Wednesday, July 19, 2017

July Aurifil Designer BOM

The July Aurifil Designer Block of the Month was released a few days ago and I was so excited to try it out because it was trying something new, Reverse Applique!!!   I have done a bit of reverse applique but not a fancy design like this before.    And now your thinking, Hey, that's not reverse applique, more on that later ;)   But for now, let's just say that July's block was all about Orange and  Shruti Dandekar created a super awesome Reverse Applique block.  Isn't that just a gorgeous design!!!

It really is such a gorgeous design!!!  I just love all of the detail in it, especially the little tendril hooks, so delicate!!!  And I just love how it pops on the orange background.  And speaking of that orange background, that is what led to my block not being Reverse Applique.

Here is where we keep things real.  This was my first attempt at the block.  I was doing the reverse applique and got to this point and realized that I wanted to switch the orange and the white placement because I wanted to block to read Orange and not White with a little bit of orange.   So I cut two more squares and was ready to start over and realized that I just wasn't digging all of that cutting.  It wasn't so much the time it took to cut out the reverse applique, rather it was just driving me nuts that no matter how hard I tried, I wasn't able to cut out the inside of that applique and still have it look straight and even.  I just felt like this was such a pretty design and I wasn't doing it justice with my not so straight edges.  So ya, my need for "even" got the better of me and I switched to regular fusible applique.    

I know, I whimped out, but I have to say, I really like the finished look with the beautiful blanket stitch that just frames up that gorgeous design so nicely. (so for my own sanity, I am glad I whimped out ;)    I used my Aurifil 2235 Orange thread for that blanket stitch (which I was also happy to switch out from the original block as I was kicking myself during all that cutting that I didn't stitch in the contrasting orange thread)  and I just love how it makes that gorgeous design just pop right off of that beautiful orange background.  So fun!!!

So that is my Aurifil July Block!!!  You can find Shruti's fantastic pattern for this block right over here and then be sure to pop over here to read Shruti's  interview.     And if you make your own Reverse Applique Block (or regular applique if you follow my lead) , be sure and enter a picture of it at Pat's blog ;)  Every entry  is eligible to win a Large Aurifil Thread Kit!!!!!  

So excited to see this rainbow of blocks come together!!!  Can't wait for next month's block ;)  

Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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  1. So... what are you going to do with that unfinished reverse block? I'm dying to know!
    Also, I just watched a BBC show where the main actress looked just like you! It was shocking. You have any cousins in England who are actresses?

  2. Melissa, holy cow! this is a beautiful block. I do not know if I would have the patience to make this, it looks pretty tedious
    Well done!

  3. Oh, my goodness, how pretty! A little over my head, though!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
