Monday, December 17, 2012

Playing with Pinking

I got a fun new little blade for my rotary cutter this weekend . . .

And it makes the prettiest pile of trimmings :)

I was a little worried about cutting with this as the blade isn't always directly right against the ruler but for the most part, it has gone really smooth.  I swerved a little once but mostly because I was getting comfortable with it and not paying to much attention.  There will be more to come on this lovely pile of goodies as  I keep trimming away!!
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Sunday, December 16, 2012


Thank you to Fat Quarter Shop for sponsoring the amazing Fat Eighth Bundle of Noteworthy Giveaway!!!  It was so fun to get to read what fabrics everyone was excited about arriving in store!!

And the one lucky reader that win's the Fat Eighth Bundle and 3 of my patterns is . . .

Congrats Liz!!  Glad to see you love Noteworthy because now you have a whole bunch of it!!

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Kami's Room Makeover

When we moved into our house we painted the upstairs room blue because my younger son and daughter were planning on sharing it.  2 weeks later, the son decided he was old enough to be in the basement with his older brother and our little princess was left with a blue room.  Fast forward a year.

My mother was visiting a few months ago and we decided it was time to finally repaint the room to a more girl friendly color.  Out came the paint chips and we ended up with a soft yellow that is soft, warm, and that matches her bedspread.  (Kami is not very pleased at this point that I am not painting her room pink but I appease her by promising there will be lots of pink in it :)

So off to the paint store we go and a few hours later we have transformed the boy room into a soft girly yellow room.   And that is as far as it went.  (Don't we just look stunning in our painting garb)

So now that my Mother is visiting again, we decided we should finish up what we started.  First off, time to repaint some picture frames to add that pink I promised.  The girls had so much fun painting with their grandma, and Josie had fun pulling out all the pots and the pans while everyone was to busy to bother her.

Today we hung everything up, including that adorable curtain that my Mother made at the last visit and I never got around to hanging.  (Sad, I know.)  Kami loves the little jewels that hang from it.  I ordered the vinyl letting online and love how cute it looks over all of her dress-ups.  (And I am glad my mom was here to help put it up as I have never worked with vinyl before but she is a pro!)

The other side of the room has her cute little book canopy and her newly painted pink frames.  There is enough fabric left from the curtains to make a little pillow that will go in the book area.  My mom is tackling that WIP so that I can get to the final one.

A second bedspread to match the first.  I have the fabric bought, the idea planned, and just need to get cutting.  It's on next weeks list and I plan to do a little tutorial for it too.  I always get so excited to start a new quilt, I can't wait :)

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Whilst Lying About

I mentioned a little while ago that I was having surgery.  Well, that was Monday and it went very well.  Now I find myself lying about to let myself heal and trying not to overdo it.  (Which pretty much means not standing for more than 5 minutes.)   This is hard for me (as I am sure it is for any mom).  So, I am trying to catch up on some computer stuff since I can lie down doing that and finally add my patterns to Patternspot and Craftsy.  This is something that has been on my list for a while but I just hadn't taken the time to sit down and do it. Now, that's all I can do so it seemed like a good plan :)



I have to admit, it is kind of fun to see all of them together.

Thank you to all the well wishes that have been sent on my surgery and recovery.  I so appreciate your thoughts and prayers.  I am sure I will be up and sewing soon, cause I have lots of projects I want to do :)

P.S. If this post sounds jumpy, know that I am still medicated :)
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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Quilter's Gallery Blog Hop Giveaway Party

It's Quilter's Gallery's 5th Birthday and to celebrate they are hosting another Blog Hop Party with Giveaway's !!! This is going to be so much fun!!!  I know you have lots of places to visit so lets get to it :)

Up for the winning is a Fat Eighth Bundle of Sweetwater's brand new line Noteworthy!!!  I saw this line at market and it is fantastic!! These prints are so adorable (my favorite is the loopy one)  and the colors are just so soft and blend so well together!!  Noteworthy comes out in January but you can have a chance to win it today!!   A huge thank you to Fat Quarter Shop for sponsoring this incredibly generous giveaway!!

I will also be sending the winner 3 of my new patterns!!! Any of these three patterns would look so adorable in Noteworthy  :)  


So what do you have to do for your chance to win???

Leave a comment here of the fabric you are most excited about that will be coming soon to Fat Quarter Shop.  (Obviously, I am super excited about Noteworthy!!)

That's it.  1 entry per person.  Giveaway is open to international entries.  It will close on Saturday, Dec 15th at 5pm and a winner will be selected randomly and announced shortly after.

Oh, and by the Way . . . If you are stopping by for the first time, Welcome!!   I am so glad you visited and hope you will come back often.  I have so much fun sharing my passion for quilting here.  If you would like, you can follow Happy Quilting and ensure that you catch all of the Quilty Goodness :)  I promise, I will make it worth your time with tutorials, giveaways, fabric eye candy, and lots of smiles :)
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