Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Quiltmaker Shuffle

Who knew that on top of all the mad quilting skills, that we could also dance!!!  While at Market in Portland, Barbara (my MIL) and I get our groove on with some of the 100 block designers and friends doing the Quiltmaker Shuffle.

This was so much fun!!!  Saturday morning, before the floor opened, we met with this little mob of friends.  We laughed, got super silly, danced with minimal stepping on toes, and then laughed a whole lot more. And as you tell by the video, we really had a great time!!

To find out more about the idea behind this and see the video on how to learn the Quiltmaker Shuffle pop on over to Quilty Pleasures.

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  1. LOL this is great. I too love the moves with the words.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Looks like everyone was having a ball! Gudrun Erla came to our guilds "Quilts and Coffee" in May. Everyone really enjoyed her presentation.

  3. lol,thats was awesome,well done.xx

  4. I loved it. Made me wish I was there

  5. That looks like such a blast! :)

    -Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  6. I saw you!! Looks like it was great fun!! :-D thanks for sharing: I read about the Shuffle, but hadn't seen it yet! Have a great day tomorrow!! Hugs, H in Healdsburg

  7. Lol, think some of you need dance classes before next year ;o)


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
