 layers when you get to a seam to make sure your seams are still laying the way you pressed them.  This just helps keep bulk down.  Also, if you are using white for sashing, you will most likely be able to see the points of your print underneath.  Once again, if you make sure to cross your stitch right over the top corner of your point you will end up with super nice points :)  

Once you have stitched along the top and the bottom of your block go ahead and clip your threads and then press out towards the sashing.

Now you can add the sides the exact same way as you did the bottom.   Pin, stitch, clip, and press :)

And your block is sashed and ready to become wonkified (not a real word but it looks fun :)

Grab your 12 1/2" square ruler.  Now if you don't have a 12 1/2" square ruler no worries.  You have 2 options.  Option 1 - Go our and buy one (they really are a handy little ruler to have and you can get them at JoAnn's with your coupons :)  or Option 2 - Tape 4 pieces of cardstock together, measure out 12 1/2" x 12 1/2" and cut so that you have a template.

Lay your ruler, or template onto your block.  Now spin it as much or as little as you like making sure that the edges are still within the edges of your block.  (It won't be a super angle but remember, a little wonky goes a long way :)  Play with it until you get the angle you like.  *** EDIT You will want to make sure that as you cut each of your blocks you alternate between having the top right corner of your ruler lean up, and the top right corner of your ruler lean down. Meaning make sure your use opposite angels.  This way some of your blocks will lean right and some will lean left.

Now simply trim away the excess from the outside of your template or ruler.

And Ta Da!!!  You have a finished 12 1/2" x 12 1/2" Wonky Block 1!!!!

Now you can go back and make 5 more (or how ever many you want for your size quilt)  Not to tuff right!!!  This Block 1 is the easiest, but they don't get to much tuffer.  I am just so excited!!!!  Can you just imagine it, Different Blocks, Different Size Stars, and Different Angles.  Oh my goodness, I get giddy just thinking about it!!!  It will be just like a constellation of stars!!!

And don't forget, we all want to see your progress, so be sure to post your first set of Block 1's in our Flickr Group :)  I can't wait to see your Block 1's!!!

And as always, should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at happyquiltingmelissa (at gmail (dot) com!!
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