Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 in the Books . . . Bring on 2020!!!!

Wow, what a year . . . an so exciting to be moving into a new decade.   I just love this end of year post that allows me to step back and see what the year has brought me.   And looking forward to this new year is just so exciting, its a whole new decade and I will also be celebrating a decade of writting Happy Quilting.  Just Wow  !!!!  So let's take a look of what has been happening over the past year!!

41 Quilts 
 (including sneak peeks at some new patterns to be released in 2020 that I haven't shared yet :)

8 Mini's & Projects

 Countless Blocks including:
Bee, Dessert Sampler, Goodness Grows, Scraptastic Stars, and Surrounded  

And a Whole lot of Teaching!!! 

And that's Happy Quilting 2019!!!! Wow, what an incredible year!!!   And it is just so amazing to see it all together in one neat little summary ;)   You can see more details about all of the quilts in my Archive Cont. Tab at the top of the page including links to the quilts with tutorials and of course, the annual Quilt Along ;)

As I look back over this past year, I just can't even express how grateful I am to have found this amazing industry to be a part of.  I just love doing what I do each and every day!!!   I am so blessed by all of the wonderful friends I have made through this quilting journey, and I look forward to making many more.  Thank you so much for reaching out to me in comments, emails, and sharing your pictures.  It just warms my heart and again, reminds me of how blessed I am to be able to enjoy Happy Quilting every day :)

And now, It's time to look forward to 2020!!!

Wow, that is just crazy.  2020!!!  A new Decade and a celebration of writting Happy Quilting for a Decade ;)  Just amazing!!!

So what does 2020 hold in store . . . Lot's more Happy Quilting :)     Of course, my new book comes out in March of 2020 and a Quilt Along from the book will follow soon after that.  I have 5 New Patterns that are all just needing to be written, and I hope to have them done in the beginning of 2020.   And of course, there will be lots of daily Happy Quilting fun!!!

Each year, I hang a little print off in my sewing room that serves as a daily reminder of what I want to accomplish creatively in the year while trying to keep up with life as well ;)   Which is going to be a little crazy as we are going to be adding a Kitchen Remodel into the mix in 2020 as well.  (that should be crazy fun!!!)  So I have made my goals accordingly.    Some of these are repeats from previous years and some are new, but all are important for me on this amazing journey.

1 -  Priorities, Priorities, Priorities
2 -  Daily Enjoyment and Accomplishment
3 -  Remember the Big Picture
4 -  Family First and Foremost

And again, these probably only make sense to me but there are so many thoughts tied up in each of those little statements.   They will  be wonderful reminders to me each and every day and I look forward to them guiding me in my 2020 Creative Journey!!

And One Last Thought Before I Wrap This Up . . . Thank you!!!!

I know those are just two simple little words, but I mean them truly.   I can't believe I have been writting here for almost 10 years, and if it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't be.   I am so incredibly grateful for each of you and am blessed to have been able to share this little space for almost a decade!!!

And I guess that means it is time to say goodbye to 2019 and look towards 2020!!!!!  Here is looking forward to lots and lots of Happy Quilting!!!!!!
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  1. This is awesome! You should be proud.

  2. Welcome to your new decade. My wish for you is that the love and joy you have found over this past decade follows you right through the next . Happy quilting, and Melissa, I agree family first always.

  3. Happy New year! And thank you for sharing so much quilting joy, inspiration, and FUN!

  4. Happy New Year Dear Melissa.
    I am so happy to read your blog and see all of your creations, creativity and enthusiasm


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
