Thursday, November 9, 2017

Longarm Quilting Workbook

I am always on the look out for a good Free Motion Quilting book, so I was super excited about the Longarm Quilting Workbook by Teresa Silva.  And what made me so excited about this FMQ book is that it is geared towards Longarm Quilting!!!  Just like FMQing on your home machine, there is a learning curve on a Longarm and I didn't get a whole lot of "training" on it when I bought it.  I think like most things, it is learn as you go. 

And that is why Chapter 1, First Steps was so exciting for me!!!   This chapter goes over all of the things I wish I would have known to ask when looking to buy a longarm.  I know I get questions all the time on why I bought the machine I did, and this section really breaks that down.    Teresa also goes over fabrics, threads, batting, rulers, marking tools . . . pretty much everything you need to know to get started.  I am so excited with this chapter and all of the wonderful tidbits I am learning from it!!! 

Chapter 2 is what you would expect to find in a FMQing book.  Lots of wonderful quilting Motifs.   These motifs are pretty basic and easy to learn and work perfect in quilting.   I felt like as I flipped through this section,that I had tried almost all of the Motifs with good success and really represent a quilters "toolbox" of quilting motifs. 

And along with those basic motifs, I love that Teresa gives you ideas of some variations to add some pop to the design.  For example, if you have been around for a bit, you know I love quilting Ribbon Candy in borders and sashing, but I had never through to add a swirl in the Ribbon Candy.  How fun is that!!!

And then we get to Chapter 3, which I have to say is what truly made me fall in love with this  Longarm Quilting Workbook.    Doodling & Drawing takes those 20 basic Motifs and variations on the motifs, and teaches you how to combine them into quilting masterpieces!!!

It is easy for me to get overwhelmed with Custom Quilting and resort back to my favorite all over fillers, but this chapter really helps to show that those Custom Quilting jobs are just All Over Fillers quilted in specific places.   It walks you through breaking up spaces and seeing them filled with lots of amazing designs.  I am so excited to learn more about Doodling my way to worry free Custom Quilting ;)

Chapter 4 has 3 pieced projects that walk you through beginning to end of how to put that project together, including the quilting of course.  I wish there would have been a few more projects in this section but its a FMQing book, so I am okay with that ;) 

And finally, Chapter 5 is a Gallery of Teresa's beautiful quilts!!!  And I love this section because it is just full of that "Custom Quilting inspiration" and walks you through Teresa's thought process on each project.  You really get an idea of how she sees the quilts and decides what to quilt where, which is super helpful!!!    And can I just say that I love that this workbook is Spiral Bound . . .  Love that!!!

I am super excited about this book arriving and adding it to my Quilting Library!!   It's such a wonderful new resource for me, and if you are one of those folks who have emailed me Longarming Quilting questions you might find the Longarm Quilting Workbook to be an excellent addition to your quilting library as well ;)  

And now that's enough typing about Longarm quilting . . . It's time to get going on some actual longarm quilting action!!!  It's going to be a fun filled afternoon ;)

Hope you have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Roundabout Quilt Along - Building Blocks

**  NOTE  - This post is part of a series of posts for the Roundabout Quilt-Along.  If you would like to join (and have a chance to win one of three $75.00 Gift Certificates from Fat Quarter Shop ) you can find a list of the post links here :)  Here is the schedule
November 8th - Building Blocks - That's Today
November 22nd - Piecing Top and Grand Prize Linky
December 13th - Roundabout Parade and Grand Prize Winners


Now, first off for this week, we need to pick a winner for the Drunkard Path Assignment.   And great job to everyone on their beautiful Curves!!!    I now those can be intimidating but everyone did such a fantastic job!!!

The Drunkard Path assignment winner who will be receiving a  First Romance Jelly Roll from Shabby Fabrics is . . .

#11 - Susan!!! - Congrats :)


And here we go!!!  I am super excited for today because now you get to see all of your work over the past month and a half come together into incredible Roundabout Blocks!!!   So, so, so fun!!!!   And just a quick note before we start, this weeks assignment is Big!!!  Especially if you are doing some of the larger layouts.   And the assignment on Nov 22nd is really small in comparison.  So . .  .if you can only get a few, or half , or however many of your blocks made in the next 2 weeks, no worries!!!  Link those up and then continue to work on them into the coming weeks ;)  But with that, I will say that finishing next weeks assignment early gives you more time to work on finishing your quilt for the Grand Parade, so try not to put off a majority of your blocks.  How's that for basically saying, do what you can :)

Okay, so let's get going.  



Start by gathering the pieces you will need to make 1 Roundabout Quilt Block.  You will need 4 of the Goosed Half Square Triangles, 4 Flying Geese, 8 Drunkard Path units, and 1 Center Square.   All of the print fabrics in each of the units should be the same :)


And with that, we are ready to start sewing.  We will start with the Drunkard Path Units.  Layout 2 Drunkard Path Units as shown below.  Place the right hand unit onto the left unit with right sides together.  Be sure to Align the curved seams and pin in place.  Sew a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge.   Press the seam allowance open to reduce bulk.

Repeat this process with your remaining 6 Drunkard Path Units to make 4 Half Circle Units total.   Then gather your 4 Flying Geese Units to move onto the next step.

Layout a Flying Geese Unit and a Half Circle Unit as shown below.  Place the Half Circle unit on the Flying Geese Unit with right sides together.  Align the edges and pin in place.   Stitch a 1/4" seam along the edge.  Press the seam allowance open to reduce bulk and give you a guide for later ;)

And when stitching your 1/4" seam along the edge, be sure and stitch right along the seam line where the background fabric and print fabric meet at the top of the curve, even if that means you have to move in or out a bit from the 1/4".  This will give you perfect little arches :)

Repeat this process with your remaining 3 Drunkard Path and Flying Geese Units to make 4 Side Units total.   And with that, you are ready to start Building the Block!!  So exciting ;)


Gather your 4 Goosed Half Square Triangle Units, 4 Side Units, and 1 Center Square.  Lay the units out in a giant 9 patch or 3 rows of 3 units as shown below.   Take care that the Print Goosed Corner of the Half Square Triangles is on the inside of the block and not the outside.

Place the second unit in each row onto the first unit with right sides together.   We will be aligning the edges and pinning each set of units and then stitching a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge.   But see the 2 seams that say "Pin Trick"  . . . This is how you want to pin them. 

Stick a pin directly through the bottom of the background fabric "V:" that is created in the seam allowance of your Flying Geese Unit.  (If you pressed to one side, you can use the threads as a V guide).

Now, stick the same pin through the seam allowance of your Print Goose 1/4" in from the edge of your unit.  You don't have to measure this perfectly, just eyeball 1/4".  We are pretty good at being able to tell where that is after sewing a million 1/4" seams right ;)

And then stand the pin up straight so the points you just went through are aligned perfectly and then use a second pin to pin the units in place.  Then you can remove the pin that is standing up straight, and repeat the process for the second Pin Trick seam.

Then align and pin the remaining edges of your units as shown in the "pinning" picture and then stitch a 1/4" seam along the pined edges.  When stitching, be sure and stitch right along the bottom of the V that you used as a pinning guide.  This will ensure that the point you just lined up perfectly will be stitched perfectly as well and you will get a nice clean intersection of pieces. 

And also as your stitching and come to the end of your curved pieces, your stitching should end up right on top of your curved seam line.  If you have to move in or out just a bit from the 1/4" seam for the last 3/4"ish  of the unit, go ahead and move to make sure you are stitching right on top of the end of the curved seam line.

And once your three units are stitched, lay them back out again in your giant 9 patch.  Then place the first and second (now stitched together) units onto the third unit in each row with right sides together.   Once again, use the Pin Trick on the 2 designated seams, and then align and pin the remainder of your units.

And again, stitch a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge of all three rows, taking care to stitch directly on top of the end of the curved seam and along the bottom of the background "V" to ensure everything lines up just right :)

Then move over to your iron to press.   Press the top and bottom rows Open to avoid bulk, and Press the middle row inwards, towards the Center Square.   And as always, if you don't like to press seams open, you can always go Outwards with the top and bottom row to allow the rows to next.  I just like mine nice and flat ;)

And now it is pretty much repeating the same process to Sew the Rows together as we used to make the rows, just on a larger scale.   Place the Middle Row onto to the Top Row with right sides together.  Once again, use the Pin Trick on the 2 designated seams, Align and Pin the seams of the Center Square, and then Align and Pin the remainder of the row.

Then stitch a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge taking care to stitch directly on top of the end of the curved seam and along the bottom of the background "V" to once again,  ensure everything lines up just right :)

And then there's just one more pinning left.  Place the Middle and Top Row (now sewn together) onto to the Bottom Row with right sides together.  Once last time, use the Pin Trick on the 2 designated seams, Align and Pin the seams of the Center Square, and then Align and Pin the remainder of the row.  Then stitch a 1/4" seam along the pinned edge taking care to use the same stitching guides as mentioned in the previous picture.

Now it just needs to be pressed.  Once again, I like to press my seams open to avoid build and give me my V guides for piecing the quilt top later on, but you can press to the side if you prefer ;)


And just like that, you have an awesome Roundabout Quilt Block!!!

You can choose to continue stitching one block at a time, or you can move to assembly line style and add in a whole bunch of chain stitching.  Either way, just keep Pinning, Stitching, and Pressing and enjoy seeing your Roundabout Quilt Blocks come together ;)

And a quick note about your finished blocks . . . I know a lot of quilters like to "square up" their blocks at this point, but I highly recommend you don't.  There are so many seam allowances around the edge of this block that you don't want to accidentally cut off.   We will be using the same "pin trick"  when we sew the blocks into the quilt top to ensure that we get perfect points, so you really don't need to "square up".  With that said, if it is a step that you love, go ahead, just be sure to take extra care and watch that you don't lose the 1/4" seam allowances for the Flying Geese Points and the HST Points ;)

And with that, you are ready to now enter to win the weekly prize :) 

The Weekly Prize is sponsored by Olie & Evie and a huge thanks goes out to them for their support of the Roundabout Quilt-Along.

This weeks prize is for for some sweet treats!!!  The winner will get to choose 3 Moda Treats of their choice!!!   I just love these, so perfect for some cute patchwork!!!

So what do you have to do for a chance to win some sweet Treats?  Simple . . . Just link up your Roundabout Quilt Blocks. (However many you get done, notice I didn't post a pile of mine, ya, still working on it ;)   You can link to a blog post or a flickr picture, or whatever.  Just make sure to link up by the morning of Wednesday November 22nd when I will be announcing a winner in the next post :)

If you don't get any of your Roundabout Blocks done by November 22nd you can still link it up :) (just not in time for the prize :) The linky will remain open until the end of the Quilt-A-Long.  So if your out of town, or just had a busy week, no worries!!!  Just link up when you can :)

And Don't forget to add your beautiful  to the Happy Quilting Quilt-A-Long Flickr group and to post it on social media with using #roundaboutquiltalong.    I am so excited to see all of your Blocks, I just love seeing all of the pieces from the past weeks come together!!!

So Pedal to the Metal and let's get stitching!!!!   Oh, and if you have questions, don't hesitate to email me at  Have a Happy Quilting Day!!

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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Tablerunner Bliss - Sunshine Runner

**Note - If you are looking for the Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day post, you will find it here :)

It's the final week of the Tablerunner Bliss Quilt Along and I am so excited to get to round things up with my Sunshine Tablerunner!! 

And yes, my Sunshine Tablerunner is a little less Sunshine and a lot more Christmas :)  I decided that those happy flowers also looked like poinsettia's and it's just the right time of year to be making a Christmas themed runner ;)   And I just love Sweetwater's Hometown Christmas so it was a perfect match ;)  You only need a few layer cake pieces and a backing and you are good to get started.

And before you know it, you have beautiful poinsettia's :)   And if you look close at the construction of those poinsettia's, you will notice that there is a y-seam, but that is the great thing about a table runner right!!!  You only have to do 3 y-seams, perfect for practice on a skill and not so much to stress you out ;)

And so worth it for the beautiful finish project!!!  I just can't wait for December to put this out on my dining room table, so fun!!!   And isn't it just so fun how the black just pops in that cute little patchwork, I just love it!!!

When it came time to quilt it, I decided on all over swirls, because really, Christmas things should just be quilted in swirls, right ;)  It just gives it the feel of snow swirling around on a wintry day ;)   And these swirls are nice and small to add lots of wonderful texture to the runner. 

I had so much fun making this Sunshine Tablerunner :)  And I even got to practice some 45 degree binding as well, so that was super fun and as you can tell, I am pretty excited with how it all came together and turned out!!  Bring on some more Christmas Tunes because decorating might not wait until after Thanksgiving ;)   Maybe I should look to make a Thanksgiving Tablerunner first!! 

Which would be easy because Sherri Falls has packed the Tablerunner Bliss Book  with so many beautiful, fun, and fast runners to make!!!  I realized while making this Sunshine Runner, that I want to make so many more tablerunners because your really can whip up a beautiful piece of decor in no time at all and get that wonderful feeling of finishing a project at the same time, double bonus!!!

And even though this is the last week of the Quilt Along, you can still go back and see all of the Tablerunners from fellow blogger friends.   (You can also click on the direct links from the Quilt Along page here ;) 

And that is my Sunshine Tablerunner and a huge thank you to Sherri Falls and Fat Quarter Shop for having me a part of this fun Quilt Along.  I had so much fun and can't wait to make up some more tablerunners from this wonderful Tablerunner Bliss book!!! 

And that is all for today ;) 

Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you have a very Happy Quilting Day!!!
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Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day!!!

It's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Day so let's have some fun :)

But first, we need to announce the winner from last weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway!!  
The winner of a Hocus Pocus Jelly Roll  from Lou Lou's Fabric Shop is . . .   Number #141 . . . Congrats Joyce Carter!!!   I have emailed you :)        


And on to today's

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is being sponsored by  Four Peaches Fabric .    Did you know that Wendy has Featured Products every day with amazing deals!!!  And along with those deals, Wendy is having a special Give Thanks Sale now through the 26th.  There is huge discounts on Peach Blossoms bundles, Patterns, Notions, Holiday, and of course, Yardage and Pre-cuts throughout the store.  You are so going to want to pop on over and check it out!!!   

Today's Terrific Tuesday Giveaway is for one of Wendy's gorgeous handpicked fat quarter collection, she calls them Peach Blossoms, so cute!!  Four Peaches Fabric is giving one lucky reader a I've Got the Blues Fat Quarter Collection :)  Such a pretty selection of fabrics!!!! 

You have two entry chances, the second being optional, and please leave a separate comment for each.  All Entries are welcome, including International Entries.  Please just be sure to leave an email address if you are a no-reply blogger ;)  

ENTRY 1 - Simply leave a comment that tells me something in your sewing space that is blue, other than fabric.  (Yup, today is a little like eye spy :)  

 ENTRY 2 - Show your Four Peaches Fabric Love!!!!   You can Sign Up for their Newsletter.    You can follow them on  Facebook or Pinterest.    Or you can visit The Shop and then share a favorite item ;)   Just be sure to leave a comment of how you showed your Four Peaches Fabric Love!!!

And that's it ;)  The giveaway will be open until next Tuesday, November 14th when I will announce a winner at the beginning of next weeks Terrific Tuesday Giveaway Post :)

Good Luck and Have a Happy Quilting Day!!!
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