Saturday, May 11, 2024

And Were Off!!!

 This next week is going to be oh so much fun!!!  The next week will be spent on the Harmony of the Seas enjoying Cruising and Quilting!!  What an awesome pair they make ;)  I am so excited to get to teach my Nordic Nights pattern on this cruise, it is always so fun to get to teach a class on curves and see the moment when students realize they weren't as hard as they thought they were going to be ;)

But cruising also means being away for a week.   So just fyi, My Etsy Shop will be closed until I return on March 20th.  But, when I do return, I have a lot of new things to add to my Etsy Shop . . . so that will be super fun to share ;)  Here's a sneak peek of new things to come :) 

Oh, and just in case you are thinking, Quilting and Cruising sounds awesome . . . I am teaching another quilting cruise in January!!!   It would be oh so much fun to have you come and quilt and cruise with me ;)  

I will have lots more to share from this fun adventure when I get back ;)

Happy Quilting!!! 

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Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
