Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!

It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day . . . let's have some fun :)

First, we need to announce the winner from last weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!   The winner of The Pick A Bundle giveaway from  Fat Quarter Shop is . . .   Number #336 . . . Congrats Terry!!   I have emailed you :)     

And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by Ollie and Evie.  Rhonda has an adorable Etsy shop packed with wonderful pre-cuts and beautiful yardage!!!  And they are always at absolutly amazing prices!!!!  And she just added more items to the Clearance section where you will find the most amazing prices!!  Oh, and Rhonda just added a brand new Pre-Order section, for those fabulous fabrics that you have been seeing sneak peaks of that you know you just have to have!!!   

And the Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is for a oh so fantastic, Meadowbloom Fat Eighth Bundle!!!!  I have already played with this line for one of those Secret Projects and let me tell you, it is absolutely fantastic!!!!   Someone is going to be super lucky!!

You have two entry chances, the second being optional, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.  Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment telling me what you did for fun this weekend???   I spent 5 days at Lake Powell soaking up the sun and playing in the sand with my little ones.  (hence why it has been so quiet around here the last few days ;)  

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Olie and Evie love.   You can follow them on  Facebook, at their blog, or Favorite their Shop, or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Olie and Evie Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, September 15th, when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
Pin It!


  1. Last week was my first back at work so over the weekend there were lots of baby snuggles and veggies out.

  2. We didn't do much this weekend. Last weekend we went to the Renaissance Festival.

  3. We went to a BBQ at a friends - it was a really nice time. Thanks for such a terrific giveaway.

  4. I checked out (and Favorited) their shop. They carry my favorite designers!

  5. I had a three day weekend - yea! - but my husband had to work two of the three days. So I sewed and watched movies (the period dramas he hates) while he was gone. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com

  6. I now like Olie and Evie on Facebook. jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com

  7. We spent most of the weekend letting our kids play with their cousins. We also enjoyed watching the BYU football game. 😉

  8. Enjoyed an afternoon with friends eating and laughing. I definitely need to do that more often. Thanks!

  9. Hung out with the hubby and did some shark sewing!!

  10. This weekend I had a wonderful date out with my hubby, sushi dinner and a movie. I also made a cute little lunch box bag with drawstring top. Great weekend topped off with some good ole grilling in the back yard.

  11. I favorited Olie & Evie over on Etsy. Great shop, thanks for a great giveaway.

  12. Researching quilt and genealogy information. 24Tangent@gmail.com

  13. Started following on Ollie & Evie on bloglovin'. 24Tangent@gmail.com

  14. I went on a real vacation and stayed at home to catch up on family time;) I now like Olie and Evie on facebook! Thanks for the chance!

  15. I took Friday off and had a four day weekend. I spent the first two days cleaning out closets and junk rooms, then spent the next wo days keeping grandbabies and having lots of fun.
    Thanks for hosting these giveaways every week!

  16. The first weekend in September here is alsways the local "wine road" so I spend the weekend visiting vintners and tasting wines. I was gloriuosly sunny and the "wine road" is set up on a road through the vineyards on the hills above our local lake. Two amazing days out with views to die for and a great range of amazing wines sampled.

  17. I've faved the Olie and Evie shop on etsy.

  18. I worked on a quilt this weekend and spent time with family.

  19. I follow Olli and Evie on Facebook.

  20. I follow Olli and Evie on Facebook.

  21. I worked on a quilt this weekend and spent time with family.

  22. We hosted family for my daughter's baptism!

  23. I added Olie and Evie to my etsy favs. Thanks!

  24. I went to lunch with my daughter, grandson, and sister.

  25. I favorited their Etsy shop. So many wonderful things. I will be visiting often!

  26. I spent it snuggling with my new grandbaby. Ahhh, new baby smell, and lots of kisses on those little cheeks. I am in love. I show my Olie and Evie love on Facebook.

  27. I spent it snuggling with my new grandbaby. Ahhh, new baby smell, and lots of kisses on those little cheeks. I am in love. I show my Olie and Evie love on Facebook.

  28. I spent it snuggling with my new grandbaby. Ahhh, new baby smell, and lots of kisses on those little cheeks. I am in love. I show my Olie and Evie love on Facebook.

  29. Enjoyed a sunny Pacific NW day riding my bicycle on the Olympic Discovery Trail.

  30. I made a trip down to Gulf Shores to visit my daughter and my two wonderful grandchildren, ages 5 & 7. And I'm still here! We went to the beach yesterday, and even though I used sun block, I still burned a bit. Sunday we grilled and had a great time in the back yard playing with the kids. I don't get to see them nearly as often as I would like, so I'm really enjoying my "Nana" time!

    Ollie and Evie are one of my favorite Etsy shops, and I follow their blogs. I love the fabrics in this giveaway collection, and they would be perfect to make a small quilt for my Leionna baby, who is 5, for Christmas this year. She has requested a quilt, and those would be perfect!

  31. My sister and her husband visited. We spent an afternoon making a small painting on fabric with Inktense pens and matte finish. The next day we worked on another project. The first was something I wanted to do but needed her moral support and encouragement.

  32. Ollie and Evie are now liked on Facebook. What a good selection of fabrics!! Thanks for the chance in the giveaway.

  33. I work 12 hour shifts on Friday Saturday and Sunday so the weekends are no fun for me. But I had yesterday off and I took my daughter to the state park and she fished we went hiking and then we went swimming and it was wonderful!

  34. I liked them on FB

  35. I liked them on FB

  36. I went to the Great Allentown Fair. I won 3 ribbons in the quilt category!!

  37. HI,I pieced and quilted! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  38. Spent a relaxing two days with good friends in the north woods of Wisconsin - reading TWO Sunday papers, watching the breeze blow through the trees at the edge of the lake, listening to the rain come down, and checking out the 4 artists who hosted a local art tour.

    (facebook.com/linda.douglas.35 )

  40. I managed the laundry and visit a birthday party with my son. On Sunday the whole family went to a event/party at our local fire fighter station.
    100prozent.madebymyself at googlemail.com

  41. I really like this jelly roll with Kate Spain fabrics:
    100prozent.madebymyself at googlemail.com

  42. Beautiful bundle!! It was archery elk opener...so I sewed...and then helped track and pack a super bull! Lotsa fun!! :)

  43. My friend drove up...we have been BFFs for 36 years!

  44. I favorite"d" their shop on Etsy. Wonderful selection of items! Thank you, peterstankovich@comcast.net

  45. I had a fantastic weekend. I went to Geneva-on-the-Lake which is in Ohio on Lake Erie. Beautiful weather. Basically, I'm burnt out now and need to stay home! Thank you, peterstankovich@comcast.net

  46. Went out for a walk. For the rest of the day I was sewing! Thanks for the chance!!

  47. I follow them on FB. Thanks for the chance!!

  48. I spent most of the weekend in my sewing room finishing up two quilts and starting another one! I just visited their shop...wow, so much to choose from! stucker1261@gmail.com

  49. I follow their blog via Bloglovin'. Thanks!

  50. This WE I was at the sports association show, trying several sports, and one of them was quite fun: tap-dance!

  51. I flew to Texas to babysit 2 of my granddaughters for 2 weeks. :-)

  52. Netflix marathon of Supernatural. May not have been the most productive weekend, but it was enjoyable.
    Thanks for the chance!
    dragonfly9716 at yahoo dot com

  53. I already like Olie & Evie on Facebook.

  54. Worked on a small quilt for my grandson.

  55. Olie and Evie has lots of great pre orders-Canyon by Kate Spain is one I'm looking forward to.

  56. I ended up in the ER and the hospital so it wasn't exactly fun but at least I'm doing better.

  57. I already follow Olie & Evie on FB. - Rina Mason

  58. We hosted a BBQ and went to a fish fry. Also cleaned out our storage room!

  59. We went to our local farm league's baseball game, ate lots of good food together, and started going to bed earlier to get ready for the start of school.

  60. I visited Olie & Evie and LOVE the Farmhouse collection by Fig Tree.

  61. I had a very relaxing weekend doing low-stress activities - reading, sewing, phone calls to friends.

    lin.web.28 at gmail dot com

  62. I worked on caulking the camper so we can use it in the coming weeks. Just couldn't face camping over a holiday weekend! Thanks for the giveaway!

  63. I visited Olie And Evie and found a jelly roll I would love to have - Holly's Tree Farm. Christmas is coming!

    lin.web.28 at gmail dot com

  64. This weekend we hung out at our ranch, watched football and got a bunch of chores done. We did treat ourselves to HUGE sno-cones on Sunday night!

  65. Enjoyed family time with friends, got to pet her huge fabric stash :) bockisland at gmail dot com

  66. I now like Olie and Evie on facebook and checked out their shop on etsy

  67. I worked on a challenge quilt and looked at real estate.

  68. Saturday I had to work, Sunday we went to a friends wedding. That was a lot of fun. Monday I had to work. But my husband had dinner and a movie when I got home. He is such a keeper!!!!
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  69. I drove down to Richmond to see my college son this weekend!

  70. I follow Olie and Evie on Facebook.

  71. I taught my daughter how to can fresh peaches. She actually asked me to teacher since I always canned while she was in school. I am glad she wants to learn. I also have been working on teaching myself how to machine quilt on my home sewing machine.

  72. There is an annual family camp that is over Labor Day weekend that we have attended since it's beginning 8 yrs ago. We have the opportunity to see friends that we only see once a year & we get that sweet fellowship we so enjoy!

  73. Relaxed at home with my boys, finished up some sewing projects and reorganized my sewing room :)

  74. I follow Olie & Evie on Facebook. Coincidentally, I found the shop on Etsy last night and ordered a charm pack from them.

  75. I visited, and favorited their shop! It is wonderful! Their clearance section is super...and I may have filled a shopping cart already.....

  76. I sewed quilt blocks and watched the old Jurassic Park with my kids. sarah@forrussia.org

  77. I follow them with google. sarah@forrussia.org

  78. I met a friend for lunch on Sunday and sewed up the rest of my Summer Sampler Stars on Monday. Some working and cleaning happened this weekend too, but that does not fall under the category of "fun."

  79. I follow Olie and Evie on Facebook. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  80. I spent the entire weekend at home on Pensacola Beach, with family and friends.

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  81. Stayed home with hubby all weekend...only went to town to go to church on Sunday.

  82. Farm Quilting follows Olie & Evie on facebook,

  83. I foow Olie and Evie on FB.

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  84. I didn't do anything exciting on the weekend.....I have a very boring life.....still hoping to find that exciting life that everyone has....can you buy that somewhere.....checked Walmart they don't have any....so still looking....lol

  85. I guess the term fun is in the eye of the beholder, so I sat and sewed all weekend on the myriad of projects I've started for Christmas Gifts! lv2bquilting2@comcast.net

  86. I was planning a new quilt to start. It is too hot and crowded to do anything on a holiday weekend in this area.

  87. I enjoyed the weekend with a picnic. Thank you for the giveaway.

  88. The most fun I had this weekend was when I rescued a couple of lost hound dogs who were running along the highway. They were very sweet, and very, very lost. I hope if our dogs ever get out, someone will stop for them and that my dogs would have the good sense to jump into that person's car. (I did have to shovel one of the hounds into the back seat of my Honda--she wasn't as convinced as her brother that it was a good idea to take a ride from a stranger!)

  89. What a great shop! I was going to fine one "favorite", but couldn't narrow it down, so I just favorited the whole shop. I'll surely be back.

  90. This weekend I spend time with my sweet hunsband, and it was great!

  91. I favorite their shop, cute things!

  92. Finished a quilt and made a dress for a granddaughter. Was she excited! Exchanged it for another that I need to take in everywhere. That's my project for this week.

  93. This weekend I spent time with my grandson. Karen kthurn(at)bektel(dot)com

  94. Checked out Olie and Evie Store and found some vintage smurf fabric. Pretty cool stuff. Karen

  95. I went to the movies and a bbq pool party.

  96. We went to the county fair and a minor league baseball game.

  97. ThatFarmhouse fabric Rhonda has sure is pretty.

  98. I worked on a quilt for the 100 Quilts For Kids that hopefully I will have completed tomorrow. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win this beautiful fabric! Have a wonderful creative day!

  99. LOOOVE this fabric line!!!! :)

    My weekend was AWESOME!!! Our Daughter was here...from NC! Fri thru Mon mornin!!! We spent about every Moment in the extra Bedroom fondly called the Mom Cave! lol We sorted scraps & organized my bins, and just enjoyed being TOGETHER!!!! Haven't seen her since Christmas 2014. Wonderful Heart memories were made!

  100. I am already a Follower, thru Email & Bloglovin :) Thanks for chance to win your Give-a-way!

    1. Forgot to add I am a GFC follower of them already too...plus went to their shop & Favorited... ( and placed an order!!!! lol they have a GRRRRRRREAT shop!!!)

  101. I worked on some mini quilts this weekend, when I wasn't working. bestbelle2010@aol.com

  102. I show my Olie and Evie love by liking them on Facebook and I their Etsy shop a favorite. bestbelle2010@aol.com

  103. After 6 weeks without a sewing machine, I finally got to do some quilting this weekend!

  104. I went to a country fair and then to the lake for swimming.

  105. I show my Olie and Evie love by liking them on Facebook and checking them out on Etsy!

  106. I checked out their store, and will go right back to order a bunch of clearance fabric!

  107. We bought rocks for a backyard project. Not real exciting but looking forward to the project being completed.

  108. I spent the weekend with my husband doing fun things we hadn't done before. Went to the zoo, tried a new restaurant for lunch, and did a 'dry run' preparing the house for a future potential hurricane.

  109. I favorited the Olie & Evie store on Etsy. They've got lots of nice fabrics.

  110. A lazy, unplanned weekend. Slept in late, made some yummy food, and lined up several new quilt projects while getting several other quilts ready to be bound.

  111. I just visited the Olie and Evie site and saw the prices on their fabrics and wished I had seen this a few days ago (before ordering elsewhere at higher prices). Love the Hello Darling fabrics.

  112. I did the dreaded "getting sorted" I know, it was painful. BUT the plan worked and I got everything (ok mostly everything) organised and sorted so that today I could start on my Christmas presssie - hated doing it, but I loved today!

  113. I visited O+E's store on Esty - lovely Clearance section that's for sure, and of course I "Favourted" them

  114. I didn't do much this weekend, just tried to relax.

  115. I visited the clearance section at the Etsy shop. Love the Sidewalk Marbles print.

  116. I organized my bedroom closet- I can now WALK-in it again! And the clean sweep really makes me heart happy!

  117. We got some yardwork done so we can enjoy the upcoming fall weekends.

  118. Visited with old friends from Oklahoma and Arkansas!

  119. I visited their shop, will be going back to it;

  120. I finished a quilt top, it's backing, and basted another quilt - finally. Also managed to fit in some gardening too.

  121. Went to a pie-party at a friend's house, bbq at my mom's house, and worked on potty-training with the toddler!

  122. I think the most fun I had this weekend was putting all the blocks from my traveling quilt together. One Christmas throw quilt top ready to be sent to the quilter!!

  123. I liked Olie and Evie on Facebook!

  124. This last weekend stitching was put aside as I helped Hubby to lay carpet with underlay. A real learning curve for us! Time for more stitching for me.Happy Stitching.

  125. We spent the weekend enjoying the beach.

  126. I sewed this weekend! Yay! My first string quilt for my granddaughter!

  127. Added O+E to my favorites, thanks!

  128. I spent a final weekend with my 7-year-old grandson before he started 2nd grade this week. :-)

  129. I visited the Olie and Evie easy store and loved everything there! Especially Vintage Market - Vintage Bike Ride by Tasha Noel - so cute.

  130. We had a family gathering at my mother's over the weekend, which was fun. Now that the kids are back in school, it's back to sewing for me!

  131. We had a big family reunion on Sunday with lots of games, food & fun.

  132. I liked Olie & Evie on Facebook.

  133. This weekend we went to a friend's house to watch college football games.

  134. I like the Farmhouse line that OlieandEvie carries.

  135. I had a glorious and relaxing weekend... Sewing, puzzling, logo designing, movies and popcorn... It was perfect😉

  136. I follow them on FB and have favorited their shop!!! This giveaway is awesome... I love this collection!! Thanks!!

  137. No parties here. I stayed at my parents and help around the housr due to moms chemo.

  138. My kids all graduated from Hunter Safety course, so after farmers market on Saturday eve we all enjoyed dinner to celebrate.

  139. temp was 90 all weekend, so I sewed in my air conditioned sewing room.

  140. Our small hometown has a parade on Labor Day. Lots of fun!
    ckrutjo at g mail dot com

  141. I signed up to follow Olie & Evie on their blog. What a fun site.
    ckrutjo at g mail dot com

  142. Labor Day weekend was like all the rest, laundry, toting my kid to football and rugby practice, making sure homework was done, grocery shopping. They really did practice football on Saturday morning and on Labor Day. HS football is serious business in TX.

  143. I visited the OLIEANDEVIE shop to see more of the Meadowbloom line. You are right, it's great. Would love to make something out of it.

  144. I spent a quiet weekend at home recovering from oral surgery! Am feeling better though so that is what counts.

  145. We went out for a lovely meal for our first wedding anniversary.
    Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com

  146. I favorited OlieandEvie shop on Etsy. Lovely shop!

  147. I favorited OlieandEvie shop on Etsy. Lovely shop!

  148. I spent a quiet weekend at home recovering from oral surgery! Am feeling better though so that is what counts.

  149. For fun I made Bologna Salad and my grandson spent the night

  150. Hit up some Labor day sales as well as some birthday freebies.

  151. We celebrated my parents 85th birthdays with a dinner for 45 people. So special.

  152. We worked on home improvements. I love getting those projects completed.

  153. I visited the shop and they loads of good sales!

  154. Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com
    I love this one : Hello Darling Floral Mum Red by Bonnie and Camille for Moda, 1/2 yard, 55110-11

  155. Olie and Evie is one of my Etsy favorites!

  156. fun?? sew'd of course :) worked on my own lap throw, 2 charity baby blankets, a set of paper pieced tea leaf placemats.. fun fun fun.. oh a ride on the HD with hubby for a Sonic shake and a BBQ last night :) is that enough fun for ya?

  157. Fav'd the shop @ Etsy (@wkdwich) and I am oogling spooktacular yardage :)

  158. Fun this weekend - well I didn't have to work, so that was fun! I shopped, spent time with family and organized a few things around here. Need to get organizing in the quilting room! :) Would love to add this beautiful prize to it! :)

  159. I actually volunteered at a local art festival with my DH. It was fun seeing all the people and we did get to enjoy the art a bit as well. Thanks for sharing the giveaway.

  160. I already follow Olie and Evie on FB!

  161. I went and visited my daughter's family. Some great hugging, kissing, and play time with the 3 grands. And help my daughter with some garden clean up and canning.

  162. I love the Hentry Glass she carries - just may have to do a little shopping.

  163. The first part of the weekend we didn't do much at all. Last night one of my twins and his family came over to bring us some yummy briskets he had cooked in his new smoker. We're having those for supper tonight so that was a nice surprise. NO cooking for me today. YAY. While they were here I got to spend time with their daughter, our granddaughter who is just 3 yrs old. I really miss her considering she spent the first 3 yrs of her life living here with us until they all just moved out a few months ago. I miss those big hugs and kisses I got all day long every day and her spending time with me in my sewing room.

    Other than that, I cleaned a few things around the house that were really bugging me for awhile. OOh FUN times in my house eh? LOL

  164. It was a quiet, relaxing weekend. Not much going on. A nice change of pace.

  165. The kids were away, and I sewed for myself all weekend rather than working on custom orders and new patterns! Loved it!

  166. I follow Ollie and Evie's Etsy shop as busyhandsquilts.

  167. We took our littlies to the trout farm and let them catch a couple of fish each. Then we went and had a bbq by the river

  168. I had a lovely quiet weekend reading & knitting.

  169. I gave Ollie & Evie love in All ways!

  170. We stayed at home and relaxed!!

  171. finished a baby quilt and laid low and relaxed!

  172. This week-end hubbs and I went to see our littlest daughter at her apartment in Burke Va, only about 40 minutes away, She is married but her sweet adorable hubby is an auditor in a country that ends in "stan" overseas for a full year. Anyway, we love them.
    I did not see my new baby grand daughter in Leesburg because .... I have to share.... if you know what I mean. I can't go barging in and hogging alllll the time
    Other than that, I just sew, and take care of my parents and clean house. Yeah fun life

  173. I follow Ollie and Evie on Facebook, and I get their bloggie updates, They have a fantastic Etsy store

  174. They do have great sale prices! My current favorite is Holly's Tree Farm, even if it isn't on clearance.

  175. This weekend I hung out with the grandkids and had an epic water cannon battle. I lost!

  176. Thank you for another great giveaway. I relaxed and went to a picnic. At least it was a day off work. Thanks again. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

  177. We took long walks in some local parks, and got ice cream at Dairy Queen a few times!

  178. I went with my daughter and her family to Ft. McHenry where Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the Star Spangled Banner. We had a great time. thanks for the giveaway.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
