Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!

  It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!   Let's have some fun :)

First we need to pick a winner from last week's TTGD ;) 

And the winner of the Jubilee Fat Eighth Bundle from Fat Quarter Shop   is . . .#663 . . .
Congrats seelisasew!!!  I have messaged you :)


And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by  Lou Lou's Fabric Shop .    Did you know that Jamie makes a new Lou Lou Bundle every Tuesday . . . a Lou Lou Bundle is 8 fat quarters curated by Jamie and they are always gorgeous!  I love this new Stars and Stripes Patriotic Bundle, isn't it just so happy!!!   And be sure to also check out all of Lou Lou's  Amazing Sale with over 2000 items at fabulous prices!!!    Such Fun Shopping :)  

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is for some shopping goodness!!  Lou Lou's Fabric Shop is offering one lucky reader a $25.00 Gift Certificate perfect to use on anything in the store, including the awesome Lou Lou Bundle pictured above!!  Just perfect!!!!

You have two entry chances here on the blog, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.   Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me Pizza or Tacos??  

 ENTRY 2 - Lets show Lou Lou's Fabric Shop some Love!!!!   You can follow them on   FacebookTwitterPinterest, or Instagram.  Or you can follow their blog or  visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Lou Lou's Fabric Shop Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, June 18th, when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

You can also pop over to my Instagram and/or Facebook to enter there as well :)  

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
Pin It!


  1. Following on Facebook and Instagram.

  2. I follow LouLou's on Facebook

  3. Brenda Baughman @brendaisquiltingJune 11, 2024 at 10:16 AM


  4. Brenda Baughman @brendaisquiltingJune 11, 2024 at 10:17 AM

    I follow on Instagram

  5. I would vote for tacos - love them though pizza is a close 2nd! cmberry@lsu.edu

  6. Thank you for offering the giveaway. I love both pizza and tacos, but pizza is probably my favorite. Or maybe tacos....

  7. Following LouLou’s on IG

    usairdoll @gmail .com

  8. Tacos are faster. It pizza is delicious

  9. Pizza .. Sophia Loren’s recipe

    usairdoll & gmail .com

  10. I follow Lou Lou's on Pinterest.

  11. I follow them
    on Facebook!
    Carla from Arizona

  12. Pizza always!
    Carla from Arizona

  13. I get her newsletter and follow on FB.

  14. I follow Lou Lous on Facebook and Instagram!

  15. Challenging question. I'd like to pick "Taco Pizza", if not Tacos.

  16. I follow Lou Lous on Facebook and Instagram

  17. Pizza ! Thanks for sharing a neat giveaway !

  18. Following on fb, Instagram !

  19. Love Love LouLou's fabric shop for the daily deals so much fun to see what is fun in the shop. I follow on facebook, Pintrest, Instagram, and I am a part of the the newsletter. Thank you for the chances to win.

  20. I follow LouLou's on Facebook and Instagram

  21. Definitely, pizza! brendafurlong@bellsouth.net

  22. I have so much fun looking at the for sale items at LouLou's. brendafurlong@bellsouth.net

  23. I like tacos, but love pizza! We occasionally will order take-out pizza from a local place to give me a break from cooking especially after a long day of sewing. What a great combo--sewing & pizza, what's not to love!

  24. I follow Lou Lou's of Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.

  25. Pizza, unless the tacos are shrimp tacos

  26. I'm loving this bundle in the shop: LouLou Bundle ~ This is Summer

  27. I visited their shop - love those LouLou Bundles! Love Polka Dottie! Thank you!

  28. Pizza — kclayton77@me.com

  29. I like the This is Summer bundle at Lou Lou’s. So summery! — kclayton77@me.com


Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I just love hearing from you!!
Have a Happy Quilting Day :)
