Can you believe it!!! No Foolin Around . . . The Charming Baby Quilts Sew Along starts in 1 week from today!!! I can't wait ;) So today we are going over all of the Nitty Gritty ;) . There will be a post every Wednesday starting April 8th, until May 13th going over all the piecing, and then a Parade and Grand Prize drawing on November May 27th. So lets go over how it's going to work!!
The Charming Baby Sew Along is my own quilt design and uses blocks from my new
Charming Baby Quilts book to make a cute sampler quilt!!! This is a beginner friendly quilt that will be super fun and super easy. It finishes at a twin size of 66 x 88 so it will be great for a bed or just to snuggle up in.
There will be a new assignment each week, so hopefully everyone will be able to keep up even with the crazy lives that we all lead. (But if life does get crazy, and you fall behind, no worries!!! The tutorials will always be on my blog so you can come catch up whenever it works for you!!!) The schedule will be as follows
Intro, Fabric Requirements, and Prizes Announcement - Today!!!
April 8 - A Star is Born and Color in the Lines
April 15th - Dream Big and Hugs and Kisses
April 22nd - Just Blooming and On the Move
April 29th - Ring Around the Rosie and Shine Bright
May 6th - To the Moon and Twinkle Twinkle
May 13th - Quilt Fishing - Pieced Back - Grand Prize Linky
May 27th - Charming Baby Parade and Grand Prize Winner
So count on checking back each Wednesday to see what blocks you will be making :)
And with that, we are ready to talk fabrics!!!!
Below is an image of the Fabric requirements along with a schedule of posts. You can
go here for a printable version of this page. And Kimberly from Fat Quarter Shop is using the At Home Charm Packs, but that doesn't mean you have to use them. You can choose any 5
charm packs for this Sew Along, they don't have to be any fabric brand or type!!! And they don't even all have to be from the same line, mix and match as you desire ;) You can even do a Charming Baby Scrap Quilt and just pull 5" squares from your scrap bin. Just make it your own ;)
And just a side note, I will be showing everything with a white background fabric as I am using a white background,, but you don't have to use white, feel free to choose any color you like for the background and also, it doesn't have to be a solid :) For the binding,
I like to use darker colors so they create a good stop for the eye. And when it comes to the backing, we are adding a pieced block in it, so cute!!!
I am so very excited about the Prizes for this Quilt-A-Long!! I don't know about you, but I know that I am highly more motivated to keep up and finish when there are Prizes at stake ;)
Moda Fabrics has an amazing grand prize giveaway for all those who finish their quilt tops to enter. You could win this incredible collection of 18 Charm Packs, with these exclusive zipper pourches and cute sewing tins. Isn't that so great!!!! Think of all the Charming Baby Quilts you could make with all those Charms!!!
And there will also be prizes each week!!! I have blogging friends sewing along with me and each week one of them will be hosting a giveaway for 2 Charm Packs and a coordinating Aurifil thread!!! I will be sure to let you know each week where to go to enter the giveaway. But you can follow all my friends and Fat Quarter Shop to see lots of Charming Baby Quilts Sew Along inspiration!!!
Sewing Along Friends
Amanda Castor - Material Girl Quilts
Andy Knowlton - A Bright Corner
Beverly McCullough - Flamingo Toes
Melanie Call - A Bit of Scrap Stuff
Pat Sloan - Pat Sloan's Blog
Fat Quarter Shop Friends - The Jolly Jabber
So there is going to be a lot of wonderful fabric to be won!!! So sew on!!!
It's always fun when we share what we are working on!!! If you are Sewing Along and have a blog, It would be wonderful if you added the button to your blog :) It really helps to spread the word and the more that Sew Along the better!!! If you have already added the button, thank you!!!
And if you use Facebook or Instagram and are posting your progress on your social media, be sure and use the Hashtag #charmingbabyquilts Then we can all easily find and see each others work on facebook and instagram as well ;)
If you don't use social media, I will be including a link at the end of each post where you can share a picture of your progress ;) The Grand Prize will also be drawn from a Link :)
So that just about wraps it up!!! You have another week to round up your fabric and the first blocks will be posted on April 8th!!!
And if you have any questions at all regarding the Charming Baby Sew Along please do not hesitate to email me at or comment below. And again,
please feel free to make your quilt your own. What ever you envision, you make it yours, all finished quilt tops will be eligible for the grand prize :)
Now . . . Let's get Sewing-Along!!! For this week you can . . .
Add the fabrics you will be using for the sew along to social media using #charmingbabyquilts or email me a picture at I am so excited to see all of your fun fabric choices ;)
Have a Happy Quilting Day!!