** NOTE - This post is part of a series of posts for the Seeing Stars Quilt-A-Long. If you would like to join (and have a chance to win one of three $75.00 Gift Certificate grand prizes sponsored by Fat Quarter Shop you can find a list of the post links here :) Here is the schedule
September 26th - Piecing Top and Grand Prize Linky (That's Today!!!)
October 17th- Seeing Stars Parade and Grand Prize Winners
Now, first off for this week, we need to pick a winner for the Applique Star Block Assignment. And great job to everyone on getting all of those little stars done!!! I know it was a lot of cutting and stitching and you all did so great!!! Everyone's little stars are just so awesome!!!!
The Applique Star Block assignment winner who will be receiving a
Portsmouth Layer Cake from
Green Fairy Quilts is . . .
#39 - Mary S.!!! - Congrats :)
And here we go!!! I know we have all been excited to see all of those star blocks together, and now we are here!!! Its time to finish up our Quilt Tops!!! (And hopefully, get them quilted up :) So, so very exciting!!!!
Now that your blocks are all made you can piece your quilt top together!!! And I know some of you were so excited, you already stitched your entire quilt together, Yippee!!! You can just skip down to the fun Linky and Prize part :) And as always, I tried to explain the piecing of this quilt top so a beginner can follow along. If you are more experienced, feel free to skim as desired :) With that said . . .
Start by laying out all of your blocks using the below diagram as a guide. Feel free to switch around the placement of your similar sized blocks until you get a color layout that is pleasing to your eye. And then I highly recommend taking a picture of it so you have something to keep referring back to ;)
We will be sewing blocks together in the Sections indicated. This way we don't end up with any funny Y seams ;) Where each section is a little different, I will go over piecing each section. Mostly, you will just start with sewing all of the smallest size blocks together, and then keep moving up to make similar size rows or columns. And for the entire quilt, I press all the seams open ;)
Section A
So let's get started with Section A. It should look something like this. We will start by piecing the Applique Star Blocks together.
Place the first block in the column onto the second with right sides together and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge.
Then place the third block in the row onto the now stitched together first and second block with right sides together and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge. Continue in this fashion until you have stitched all of the Applique blocks together.
As I said at the beginning, I even press these seams open, just for consistency. But you can press them to the side if you prefer ;) Now we are going to sew the similar size units into rows.
So place the Improv Blocks with right sides together and the Applique Block Row onto the Curved Star Block with right sides together. Pin and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge.
Press the seams open and now you have 3 rows all of similar width. And they can be sewn together to complete section A.
So place the Improv Block row onto the Curved/Applique Row with right sides together. Pin and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge.
Then place the Double Star Block onto the sewn Star Blocks with right sides together. Pin and stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge. Press the seam open.
And just like that Section A is complete and you can set it aside and we are ready to move onto Section B.
Section B
So we are getting the idea of stitching together a section, so this time I am going to make the directions a little more concise because you know Right Sides Together and 1/4" seam, and pressing open, right ;)
So start by laying out all your Star Blocks for Section B. It should look something like this.
Fist off, Stitch both sets of your Applique Blocks together into pairs of two as shown.
Then stitch the Basic Block and the Horizontal Applique Block row together as shown.
Now, you are going to make 3 rows of similar widths. So piece the Improv. Star block to the pieced Basic and Applique Block row. Then piece the Basic Blocks to either side of the Vertical Applique Block row as shown.
Then simply sew the three rows together to complete section B. And set it aside.
Section C-G
You've got the hang of it now, so the directions are going to get even more concise, basically so this post doesn't take up 25 pages ;) So for each of the remaining sections, plan to piece the Purple circles first, followed by the Pink rectangles, and then the Blue rectangles.
So, for Section C layout all your blocks as shown. Sew the 3 horizontal Applique Star blocks and the 2 vertical Applique Star blocks together. Then sew the vertical Applique Star row and the Basic Star block together. Followed by sewing the 3 rows in the blue box together. And finally, sew all of the now pieced together Star Blocks in the blue box and the Double Star together. And that is Section C and you can set it aside.
For Section D layout all your blocks as shown. Sew the 3 Applique Star blocks together. Then sew the Applique Star row and the Improv Star block together. Also sew the 2 Basic Star blocks together. This makes 3 columns all the same height and you can simply sew them all together. And that is Section D and you can set it aside.
For Section E layout all your blocks as shown. Sew the 6 Applique Star blocks together. Sew the two Improv Star block together and also sew the two Pinwheel Star blocks together. Now sew the Improve Star row and the Applique Star row together. Then simply sew Pinwheel Star row and the Star blocks in the blue box together. And that is Section E and you can set it aside.
For Section F layout all your blocks as shown. Sew the 5 Applique Star blocks together. Now you will sew 3 sets of columns. Sew the Applique Star row and the Curved Star block together. Sew the 2 Improv Star blocks together. And sew the 3 Basic Star blocks together. This makes 3 columns all the same height and you can simply sew them all together. And that is Section F and you can set it aside.
And finally, for Section G layout all your blocks as shown. Sew the 2 Basic Star blocks together. Sew the Basic Star row and the Pinwheel Star block together. And lastly, sew the pieced Stars in the blue box and the Double Star block together. And That is Section G and you can set it aside.
And now with all of your blocks pieced into sections, you can sew the quilt top together. This is just like making the sections, only on a larger scale. Layout all your sections as shown below.
Start by stitching Section C and D together. Again, we are still pressing all the seams open.
Then sew Section B and the now Section C/D together.
Next, Stitch Section E and Section B/C/D together.
And now, you are going to be doing two seams. Start by stitching Section A and Section B/C/D/E together. Then Stitch Section F and G together. This will give you a Top and Bottom row.
Lastly, just stitch your Top and Bottom rows together to finish your quilt top!!!!!
Now give yourself a huge pat on the back, do a little happy dance, and maybe even a few shouts for joy!!!! You kept up, stitched away, and your Seeing Stars Quilt Top is done!!!! Huge Congrats!!!!
And now with your completed Quilt Top you are ready to enter the Grand Prize Linky!!!! So exciting!!!
Remember this from the start?? All those that finish their quilt top will be eligible for the
3 Grand Prizes. The Grand Prize's are sponsored
Fat Quarter Shop and huge Thank You goes out to them for the generosity of these prizes.
The three Grand Prize Winners will each receive a $75.00 Gift Certificate to Fat Quarter Shop!!! That is going to be some awesome fabric goodness!!!!
In order to be eligible to win the Grand Prize you need to Link Up your completed quilt top (not quilted yet, just the quilt top) at the end of this post!!! You have until the early, early morning of October 17th to get your quilt top sewn together and linked to be entered :) Remember, You have to have a link at the end of this post to be entered to win one of the Grand Prizes.
Now, as just mentioned, you only have to have your quilt top done to enter into the grand prize link up . . . However, I wanted to encourage you to finish these quilts and not set them in a pile of "to be quilted" so I am planning a Parade for the 17th of October :) The parade will show off all quilted and bound Seeing Stars Quilts!!
So, how do you finish up those quilts???
Baste It, Quilt It, and Bind It!! I know, I make it sound all so simple. If you are new to quilting, and need some help with these last few steps, you can see my Video Tutorials that go over the basics of how to do this ;) Also, there are some helpful free motion quilting tutorials if you are stuck on how you want to quilt your project ;)
Once you have your project Basted, Quilted, and Bound it is ready to be showcased it in the Parade. In order to have it in the parade, I need you to please send me an email at happyquiltingmelissa@gmail.com with your favorite finished Seeing Stars Quilt picture attached as well as your name the way you would like it listed with your photo, where you are from, and a blog, instagram, or flickr photostream link if applicable. You can email me anytime from now until the evening of October 16th and I will get you added to the Parade!!!
I am so looking forward to seeing everyone's finishes!!! It has been so fun to watch each set of your blocks being made and I can't wait to see them all together and done ;) Grand Prize winners will be announced on October 17th along with the amazing parade filled with all of your beautiful quilts.!!! I can't wait!!! I know this is just going to be an amazing parade with so much Star Goodness!!
So, in summary, Link up your finished quilt top (not quilted) at the end of this post by early morning October 17th to be entered for the grand prize linky. Email me a picture of your finished quilt (quilted and bound) with your name, where you are from, and a place to link your picture by October 16th to be part of the parade.
Alright, I know that was a lot. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to email me at happyquiltingmelissa@gmail.com, I don't want any one to miss out on the grand prizes or parades because of confusion ;)
I can't wait to see your Seeing Stars quilts!!! Thank you so much for quilting-a-long with me!!! It has been so much fun and I have loved watching you all try new things and having your pile of Star blocks grow!!!! Now, off you go to turn those blocks into a quilt :)
Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!