January 14 - Cutting Post
January 21 - Goose in the Corner and Half Square Triangles
January 28 - Flying Geese
February 4 - Building Blocks - At least 2
February 11 - Finish Blocks and Sashing
February 18 - Baste it, Quilt it, Bind It
March 4 - Starburst Parade and Grand Prizes
Alright, We need a winner for last week's assignment!!
The Quilt Top winner who gets a Amy Butler Spots Charm Pack is . . .#10 -Mary- Congrats :)
I am so excited for this week!! This weeks assignment is to finish your quilt top!! I just love seeing it all come together!!
So basically, finishing a quilt consists of 3 steps. Basting, Quilting, and Binding. Which sounds so simple but is actually a rather large part of making the quilt. If you are new to quilting, I thought you might find these three video's helpful. They go over the basics of these three steps and the options available to you and will be this weeks "tutorials ".
Oh . . . and if you are stuck on what type of quilting to do, you can see my Free Motion Quilting Video Tutorials here. Maybe one will help to spark an idea and show you how to do it :)
So once it's finished up then what??? Let's review!!!
A $75.00 Gift Certificate that you can spend as you like!!
In order to be eligible to win the Grand Prize you need to Link Up your completed quilt top (not quilted yet, just the quilt top) at the end of last weeks post that you can find here! There is no linky this week to link up to :) You have until March 4th to get your quilt top sewn together and linked to be entered :)
Now, as just mentioned, you only have to have your quilt top done to enter into the grand prize link up . . . but I wanted to encourage you to finish these quilts and not set the quilt top in a pile of "to be quilted" so . . . I am planning a little Parade for the 4th of March :) The parade will be for quilted and bound Starburst Quilts!! So, if you would like your quilt to be in the Parade, please send me an email (happyquiltingmelissa@gmail.com) with your favorite Starburst Quilt picture attached as well as the name you would like your photo listed with, where you are from, and a blog or flickr photostream link if applicable. You can email me anytime from now until the morning of the 4th and I will get you added to the Parade!!!
I am so looking forward to seeing everyone's finishes!!! You can decide if you would like to add your finish picture to the Flickr group now or wait until after the parade to keep it a secret :) Grand Prize winners will be announced on March 4th followed by an amazing parade filled with all of your beautiful quilts!!! Can't wait!!!
So now what do you do???
Baste, Quilt, and Bind!!
Then email me your finish by March 4!!!!
Any questions?? Send them to happyquiltingmelissa@gmail.com
Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
Wow delighted to be winner of a charm pack - thanks.
ReplyDeleteI'm now on to the binding, 2 sides almost sewn down, a few more evenings on the sofa and it will be done!
I should have mine back from the longarmer on Thurs - binding is made a waiting!!
ReplyDeleteMelissa, What a great job you have done with your video on quilting. Thanks for providing good information to us less experienced quilters.
ReplyDeleteI almost have the top done. It is soo big. I just have the outer boarders at this point to do. I bought a can of spray basting to (hopefully) help things along!
ReplyDeleteI was all excited and got all ready to baste my quilt and then i couldn't find my basting pins......yeah, all in use. Note to self, don't baste quilts you don't intend to quilt anytime soon.... hahahahaaaa
ReplyDeleteMelissa, what did you mean from a few posts ago, to save your scraps from your fat quarters for a scrappy binding?
ReplyDeleteWill you tell us how you like to make scrappy bindings?
and what ideas do you have to quilt these large beautiful areas of our Starbursts?