So one of the most frequently asked questions I get is how do I design my quilts?? And the answer is,
EQ!!!! I will see something that inspires me and either take a picture of it or draw a quick doodle, and then I sit at the computer and draw it up in
Electric Quilt. I have been using EQ 7 for about 8 years now and love it!!! I can't imagine doing what I do without it. But I will admit, I have been hesitant to upgrade to the new
EQ8 because I assumed there would be that whole learning curve time of figuring out a new program. Well, I can say now, I totally should not have hesitated because I finally switched over to
EQ8 and it is so awesome!!!!
My biggest concern with making the switch was thinking I would lose all of my old EQ7 files. Silly worry, they totally made it possible to transfer the files and it was a piece of cake. There was even a
step by step tutorial on EQ's site on how to do it. Which was good, because I realized as I saved each file, that I have over 200 quilt designs in this program!!! Wow, that is a lot!!! And I have to say, it was fun to get to see each of the quilts I have done over the years as I transferred them ;)
Oh, and on a total side note, If you are looking at the names of my quilts and wondering what's up with the extra numbers . . .I label all of my quilts in EQ with them to make them easier to find. My Pattern files start with a 1 (and you can spy 3 new working on patterns without numbers yet :) My Book quilts start with a 2 (as well as an Acronym of the book title). Published quilts start with a 3 (and MAG for Magazine or CB for Compilation Book). Quilt-Along quilts start with a 4, and Tutorial quilts start with a 5. And if I am working on something new I just label it with a name that leaves it at the bottom of the list. It just makes it so much easier to find what I am looking for in the 200 plus names of quilts ;) Just a little helpful hint in case you use EQ as well.
Okay, random side note done, back to the new EQ!! I love the new Fabric Library in
EQ8!!! EQ7 didn't have a whole lot of fabrics in the program so I got really good at Importing whatever I wanted to work with. Which of course, EQ8 still has so that is awesome as I love being able to see exactly what a certain fabric line will look like in the quilt design. But EQ8 also has lots of Basic fabrics already imported!! Like my favorite Moda Grunge, and Kona Cottons, and Bella Solids and the list goes on. And I just love the idea of being able to design knowing exactly what color solid I am using and not having to match up my best guess from the computer to a swatch card when I am done ;)
And that whole learning curve I was worried about, silly of me.
EQ8 kept the same basic structure of program, they just made it more user friendly. So you can design the same way you did in EQ7, but now the buttons are easier to find and flow with more sense. And what I really love, when I find something new in this program that I have no clue about (like the new create serendipity button) there are Tips with explanations right below it to explain the new feature to me. So smart!!!
And speaking of new features, I have been having so much fun playing around with the new Polydraw feature. It is like a CAD program where you are designing pieces rather than lines. And the Clone and Flip Left and Right options make drawing so much faster. Just draw one piece and then paste it to another spot. So fun!!! I have a feeling I will be exploring this section a whole lot more :)

So ya, I am wishing I would have made the switch a while ago ;) I am sure I will be sharing more of the
EQ8 stuff I learn over the next little bit. I am so glad I was introduced to EQ way back when. It really is such a wonderful program for anyone who has a desire to design quilts!! It was a total game changer for me, and I am excited to see what new features
EQ8 will add to my creative abilities. Oh, and just in case you are in the same boat I was, I was happy to find that you don't have to buy EQ8 outright if you already have a previous EQ program.
You can simply pay a smaller fee to Upgrade your already existing program. Isn't that just so sweet of EQ!!!
So ya, in summary, So glad I made the Switch and looking forward to lots more designing!!!
And now I am curious, do any of you wonderful readers EQ??? If not, have you thought about a quilt designing software?? Just wondering :)