Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!

  It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!! Let's have some fun :)

First we need to pick a winner from last week ;)  

The winner of the Pick any Lou Lou  Bundle from Lou Lou's Fabric Shop  is . . .#693  . . Congrats . . nanaofcka!     I have messaged you ;) 


And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by  Thousands of Bolts .   Thousands of Bolts has incredible prices that will have you super excited!!!  There are thousands of bolts to choose from and all at amazing prices, staring as low as $5.39 a yard!!!   And they have just introduced dozens and dozens of new fabrics to the inventory!!  Be sure to check it out :)    

And for Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway,  Thousands of Bolts is giving one lucky winner at $25.00 Gift Certificate!!!  You can get just what you always wanted :)   And good luck picking because there are literally thousands of bolts to choose from!!!!   

You have two entry chances here on the blog, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me If you could live in a book, what book would it be??? 

 ENTRY 2 - Lets show Thousands of Bolts some Love!!!!   You can follow them on   Facebook or Instagram.  Or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Thousand of Bolts Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next March 5th, when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

You can also pop over to my Instagram and/or Facebook to enter there as well :)  

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
Pin It!


  1. If I could live in a book, it would be the book of Matthew in the Bible. I would find Jesus and hang out around him.

  2. I don’t know why I’m showing up as anonymous but I wrote the comment above! I follow Thousands of Bolts and Just One Nut on Instagram. Because it shows at anonymous, my Insta account is Blossom and Bev (in case I am the lucky winner-lol)

  3. If I could live in a book it would have to be Alice in Wonderland. Life is so full of adventures especially when we dive into the rabbit hole of quilting😉

  4. Brenda Baughman @brendaisquiltingFebruary 27, 2024 at 9:14 AM

    I followin Instagram

    1. I’d be in the book the Virginian since it was penned from a hotel in Wyoming.

  5. Brenda Baughman @@brendaisquiltingFebruary 27, 2024 at 9:36 AM

    I would love to live in the first Harry Potter book. To go to school at Hogwarts and learn about magic.

  6. The Bible, and to be one of His followers.
    nrbird at Gmail dot com

  7. I've already liked them!
    nrbird at Gmail dot com

  8. If I could live in a book it would be Around the World in 80 Days - what an adventure! cmberry@lsu.edu

  9. I would have to pick first and foremost the Bible. I tlive in that time as a follower of Jesus and to hear him speak would be amazing.

  10. I would live in the Harry Potter books or Twilight books.

  11. Having just re-read Heidi (read it several times as a child) I would choose to live in the Alps.

  12. I follow them
    on Facebook!
    Carla from Arizona

  13. I love reading but
    haven't found a story
    I would live in.
    Carla from Arizona

  14. I would like to live in the Little House Books by Laura Ingall Wilder.

  15. Favorite item in their shop is Quilting Treasures
    Sew Lovely.

  16. TOB has a great selection of widebacks!

  17. I think it would be fun to visit any of the 1920s cozy mysteries I read. Such an interesting time!

  18. If I could live in a book, I think I would pick The Eyre Affair by Jasper FForde. I'd love to meet Thursday Next and book jump with her!

  19. I get the Thousands of Bolts newsletter and follow them on Facebook

  20. I get their emails and follow on IG

  21. If I could live in a book, it would be "All Creatures Great and Small" by James Herriot.

  22. I already get Thousands of Bolts e-mail newsletter

  23. I liked Thousands of Bolts on Facebook! <3

  24. It would definitely be exciting to live in the world of His Dark Materials/The Golden Compass!

  25. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. Carol carolols@yahoo.com

  26. I currently get their emails and will follow Thousands on Facebook. Carol carolols@yahoo.com

  27. I think I would live in "The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe" --it could be difficult, but it would certainly be an adventure. (Second choice "Many Waters" by M. L'engle)

  28. I follow thousandsofbolts on Instagram

  29. I follow thousand of Bolts by both Facebook and Instagram. thanks

  30. H'mm that's a hard one. I will have to seriously contemplate if there are any books I would rather live in than my current existence. Thanks

  31. I'd live in Psalm and Proverbs of the Bible or in the book "Dune". Crazy, huh? (Ritaanneh at gmail dot com)

  32. Love Thousands of Bolts. Visit them often sometimes just for inspiration. Thank you. (Ritaanneh at gmail dot com)

  33. I always give them a thumbs up, love their fabrics! I guess I would pick Anne of Green Gables for a book

  34. I'd live in "Return to the 100 Acre Wood."

  35. Devil in a Kilt by Sue-Ellen Welfonder

  36. I liked little house on the prairie and how they knew how to do so much themselves.

  37. My book would be Anne if Green Gables

  38. I would live in the bible

  39. I would live in Little Women - what a neat time era this was!

  40. I follow Thousands of Bolts on facebook.

  41. I would enjoy living in the Anne books by L.M.Montgomery. A lovely era!

  42. Any of CJ Box Joe Picket series books

  43. I am not sure I would want to live a book... I love the life I have. An adventure book would be exciting !! Such as Around the World in 80 days!

  44. I love the selection of wide fabrics in their shop!! So many great choices!

  45. If I could live in a book it would probably be "The Secret Garden".

  46. I could also live in "The Hotel Nantucket."

  47. Alice in Wonderland sounds like a lot of fun.

  48. We are living in a book right now, strange events are unfolding before our eyes. Maybe I could live in Little House on the Prairie. It was a quieter time. Thank you.

  49. I visited their shop. They have a huge selection of Bella Solids and Quilt backs. I would take forever to pick something out. Thank you.

  50. I would love to be in Erin Hildebrands book Nantucket,such a nice place to be.I get thousands of bolts newsletter and follow on FB snd IG.

  51. I would love in a Jane Austen novel like Pride and Prejudice. tljeo at yahoo dot com

  52. I would like to live in the Bible. kclayton77@me.com

  53. I follow Thousands of Bolts on FB. kclayton77@me.com

  54. I follow Thousands of Bolts through Instagram smithcindyk@gmail.com

  55. I would like to live in a romantic mystery of one of Nora Robert’s books. Smithcindyk@gmail.com

  56. Love Thousands of bolts. I follow on Instagram. tljeo at yahoo dot com

  57. I follow Thousands of Bolts on Facebook

  58. I probably would choose one of Brenda Novak's books to live in.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
