Friday, December 6, 2019

Grandstand Quilt and Fresh Fat-Quarter Quilts!!!

I was thrilled when my good friend Andy Knowlton asked if I wanted to be part of her new Fresh Fat-Quarter Quilts Book Tour .   I just love Andy, she is the nicest person you will ever meet!!!  And I absolutely love her quilt designs so of course, I was all in.    Andy's Fresh Fat-Quarter Quilts book is filled with 12 beautiful quilts all made with 6, 8, 10, 12, or 14 Fat Quarters!!   And who doesn't love Fat Quarters!!!

  And I knew right away which quilt I wanted to make first!!!   The Grandstand Quilt!!!!

You all know that I make Rally quilts for my Alma Mater, Southern Utah Universtiy, that raise funds for scholarships.   So with a name like Grandstand, it was a no brainer to make it up in red, white, and black for another amazing Rally Quilt!!!   

I absolutely love the geometric goodness of this quilt!!!  And I love that Andy added solid squares in the mix to give it a super modern feel.  It totally reminds me of Pete Mondrian's work.  So cool :)

And although the book is all about Fat Quarters,  I decided to raid my black and white scrap stash and was pleasantly surprised to find I had enough in scraps to cut all of the pieces for this quilt!!!   It would have cut out a lot faster in  Fat Quarters, but you gotta love that you can also make this gorgeous quilt as a scrap buster :)   I just added a Red Solid and Wha La!!!  

When it came time to quilt, I decided a nice open centered swirl would compliment all of those straight lines quite nicely.  I always love adding some curvy texture to a super straight quilt, it just goes so nicely.   And I love using red thread on the black and white prints and it just adds a little pop!!!

And I love that this Grandstand quilt finishes at 76" x 87" so it is a nice big size to snuggle up in.  Perfect for one of those frosty Utah football games ;)     And I was so happy that the array of lights and darks in the prints really added an extra depth to the quilt.  So fun!!!

And that is my Grandstand Quilt!!!   And I am just thrilled with the way it came together.  I can't wait to add an Appliqued Logo to it and get it over the the University.   I can not even begin to express how much it warms my heart to be able to use my love of quilting to give back to the school that I have so many cherished memories of!!!

Oh, and tomorrow the  Fresh Fat-Quarter Quilts Book Tour comes to an end, but you can still look back and see all of the awesome projects made from Andy's incredible new book, Fresh Fat-Quarter Quilts!!!    You know I already have a few more quilts from it's pages added to my "To Make" list :)

 Thanks for popping in today and each and every day!!!

I hope you have a very Happy Quilting Weekend!!!
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  1. this is a really fun quilt!! I love it

  2. Love that quilt Melissa! That red background just makes it so fun and bright and modern: the winner of that quilt will sure be happy!! :-) hugs, H

  3. Love your grandstand quilt. Very new to instergram so lost your reply about could you tell me where I can buy the pattern
    My email is
    Thank you


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
