Friday, October 5, 2012

A Super Surprising Sale on Schmidt!!!

**  Note - If you are looking for the Sweet Celebrations blog tour post you can find it here :)

I went to JoAnn's this morning to buy some needles (notions are all 50% off) and you could imagine how thrilled I was to find that there were several bolts of Denyse Schmidt's Daisy Mae and several bolts of  Sugar Creek and Winding Road in the clearance section.  As part of the Columbus Day sale, all of the clearance fabrics were an additional 50% off.  So these fabulous Denyse Schmidt prints were $3.00 a yard!!!   Yippee Skippee!!!   So if you have a minute today and a near by JoAnn's you might want to pop in and see if you can get your own Surprise Schmidt Sale :)

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  1. Why can't we have JoAnns here in the UK! I love the DS fabrics!

  2. ...and also no chance in Germany

  3. Flip my husband is in San Francisco and flies back to the UK tonight (US time) might just have to message him to go on a hunt!

  4. What Gill said - oh to have JoAnn's in the UK!

  5. I got some goodies this morning as well, but your store had a lot of the prints. Nice!!

  6. I got some of these on clearance last week, then when I saw that sale was coming up, I marked it on my calendar to go buy more!

  7. Love all the blue and green prints.

  8. None in Greece either, we don't even have cotton fabric here, but on the bonus side my parents just sent me a big old package of fabric, loving them right now!

  9. Lucky lady! We have 1 Joann store in MS now, but its about 100 mi away :-(

  10. Thanks Melissa! You really had to tell me that!

  11. So jealous...with we had JOann's in Canada!

  12. Got to love surprise super cheap fabric!

  13. Have you gotten the Joanna ap for your phone? There is an additional 20% off INCLUDING sales! I thinknit is great they are carrying some quality fabric! Did you known mine had some Alexander Henry a while back! I scratched my head over that one!

  14. Thanks for the tip, I was able to get a few prints I'd missed.

  15. Here is what is even MORE awesome. There are coupons for $5, $10, and $25 off that can be used in conjunction with this. They expire today so go use them asap! My fabric came to $2.19 per yard after using my $25 coupon. AND I had a few of them so as soon as I hit $75 we started a new transaction. I bought a lot of fabric and am going to another JoAnn's today because I reealize your fabric above is about 50% different prints and I want to see if I can get the greens. After 3 kids with scarlet fever I needed some major retail therapy and my husband is even encouraging me to go to the other joann's for more. Wish me luck!

  16. Nope not in my store in AF, Ut because it is such a new store most likely! LOL Maybe next year we will have a better clearance area

  17. Nice stash! I picked up all I could too but you have more prints than me! Next time we should coordinate!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
