Saturday, July 2, 2016

Splendid Sampler Saturday

It's Saturday and its another two for one day for the  Splendid Sampler post :)   I can't believe we are in July!!!  That means we are almost at the half way point, so fun!!!  So, onto the blocks.

First up, Dashing by Chocolate block designed by Laura Flynn.  This one was a lot of fun to make up and wen together nice and quick ;)  Just some fun flying geese and a few half square triangles and then it is like making a 9 patch ;)  So fun!!

Second is the Vintage Flower Basket block designed by Pam Vieira McGinnis.  This is another one that I just loved!!!  How adorable is that little basket brimming with the flowers.  And the ric-rac, adorable!!!  I do wish I would have used a different color other than white to outline everything as it doesn't show up on the flowers great, but what ya gonna do :)

And Third is the Balls In The Air block designed by Aylin Ozturk.  This was another one of those paper piecing blocks that worked me a little.  I did simply the piecing just a big, but when I went to put the whole block together it didn't line up perfectly, and that is driving me a little nuts.  I need to flip through my new paper piecing book and find some hints on how to get all of the paper pieced sections to match up when you sew them all together ;)

And Finally, Flights of Friendship block designed by Barbara Groves and Mary Jacobson.   I loved that story that Barbara and Mary had to go along with this block, and I just had to smile at it because those two gals are some of the sweetest, nicest, people you will ever meet ;)   I am so happy to have them as friends!!!

And with that, we are all caught up again, just to get behind again as I won't be in internet range next Saturday ;)  Ah well, it's all good and most importantly, it is oh so much fun!!!!  

Have a Happy Quilting Weekend!!!
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  1. Love your yellow Flower basket. A trick I learned from Carol Doak on matching paper pieced units is to use a long stich length to baste the parts together first. If they match up, great. Just restitch over your basting stitches and you are done. If the pieces don't match up, it is easy to take out the basting stitches and realign the pieces. Hope that helps.

  2. Wow - you have been busy. Beautiful blocks!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
